7 research outputs found

    Design techniques for low noise and high speed A/D converters

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    Analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion is a process that bridges the real analog world to digital signal processing. It takes a continuous-time, continuous amplitude signal as its input and outputs a discrete-time, discrete-amplitude signal. The resolution and sampling rate of an A/D converter vary depending on the application. Recently, there has been a growing demand for broadband (>1 MHz), high-resolution (>14bits) A/D converters. Applications that demand such converters include asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) modems, cellular systems, high accuracy instrumentation, and medical imaging systems. This thesis suggests some design techniques for such high resolution and high sampling rate A/D converters. As the A/D converter performance keeps on increasing it becomes increasingly difficult for the input driver to settle to required accuracy within the sampling time. This is because of the use of larger sampling capacitor (increased resolution) and a decrease in sampling time (higher speed). So there is an increasing trend to have a driver integrated onchip along with A/D converter. The first contribution of this thesis is to present a new precharge scheme which enables integrating the input buffer with A/D converter in standard CMOS process. The buffer also uses a novel multi-path common mode feedback scheme to stabilize the common mode loop at high speeds. Another major problem in achieving very high Signal to Noise and Distortion Ratio (SNDR) is the capacitor mismatch in Digital to Analog Converters (DAC) inherent in the A/D converters. The mismatch between the capacitor causes harmonic distortion, which may not be acceptable. The analysis of Dynamic Element Matching (DEM) technique as applicable to broadband data-converters is presented and a novel second order notch-DEM is introduced. In this thesis we present a method to calibrate the DAC. We also show that a combination of digital error correction and dynamic element matching is optimal in terms of test time or calibration time. Even if we are using dynamic element matching techniques, it is still critical to get the best matching of unit elements possible in a given technology. The matching obtained may be limited either by random variations in the unit capacitor or by gradient effects. In this thesis we present layout techniques for capacitor arrays, and the matching results obtained in measurement from a test-chip are presented. Thus we present various design techniques for high speed and low noise A/D converters in this thesis. The techniques described are quite general and can be applied to most of the types of A/D converters

    Design et test pour la haute performance d'un convertisseur A/D basé sur l'architecture "subranging"

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    Les architectures des convertisseurs A/N -- Un nouveau A/n pour des applications à haute résolution et haute vitesse -- Un commutateur actif en mode courant pour des applications de hautes performances à faibles tensions -- Un nouveau convertisseur A/N "subranging" en mode courant pour des applications à haute vitesse -- Un nouveau BIST numérique intégré pour convertisseurs analogique-numérique

    Digital Centric Multi-Gigabit SerDes Design and Verification

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    Advances in semiconductor manufacturing still lead to ever decreasing feature sizes and constantly allow higher degrees of integration in application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). Therefore the bandwidth requirements on the external interfaces of such systems on chips (SoC) are steadily growing. Yet, as the number of pins on these ASICs is not increasing in the same pace - known as pin limitation - the bandwidth per pin has to be increased. SerDes (Serializer/Deserializer) technology, which allows to transfer data serially at very high data rates of 25Gbps and more is a key technology to overcome pin limitation and exploit the computing power that can be achieved in todays SoCs. As such SerDes blocks together with the digital logic interfacing them form complex mixed signal systems, verification of performance and functional correctness is very challenging. In this thesis a novel mixed-signal design methodology is proposed, which tightly couples model and implementation in order to ensure consistency throughout the design cycles and hereby accelerate the overall implementation flow. A tool flow that has been developed is presented, which integrates well into state of the art electronic design automation (EDA) environments and enables the usage of this methodology in practice. Further, the design space of todays high-speed serial links is analyzed and an architecture is proposed, which pushes complexity into the digital domain in order to achieve robustness, portability between manufacturing processes and scaling with advanced node technologies. The all digital phase locked loop (PLL) and clock data recovery (CDR), which have been developed are described in detail. The developed design flow was used for the implementation of the SerDes architecture in a 28nm silicon process and proved to be indispensable for future projects

    Analysis and design of ΣΔ Modulators for Radio Frequency Switchmode Power Amplifiers

