2 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Localization Using Background Images

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    Weakly Supervised Object Localization (WSOL) methodsusually rely on fully convolutional networks in order to ob-tain class activation maps(CAMs) of targeted labels. How-ever, these networks always highlight the most discriminativeparts to perform the task, the located areas are much smallerthan entire targeted objects. In this work, we propose a novelend-to-end model to enlarge CAMs generated from classifi-cation models, which can localize targeted objects more pre-cisely. In detail, we add an additional module in traditionalclassification networks to extract foreground object propos-als from images without classifying them into specific cate-gories. Then we set these normalized regions as unrestrictedpixel-level mask supervision for the following classificationtask. We collect a set of images defined as Background ImageSet from the Internet. The number of them is much smallerthan the targeted dataset but surprisingly well supports themethod to extract foreground regions from different pictures.The region extracted is independent from classification task,where the extracted region in each image covers almost en-tire object rather than just a significant part. Therefore, theseregions can serve as masks to supervise the response mapgenerated from classification models to become larger andmore precise. The method achieves state-of-the-art results onCUB-200-2011 in terms of Top-1 and Top-5 localization er-ror while has a competitive result on ILSVRC2016 comparedwith other approaches.Comment: Course project of CSC577, University of Rocheste

    Imitation Learning from Imperfect Demonstration

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    Imitation learning (IL) aims to learn an optimal policy from demonstrations. However, such demonstrations are often imperfect since collecting optimal ones is costly. To effectively learn from imperfect demonstrations, we propose a novel approach that utilizes confidence scores, which describe the quality of demonstrations. More specifically, we propose two confidence-based IL methods, namely two-step importance weighting IL (2IWIL) and generative adversarial IL with imperfect demonstration and confidence (IC-GAIL). We show that confidence scores given only to a small portion of sub-optimal demonstrations significantly improve the performance of IL both theoretically and empirically