1,525 research outputs found

    Solving the 3-COL Problem by Using Tissue P Systems without Environment and Proteins on Cells

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    The 3-COL problem consists on deciding if the regions of a map can be coloured with only three colors bearing in mind that two adjacent regions must be coloured with di erent colors. It is a NP problem and it has been previously used in complexity studies in membrane computing to check the ability of a model for solving problems of such complexity class. Recently, tissue P systems with proteins on cells have been presented and its ability to solve NP-problems has been proved, but it remained as an open question to know if such model was still able to solve such problems if the environment was removed. In this paper we provide an a rmative answer to this question by showing a uniform family of tissue P systems without environment and with proteins on cells which solves the 3-COL problem in linear time

    Using membrane computing for effective homology

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    Effective Homology is an algebraic-topological method based on the computational concept of chain homotopy equivalence on a cell complex. Using this algebraic data structure, Effective Homology gives answers to some important computability problems in Algebraic Topology. In a discrete context, Effective Homology can be seen as a combinatorial layer given by a forest graph structure spanning every cell of the complex. In this paper, by taking as input a pixel-based 2D binary object, we present a logarithmic-time uniform solution for describing a chain homotopy operator ϕ for its adjacency graph. This solution is based on Membrane Computing techniques applied to the spanning forest problem and it can be easily extended to higher dimensions

    Some structural and functional aspects of eukaryotic translation machinery in active and inhibited states

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    The protein synthesis machinery of eukaryotes is organized in large complex macromolecular clusters – polyribosomes, and tightly regulated by cellular signaling pathways. Polyribosomes are essential part of cells and could be studied in cell lysates from structural and functional perspectives using fluorescent and electron microscopy, and by cell-free translation assays respectively. One third of all polysomes in HeLa cell lysates are ring-shaped and believed to be associated with closed loop-assisted translation reinitiation (circular translation). That is in optimal state of the cells. During viral infection, eukaryotic cellular mRNA translation and its regulation could be inhibited or altered. In contrast, the viral mRNAs take advantage by twisted initiation modes, and by seizing host molecular resources for virus own benefit. To oblitarate aberrant translation and viral infection, small molecule inhibitors of translation elongation could be applied. Ribosomes are promising molecular targets for therapeutic agents against protozoal and viral infections, and malignancy. Cryogenic electron microscopy-based approaches allow for search and development of potent ribosome inhibitors with required properties defined by its 3D structure

    Mitmemõõtmeliste andmete statistiline analüüs bioinformaatikas

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Valgud on organismide ühed tähtsaimad ehituskivid. Nende kogust ja omavahelisi seoseid uurides on võimalik saada infot organismi seisundi kohta. Tänapäevased seadmed võimaldavad koguda lühikese ajaga palju valkudega seotud andmeid. Nende analüüs on aga suhteliselt keerukas ja on loonud uue teadusharu nimega bioinformaatika. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärgiks on kirjeldada mitmemõõtmeliste andmete statistilise analüüsiga seotud probleeme ja nende lahendusi. Näidatakse, kuidas sellised andmed saab esitada maatriksi kujul. Antakse ülevaade andmeallikatest ja analüüsimeetoditest ning näidatakse, kuidas neid saab praktikas kasutada. Kirjeldatakse üleeuroopalist vähiuuringute projekti PREDECT, kus paljud organisatsioonid osalevad vähimudelite täiustamises. Antakse ülevaade metaandmete kogumisest paljudelt partneritelt, samuti veebitööriistadest, mis loodi esmaseks andmeanalüüsiks. Kirjeldatakse uudse rinnavähi mudeliga seotud analüüsi ja koelõikude võrdlust erinevates laboritingimustes. Tutvustatakse vabalt kasutatavat veebitööriista, millega saab teha kirjeldavat andmeanalüüsi. Järgmistes peatükkides kirjeldatakse andmeanalüüsi erinevates uuringutes. Inimese platsentas leiti mitmeid uusi alleelispetsiifilise ekspressiooniga geene. Uuriti atoopilise dermatiidi molekulaarseid mehhanisme, täpsemalt valgu gamma-interferoon mõju sellele haigusele. Leiti mikroRNAsid, mida saab kasutada endometrioosi markeritena, ja loodi klassifitseerija endometrioosihaigete eristamiseks tervetest.Proteins are one of the most important building blocks of an organism. By investigating the abundance and relations between different proteins, it is possible to get information about the current state of the organism. Modern technologies allow to collect a large amount of data related to proteins in a short period of time. This type of analysis is quite complicated and has created a new field of science called bioinformatics. The aim of the dissertation is to describe problems and solutions related to statistical analysis of multivariate data. It is shown how this type of data can be presented as a matrix. An overview of data sources and analysis methods is given and it is shown how they can be used in practice. A pan-European project PREDECT is described where many organizations are contributing to develop better cancer models. An overview is given about collecting metadata from multiple partners, and about web tools created for initial data analysis. An analysis concerning a novel breast cancer model is described, and a comparison of tissue slices in different cultivation conditions is made. A freely available web tool is introduced which allows to perform exploratory data analysis. Next chapters describe data analysis in various projects. Multiple novel genes were found in the human placenta that have an allele-specific expression. Molecular mechanisms of a disease called atopic dermatitis were examined, more specifically the influence of the protein interferon-gamma. MicroRNAs were found that can be used as markers for a disease called endometriosis, and a classifier was built to differentiate people with endometriosis from healthy people

