6 research outputs found

    A posteriori error control for discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic problems

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    We derive energy-norm a posteriori error bounds for an Euler time-stepping method combined with various spatial discontinuous Galerkin schemes for linear parabolic problems. For accessibility, we address first the spatially semidiscrete case, and then move to the fully discrete scheme by introducing the implicit Euler time-stepping. All results are presented in an abstract setting and then illustrated with particular applications. This enables the error bounds to hold for a variety of discontinuous Galerkin methods, provided that energy-norm a posteriori error bounds for the corresponding elliptic problem are available. To illustrate the method, we apply it to the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method, which requires the derivation of novel a posteriori error bounds. For the analysis of the time-dependent problems we use the elliptic reconstruction technique and we deal with the nonconforming part of the error by deriving appropriate computable a posteriori bounds for it.Comment: 6 figure

    Convergence of adaptive discontinuous galerkin methods

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    We develop a general convergence theory for adaptive discontinu- ous Galerkin methods for elliptic PDEs covering the popular SIPG, NIPG and LDG schemes as well as all practically relevant marking strategies. Another key feature of the presented result is, that it holds for penalty parameters only necessary for the standard analysis of the respective scheme. The analysis is based on a quasi interpolation into a newly developed limit space of the adaptively created non-conforming discrete spaces, which enables to generalise the basic convergence result for conforming adaptive finite element methods by Morin, Siebert, and Veeser [A basic convergence result for conforming adaptive finite elements, Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci., 2008, 18(5), 707–737]

    A unifying theory of a posteriori error control for discontinuous Galerkin FEM

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    A unified a posteriori error analysis is derived in extension of Carstensen (Numer Math 100:617–637, 2005) and Carstensen and Hu (J Numer Math 107(3):473–502, 2007) for a wide range of discontinuous Galerkin (dG) finite element methods (FEM), applied to the Laplace, Stokes, and Lamé equations. Two abstract assumptions (A1) and (A2) guarantee the reliability of explicit residual-based computable error estimators. The edge jumps are recast via lifting operators to make arguments already established for nonconforming finite element methods available. The resulting reliable error estimate is applied to 16 representative dG FEMs from the literature. The estimate recovers known results as well as provides new bounds to a number of schemes

    The new streamline diffusion for the 3D coupled Schrodinger equations with a cross-phase modulation

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    We study the new streamline diffusion finite element method for treating the three dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We derive stability estimates and optimal convergence rates. Moreover, an a priori error estimate is obtained and we compare the corresponding optimal convergence rate for popular numerical methods such as conservative finite difference, semi-implicit finite difference, semi-discrete finite element and the time-splitting spectral method. We justify the advantage of the streamline diffusion method versus the some numerical methods with some examples. Test problems are presented to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the method. The results reveal that the proposed scheme is very effective, convenient and quite accurate for such considered problems rather than other methods. References R. A. Adams, Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, New York (1975). J. Alberty, C. 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Part IV: The optimal test norm and time-harmonic wave propagation in 1D, Journal of Computational Physics, 230 (2011) 2406--2432