3 research outputs found

    Capacity Evaluation for IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX

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    We present a simple analytical method for capacity evaluation of IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX networks. Various overheads that impact the capacity are explained and methods to reduce these overheads are also presented. The advantage of a simple model is that the effect of each decision and sensitivity to various parameters can be seen easily. We illustrate the model by estimating the capacity for three sample applicationsā€”Mobile TV, VoIP, and data. The analysis process helps explain various features of IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX. It is shown that proper use of overhead reducing mechanisms and proper scheduling can make an order of magnitude difference in performance. This capacity evaluation method can also be used for validation of simulation models

    Analysis and Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.16 ARQ Mechanism

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    The IEEE 802.16 standard defines the ARQ mechanismas a part of the MAC layer. The functioning of the ARQmechanism depends on a number of parameters. The IEEE802.16 specification defines them but it does not provide concrete values and solutions. This paper studies the key features and parameters of the 802.16 ARQ mechanism. In particular, we consider a choice for the ARQ feedback type, an algorithm to build block sequences, the ARQ feedback intensity, a scheduling of the ARQ feedbacks and retransmissions, the ARQ block rearrangement, ARQ transmission window and the ARQ block size. We ran simulation scenarios to study these parameters and how they impact the performance of application protocols. Thesimulation results reveal that the ARQ mechanism and its correct configuration play an important role in achieving reliable data transmission