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    Power amplifiers are an integral part of every basestation, macrocell, microcell and mobile phone, enabling data to be sent over the distances needed to reach the receiver’s antenna. While linear operation is needed for transmitting WCDMA and OFDM signals, linear operation of a power amplifier is characterized by low power efficiency, and contributes to unwanted power dissipation in a transmitter. Recently, a switchmode power amplifier operation was considered for reducing power losses in a RF transmitter. A linear and efficient operation of a PA can be achieved when the transmitted RF signal is ΣΔ modu- lated, and subsequently amplified by a nonlinear device. Although in theory this approach offers linearity and efficiency reaching 100%, the use of ΣΔ modulation for transmitting wideband signals causes problems in practical implementation: it requires high sampling rate by the digital hardware, which is needed for shaping large contents of a quantization noise induced by the modulator but also, the binary output from the modulator needs an RF power amplifier operating over very wide frequency band. This thesis addresses the problem of noise shaping in a ΣΔ modulator and nonlinear distortion caused by broadband operation in switchmode power amplifier driven by a ΣΔ modulated waveform. The problem of sampling rate increase in a ΣΔ modulator is solved by optimizing structure of the modulator, and subsequent processing of an input signal’s samples in parallel. Independent from the above, a novel technique for reducing quan- tization noise in a bandpass ΣΔ modulator using single bit quantizer is presented. The technique combines error pulse shaping and 3-level quantization for improving signal to noise ratio in a 2-level output. The improvement is achieved without the increase of a digital hardware’s sampling rate, which is advantageous also from the perspective of power consumption. The new method is explored in the course of analysis, and verified by simulated and experimental results. The process of RF signal conversion from the Cartesian to polar form is analyzed, and a signal modulator for a polar transmitter with a ΣΔ-digitized envelope signal is designed and implemented. The new modulator takes an advantage of bandpass digital to analog conversion for simplifying the analog part of the modulator. A deformation of the pulsed RF signal in the experimental modulator is demonstrated to have an effect primarily on amplitude of the RF signal, which is correctable with simple predistortion

    Intrinsic Hardware Evolution on the Transistor Level

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    This thesis presents a novel approach to the automated synthesis of analog circuits. Evolutionary algorithms are used in conjunction with a fitness evaluation on a dedicated ASIC that serves as the analog substrate for the newly bred candidate solutions. The advantage of evaluating the candidate circuits directly in hardware is twofold. First, it may speed up the evolutionary algorithms, because hardware tests can usually be performed faster than simulations. Second, the evolved circuits are guaranteed to work on a real piece of silicon. The proposed approach is realized as a hardware evolution system consisting of an IBM compatible general purpose computer that hosts the evolutionary algorithm, an FPGA-based mixed signal test board, and the analog substrate. The latter one is designed as a Field Programmable Transistor Array (FPTA) whose programmable transistor cells can be almost freely connected. The transistor cells can be configured to adopt one out of 75 different channel geometries. The chip was produced in a 0.6µm CMOS process and provides ample means for the input and output of analog signals. The configuration is stored in SRAM cells embedded in the programmable transistor cells. The hardware evolution system is used for numerous evolution experiments targeted at a wide variety of different circuit functionalities. These comprise logic gates, Gaussian function circuits, D/A converters, low- and highpass filters, tone discriminators, and comparators. The experimental results are thoroughly analyzed and discussed with respect to related work

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities

    Development of a Multi-Compartment Neuron Model Emulation

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    This work describes the design of an analog circuit emulating a multi-compartment neuron model on a microchip. Initially, the single-compartment adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model is implemented as a hardware model. Therefor, the differential equations describing the model dynamics are directly translated into an electronic circuit based on operational transconductance amplifiers. Consequently a close correspondence between model and circuit is achieved enabling references to experiments done with computer simulators. 512 of these neurons are implemented on a single micro-chip. Individual control of each neuron’s biases is achieved by the use of analog floating-gate memory. In most cases, these biases directly correspondent to parameters of the model, hence simple translations are possible. The single neuron implementation has been verified on a prototype chip in several experiments. Inter alia, its capabilities of reproducing biological neuron’s behavior and the influence of fixed-pattern noise on the circuit are analyzed. To step over to a multi-compartment circuit, the neuron has been enhanced by a resistive element and a routing network to build complex dendrite structures. Furthermore, the parameterization allows compartments of different sizes covering large somatic and small dendritic compartments. A dedicated test chip has been designed for the verification of the new model. Several simulations show the enhanced behavior of the multi-compartment emulation including dendritic attenuation and active spike propagation. The neuron circuits are dedicated for a new kind of computer based on the cortex