3 research outputs found

    Identification of SAR Detected Targets on Sea in Near Real Time Applications for Maritime Surveillance

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    Remote sensing technologies are widely used in maritime surveillance applications. Nowadays, spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems provide outstanding capabilities for target detection at sea for large areas independently from the weather conditions. The generated value added target detection product is composed by complementary information from the Automatic Identification System (AIS). Resulting information layers provides a more reliable picture on the maritime situation awareness. This paper describes the approach of SAR-AIS data fusion and its visualization means developed for Near Real Time (NRT) Applications for Maritime Situational Awareness by the Maritime Security Lab at the Ground Station in Neustrelitz, part DLR’s German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD). Presented implementation is based on combination of many open source geospatial libraries and frameworks (e.g., GDAL/OGR, Geoserver, PostgresSQL) and shows their effectiveness in the context of complex automated data processing in the frame of NRT requirements

    A-priori Information Driven Detection of Moving Objects for Traffic Monitoring by SAR

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    This paper reviews the theoretical background for upcoming dual-channel Radar satellite missions to monitor traffic from space. As it is well-known, an object moving with a velocity deviating from the assumptions incorporated in the focusing process will generally appear both displaced and blurred in the azimuth direction. To study the impact of these (and related) distortions in focused SAR images, the analytic relations between an arbitrarily moving point scatterer and its conjugate in the SAR image have been reviewed and adapted to dual-channel satellite specifications. To be able to monitor traffic under these boundary conditions in real-life situations, a specific detection scheme is proposed. This scheme integrates complementary detection and velocity estimation algorithms with knowledge derived from external sources as, e.g., road databases