236 research outputs found

    Keyphrase Based Evaluation of Automatic Text Summarization

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    The development of methods to deal with the informative contents of the text units in the matching process is a major challenge in automatic summary evaluation systems that use fixed n-gram matching. The limitation causes inaccurate matching between units in a peer and reference summaries. The present study introduces a new Keyphrase based Summary Evaluator KpEval for evaluating automatic summaries. The KpEval relies on the keyphrases since they convey the most important concepts of a text. In the evaluation process, the keyphrases are used in their lemma form as the matching text unit. The system was applied to evaluate different summaries of Arabic multi-document data set presented at TAC2011. The results showed that the new evaluation technique correlates well with the known evaluation systems: Rouge1, Rouge2, RougeSU4, and AutoSummENG MeMoG. KpEval has the strongest correlation with AutoSummENG MeMoG, Pearson and spearman correlation coefficient measures are 0.8840, 0.9667 respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    MORSE: Semantic-ally Drive-n MORpheme SEgment-er

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    We present in this paper a novel framework for morpheme segmentation which uses the morpho-syntactic regularities preserved by word representations, in addition to orthographic features, to segment words into morphemes. This framework is the first to consider vocabulary-wide syntactico-semantic information for this task. We also analyze the deficiencies of available benchmarking datasets and introduce our own dataset that was created on the basis of compositionality. We validate our algorithm across datasets and present state-of-the-art results

    Affect-LM: A Neural Language Model for Customizable Affective Text Generation

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    Human verbal communication includes affective messages which are conveyed through use of emotionally colored words. There has been a lot of research in this direction but the problem of integrating state-of-the-art neural language models with affective information remains an area ripe for exploration. In this paper, we propose an extension to an LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) language model for generating conversational text, conditioned on affect categories. Our proposed model, Affect-LM enables us to customize the degree of emotional content in generated sentences through an additional design parameter. Perception studies conducted using Amazon Mechanical Turk show that Affect-LM generates naturally looking emotional sentences without sacrificing grammatical correctness. Affect-LM also learns affect-discriminative word representations, and perplexity experiments show that additional affective information in conversational text can improve language model prediction
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