1 research outputs found

    AGILO RoboCuppers 2001 - Utility- and Plan-based Action Selection based on Probabilistically Estimated Game Situations

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    . This paper describes the AGILO RoboCuppers 1 the RoboCup team of the image understanding group (FG BV) at the Technische Universitat Munchen. With a team of four Pioneer I robots, all equipped with CCD camera and a single board computer, we've participated in all international middle size league tournaments from 1998 until 2001. We use a modular approach of concurrent subprograms for image processing, self localization, object tracking, action selection, path planning and basic robot control. A fast feature extraction process provides the data necessary for the on-board scene interpretation. All robot observations are fused into a single environmental model, which forms the basis for action selection, path planning and low-level robot control.