    Proceedings of the 8th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

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    International audienceThe Cologne-Twente Workshop (CTW) on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization started off as a series of workshops organized bi-annually by either Köln University or Twente University. As its importance grew over time, it re-centered its geographical focus by including northern Italy (CTW04 in Menaggio, on the lake Como and CTW08 in Gargnano, on the Garda lake). This year, CTW (in its eighth edition) will be staged in France for the first time: more precisely in the heart of Paris, at the Conservatoire National d’Arts et Métiers (CNAM), between 2nd and 4th June 2009, by a mixed organizing committee with members from LIX, Ecole Polytechnique and CEDRIC, CNAM

    Formulation and characterization of oral dissolving films with ascorbic acid

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    People are becoming increasingly health conscious and the popularity of dietary supplements is growing. More specifically, consumers have become focused on improving the beauty of their hair, skin and nails and improving the health of their immune systems. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid provides many health and beauty benefits. Because humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C endogenously, it is an essential dietary component that one must consume either through foods or through supplements. For beauty, ascorbic acid supports the biosynthesis of collagen which is important for maintaining skin’s elasticity as well as for wound healing. Ongoing research studies are evaluating the role of ascorbic acid in immune function and its antioxidant activity that limits the damaging effects of free radicals or reactive oxygen species. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble vitamin and its Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) assignment is Class 3: high solubility, low permeability. The oral dissolving film (ODF) is a potential dosage form for dietary supplementation because it acts by dissolving rapidly on the oral mucosa, an area that has high permeability and blood supply. This is advantageous because tablet supplements that need to be swallowed are subject to the effects of first pass metabolism, enzymatic degradation and lower solubility in the gastrointestinal tract. ODFs are also a more accessible option for any consumer who has difficulty swallowing pills or who simply wants to consume something on the go, without the need for water. The current research project endeavors to identify and validate the optimal oral dissolving film formulation with ascorbic acid as the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). To develop a well-functioning oral dissolving film, it is crucial to choose the ingredients that will maximize efficient drug delivery through the oral mucosa. The key formulation components of an oral dissolving film include the API, film forming polymer and plasticizer and other components may include: flavor agents, colorants, penetration enhancers, surfactants and saliva stimulating agents. The ingredients used besides ascorbic acid were HPMC E-5 as the film forming polymer, PEG-400 as the plasticizer, orange food coloring for the colorant and grapefruit oil as the flavoring agent. First, oral dissolving films that are on the market were evaluated as a benchmark for the current study. Then, a design of experiments software was used to generate a Box-Behnken study design with three key variables and 13 total trials. Each film was evaluated in triplicate through physical characterization (film length, width, thickness, weight, cross sectional area) and through their tensile strength, disintegration time and drug load. Through statistical analysis, the main effects and interactions between the variables on the resulting film characteristics were investigated. Then, the resulting optimal formula composition was created again as a confirmatory batch to validate the ideal composition. In summary, design of experiments methodology was successfully implemented to develop an optimal formulation for an oral dissolving film with ascorbic acid. The resulting film satisfactorily met the ideal ODF criteria by demonstrating a higher tensile strength, a lower disintegration time and a higher drug load

