964 research outputs found

    Adversarial Zoom Lens: A Novel Physical-World Attack to DNNs

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    Although deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to be fragile, no one has studied the effects of zooming-in and zooming-out of images in the physical world on DNNs performance. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel physical adversarial attack technique called Adversarial Zoom Lens (AdvZL), which uses a zoom lens to zoom in and out of pictures of the physical world, fooling DNNs without changing the characteristics of the target object. The proposed method is so far the only adversarial attack technique that does not add physical adversarial perturbation attack DNNs. In a digital environment, we construct a data set based on AdvZL to verify the antagonism of equal-scale enlarged images to DNNs. In the physical environment, we manipulate the zoom lens to zoom in and out of the target object, and generate adversarial samples. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of AdvZL in both digital and physical environments. We further analyze the antagonism of the proposed data set to the improved DNNs. On the other hand, we provide a guideline for defense against AdvZL by means of adversarial training. Finally, we look into the threat possibilities of the proposed approach to future autonomous driving and variant attack ideas similar to the proposed attack

    Efficient Cross-Task Prompt Tuning for Few-Shot Conversational Emotion Recognition

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    Emotion Recognition in Conversation (ERC) has been widely studied due to its importance in developing emotion-aware empathetic machines. The rise of pre-trained language models (PLMs) has further pushed the limit of ERC performance. However, most recent works on ERC using PLMs are heavily data-driven, and requires fine-tuning the entire PLMs. To improve both sample and computational efficiency, we propose a derivative-free optimization method called Cross-Task Prompt Tuning (CTPT) for few-shot conversational emotion recognition. Unlike existing methods that learn independent knowledge from individual tasks, CTPT leverages sharable cross-task knowledge by exploiting external knowledge from other source tasks to improve learning performance under the few-shot setting. Moreover, CTPT only needs to optimize a vector under the low intrinsic dimensionality without gradient, which is highly parameter-efficient compared with existing approaches. Experiments on five different contextual conversation datasets demonstrate that our CTPT method has superior results on both few-shot scenarios and zero-shot transfers.Comment: Findings of EMNLP 202

    TreeMAN: Tree-enhanced Multimodal Attention Network for ICD Coding

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    ICD coding is designed to assign the disease codes to electronic health records (EHRs) upon discharge, which is crucial for billing and clinical statistics. In an attempt to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of manual coding, many methods have been proposed to automatically predict ICD codes from clinical notes. However, most previous works ignore the decisive information contained in structured medical data in EHRs, which is hard to be captured from the noisy clinical notes. In this paper, we propose a Tree-enhanced Multimodal Attention Network (TreeMAN) to fuse tabular features and textual features into multimodal representations by enhancing the text representations with tree-based features via the attention mechanism. Tree-based features are constructed according to decision trees learned from structured multimodal medical data, which capture the decisive information about ICD coding. We can apply the same multi-label classifier from previous text models to the multimodal representations to predict ICD codes. Experiments on two MIMIC datasets show that our method outperforms prior state-of-the-art ICD coding approaches. The code is available at https://github.com/liu-zichen/TreeMAN

    CG-HOI: Contact-Guided 3D Human-Object Interaction Generation

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    We propose CG-HOI, the first method to address the task of generating dynamic 3D human-object interactions (HOIs) from text. We model the motion of both human and object in an interdependent fashion, as semantically rich human motion rarely happens in isolation without any interactions. Our key insight is that explicitly modeling contact between the human body surface and object geometry can be used as strong proxy guidance, both during training and inference. Using this guidance to bridge human and object motion enables generating more realistic and physically plausible interaction sequences, where the human body and corresponding object move in a coherent manner. Our method first learns to model human motion, object motion, and contact in a joint diffusion process, inter-correlated through cross-attention. We then leverage this learned contact for guidance during inference synthesis of realistic, coherent HOIs. Extensive evaluation shows that our joint contact-based human-object interaction approach generates realistic and physically plausible sequences, and we show two applications highlighting the capabilities of our method. Conditioned on a given object trajectory, we can generate the corresponding human motion without re-training, demonstrating strong human-object interdependency learning. Our approach is also flexible, and can be applied to static real-world 3D scene scans.Comment: Project page: https://cg-hoi.christian-diller.de Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNyQwTwZ15
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