5 research outputs found

    EDNA-COVID: A Large-Scale Covid-19 Dataset Collected with the EDNA Streaming Toolkit

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered many facets of our lives. With nationwide lockdowns and stay-at-home advisories, conversations about the pandemic have naturally moved to social networks, e.g. Twitter. This affords an unprecedented insight into the evolution of social discourse in the presence of a long-running destabilizing factor such as a pandemic with the high-volume, high-velocity, high-noise Covid-19 Twitter feed. However, real-time information extraction from such a data stream requires a fault-tolerant streaming infrastructure to perform the non-trivial integration of heterogenous data sources from news organizations, social feeds, and authoritative medical organizations like the CDC. To address this, we present (i) the EDNA streaming toolkit for consuming and processing streaming data, and (ii) EDNA-Covid, a multilingual, large-scale dataset of coronavirus-related tweets collected with EDNA since January 25, 2020. EDNA-Covid includes, at time of this publication, over 600M tweets from around the world in over 10 languages. We release both the EDNA toolkit and the EDNA-Covid dataset to the public so that they can be used to extract valuable insights on this extraordinary social event

    Concept Drift Detection and Adaptation with Weak Supervision on Streaming Unlabeled Data

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    Concept drift in learning and classification occurs when the statistical properties of either the data features or target change over time; evidence of drift has appeared in search data, medical research, malware, web data, and video. Drift adaptation has not yet been addressed in high dimensional, noisy, low-context data such as streaming text, video, or images due to the unique challenges these domains present. We present a two-fold approach to deal with concept drift in these domains: a density-based clustering approach to deal with virtual concept drift (change in statistical properties of features) and a weak-supervision step to deal with real concept drift (change in statistical properties of target). Our density-based clustering avoids problems posed by the curse of dimensionality to create an evolving 'map' of the live data space, thereby addressing virtual drift in features. Our weak-supervision step leverages high-confidence labels (oracle or heuristic labels) to generate weighted training sets to generalize and update existing deep learners to adapt to changing decision boundaries (real drift) and create new deep learners for unseen regions of the data space. Our results show that our two-fold approach performs well with >90% precision in 2018, four years after initial deployment in 2014, without any human intervention

    Event Detection in Noisy Streaming Data with Combination of Corroborative and Probabilistic Sources

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    Global physical event detection has traditionally relied on dense coverage of physical sensors around the world; while this is an expensive undertaking, there have not been alternatives until recently. The ubiquity of social networks and human sensors in the field provides a tremendous amount of real-time, live data about true physical events from around the world. However, while such human sensor data have been exploited for retrospective large-scale event detection, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, they has been limited to no success in exploiting this rich resource for general physical event detection. Prior implementation approaches have suffered from the concept drift phenomenon, where real-world data exhibits constant, unknown, unbounded changes in its data distribution, making static machine learning models ineffective in the long term. We propose and implement an end-to-end collaborative drift adaptive system that integrates corroborative and probabilistic sources to deliver real-time predictions. Furthermore, out system is adaptive to concept drift and performs automated continuous learning to maintain high performance. We demonstrate our approach in a real-time demo available online for landslide disaster detection, with extensibility to other real-world physical events such as flooding, wildfires, hurricanes, and earthquakes

    Robust, Extensible, and Fast: Teamed Classifiers for Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Re-ID in Multi-Camera Networks

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    As camera networks have become more ubiquitous over the past decade, the research interest in video management has shifted to analytics on multi-camera networks. This includes performing tasks such as object detection, attribute identification, and vehicle/person tracking across different cameras without overlap. Current frameworks for management are designed for multi-camera networks in a closed dataset environment where there is limited variability in cameras and characteristics of the surveillance environment are well known. Furthermore, current frameworks are designed for offline analytics with guidance from human operators for forensic applications. This paper presents a teamed classifier framework for video analytics in heterogeneous many-camera networks with adversarial conditions such as multi-scale, multi-resolution cameras capturing the environment with varying occlusion, blur, and orientations. We describe an implementation for vehicle tracking and vehicle re-identification (re-id), where we implement a zero-shot learning (ZSL) system that performs automated tracking of all vehicles all the time. Our evaluations on VeRi-776 and Cars196 show the teamed classifier framework is robust to adversarial conditions, extensible to changing video characteristics such as new vehicle types/brands and new cameras, and offers real-time performance compared to current offline video analytics approaches

    Challenges and Opportunities in Rapid Epidemic Information Propagation with Live Knowledge Aggregation from Social Media

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    A rapidly evolving situation such as the COVID-19 pandemic is a significant challenge for AI/ML models because of its unpredictability. %The most reliable indicator of the pandemic spreading has been the number of test positive cases. However, the tests are both incomplete (due to untested asymptomatic cases) and late (due the lag from the initial contact event, worsening symptoms, and test results). Social media can complement physical test data due to faster and higher coverage, but they present a different challenge: significant amounts of noise, misinformation and disinformation. We believe that social media can become good indicators of pandemic, provided two conditions are met. The first (True Novelty) is the capture of new, previously unknown, information from unpredictably evolving situations. The second (Fact vs. Fiction) is the distinction of verifiable facts from misinformation and disinformation. Social media information that satisfy those two conditions are called live knowledge. We apply evidence-based knowledge acquisition (EBKA) approach to collect, filter, and update live knowledge through the integration of social media sources with authoritative sources. Although limited in quantity, the reliable training data from authoritative sources enable the filtering of misinformation as well as capturing truly new information. We describe the EDNA/LITMUS tools that implement EBKA, integrating social media such as Twitter and Facebook with authoritative sources such as WHO and CDC, creating and updating live knowledge on the COVID-19 pandemic