149,277 research outputs found

    The complexity of approximating conservative counting CSPs

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    We study the complexity of approximately solving the weighted counting constraint satisfaction problem #CSP(F). In the conservative case, where F contains all unary functions, there is a classification known for the case in which the domain of functions in F is Boolean. In this paper, we give a classification for the more general problem where functions in F have an arbitrary finite domain. We define the notions of weak log-modularity and weak log-supermodularity. We show that if F is weakly log-modular, then #CSP(F)is in FP. Otherwise, it is at least as difficult to approximate as #BIS, the problem of counting independent sets in bipartite graphs. #BIS is complete with respect to approximation-preserving reductions for a logically-defined complexity class #RHPi1, and is believed to be intractable. We further sub-divide the #BIS-hard case. If F is weakly log-supermodular, then we show that #CSP(F) is as easy as a (Boolean) log-supermodular weighted #CSP. Otherwise, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate. Finally, we give a full trichotomy for the arity-2 case, where #CSP(F) is in FP, or is #BIS-equivalent, or is equivalent in difficulty to #SAT, the problem of approximately counting the satisfying assignments of a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form. We also discuss the algorithmic aspects of our classification.Comment: Minor revisio

    Regular realizability problems and context-free languages

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    We investigate regular realizability (RR) problems, which are the problems of verifying whether intersection of a regular language -- the input of the problem -- and fixed language called filter is non-empty. In this paper we focus on the case of context-free filters. Algorithmic complexity of the RR problem is a very coarse measure of context-free languages complexity. This characteristic is compatible with rational dominance. We present examples of P-complete RR problems as well as examples of RR problems in the class NL. Also we discuss RR problems with context-free filters that might have intermediate complexity. Possible candidates are the languages with polynomially bounded rational indices.Comment: conference DCFS 201

    Distance Constraint Satisfaction Problems

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    We study the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems for templates Γ\Gamma that are first-order definable in (Z;succ)(\Bbb Z; succ), the integers with the successor relation. Assuming a widely believed conjecture from finite domain constraint satisfaction (we require the tractability conjecture by Bulatov, Jeavons and Krokhin in the special case of transitive finite templates), we provide a full classification for the case that Gamma is locally finite (i.e., the Gaifman graph of Γ\Gamma has finite degree). We show that one of the following is true: The structure Gamma is homomorphically equivalent to a structure with a d-modular maximum or minimum polymorphism and CSP(Γ)\mathrm{CSP}(\Gamma) can be solved in polynomial time, or Γ\Gamma is homomorphically equivalent to a finite transitive structure, or CSP(Γ)\mathrm{CSP}(\Gamma) is NP-complete.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure

    An Algebraic Preservation Theorem for Aleph-Zero Categorical Quantified Constraint Satisfaction

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    We prove an algebraic preservation theorem for positive Horn definability in aleph-zero categorical structures. In particular, we define and study a construction which we call the periodic power of a structure, and define a periomorphism of a structure to be a homomorphism from the periodic power of the structure to the structure itself. Our preservation theorem states that, over an aleph-zero categorical structure, a relation is positive Horn definable if and only if it is preserved by all periomorphisms of the structure. We give applications of this theorem, including a new proof of the known complexity classification of quantified constraint satisfaction on equality templates