    Computational Tools for the Untargeted Assignment of FT-MS Metabolomics Datasets

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    Metabolomics is the study of metabolomes, the sets of metabolites observed in living systems. Metabolism interconverts these metabolites to provide the molecules and energy necessary for life processes. Many disease processes, including cancer, have a significant metabolic component that manifests as differences in what metabolites are present and in what quantities they are produced and utilized. Thus, using metabolomics, differences between metabolomes in disease and non-disease states can be detected and these differences improve our understanding of disease processes at the molecular level. Despite the potential benefits of metabolomics, the comprehensive investigation of metabolomes remains difficult. A popular analytical technique for metabolomics is mass spectrometry. Advances in Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FT-MS) instrumentation have yielded simultaneous improvements in mass resolution, mass accuracy, and detection sensitivity. In the metabolomics field, these advantages permit more complicated, but more informative experimental designs such as the use of multiple isotope-labeled precursors in stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM) experiments. However, despite these potential applications, several outstanding problems hamper the use of FT-MS for metabolomics studies. First, artifacts and data quality problems in FT-MS spectra can confound downstream data analyses, confuse machine learning models, and complicate the robust detection and assignment of metabolite features. Second, the assignment of observed spectral features to metabolites remains difficult. Existing targeted approaches for assignment often employ databases of known metabolites; however, metabolite databases are incomplete, thus limiting or biasing assignment results. Additionally, FT-MS provides limited structural information for observed metabolites, which complicates the determination of metabolite class (e.g. lipid, sugar, etc. ) for observed metabolite spectral features, a necessary step for many metabolomics experiments. To address these problems, a set of tools were developed. The first tool identifies artifacts with high peak density observed in many FT-MS spectra and removes them safely. Using this tool, two previously unreported types of high peak density artifact were identified in FT-MS spectra: fuzzy sites and partial ringing. Fuzzy sites were particularly problematic as they confused and reduced the accuracy of machine learning models trained on datasets containing these artifacts. Second, a tool called SMIRFE was developed to assign isotope-resolved molecular formulas to observed spectral features in an untargeted manner without a database of expected metabolites. This new untargeted method was validated on a gold-standard dataset containing both unlabeled and 15N-labeled compounds and was able to identify 18 of 18 expected spectral features. Third, a collection of machine learning models was constructed to predict if a molecular formula corresponds to one or more lipid categories. These models accurately predict the correct one of eight lipid categories on our training dataset of known lipid and non-lipid molecular formulas with precisions and accuracies over 90% for most categories. These models were used to predict lipid categories for untargeted SMIRFE-derived assignments in a non-small cell lung cancer dataset. Subsequent differential abundance analysis revealed a sub-population of non-small cell lung cancer samples with a significantly increased abundance in sterol lipids. This finding implies a possible therapeutic role of statins in the treatment and/or prevention of non-small cell lung cancer. Collectively these tools represent a pipeline for FT-MS metabolomics datasets that is compatible with isotope labeling experiments. With these tools, more robust and untargeted metabolic analyses of disease will be possible

    From Molecules to the Masses : Visual Exploration, Analysis, and Communication of Human Physiology

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    Det overordnede målet med denne avhandlingen er tverrfaglig anvendelse av medisinske illustrasjons- og visualiseringsteknikker for å utforske, analysere og formidle aspekter ved fysiologi til publikum med ulik faglig nivå og bakgrunn. Fysiologi beskriver de biologiske prosessene som skjer i levende vesener over tid. Vitenskapen om fysiologi er kompleks, men samtidig kritisk for vår forståelse av hvordan levende organismer fungerer. Fysiologi dekker en stor bredde romlig-temporale skalaer og fordrer behovet for å kombinere og bygge bro mellom basalfagene (biologi, fysikk og kjemi) og medisin. De senere årene har det vært en eksplosjon av nye, avanserte eksperimentelle metoder for å detektere og karakterisere fysiologiske data. Volumet og kompleksiteten til fysiologiske data krever effektive strategier for visualisering for å komplementere dagens standard analyser. Hvilke tilnærminger som benyttes i visualiseringen må nøye balanseres og tilpasses formålet med bruken av dataene, enten dette er for å utforske dataene, analysere disse eller kommunisere og presentere dem. Arbeidet i denne avhandlingen bidrar med ny kunnskap innen teori, empiri, anvendelse og reproduserbarhet av visualiseringsmetoder innen fysiologi. Først i avhandlingen er en rapport som oppsummerer og utforsker dagens kunnskap om muligheter og utfordringer for visualisering innen fysiologi. Motivasjonen for arbeidet er behovet forskere innen visualiseringsfeltet, og forskere i ulike anvendelsesområder, har for en sammensatt oversikt over flerskala visualiseringsoppgaver og teknikker. Ved å bruke søk over et stort spekter av metodiske tilnærminger, er dette den første rapporten i sitt slag som kartlegger visualiseringsmulighetene innen fysiologi. I rapporten er faglitteraturen oppsummert slik at det skal være enkelt å gjøre oppslag innen ulike tema i rom-og-tid-skalaen, samtidig som litteraturen er delt inn i de tre høynivå visualiseringsoppgavene data utforsking, analyse og kommunikasjon. Dette danner et enkelt grunnlag for å navigere i litteraturen i feltet og slik danner rapporten et godt grunnlag for diskusjon og forskningsmuligheter innen feltet visualisering og fysiologi. Basert på arbeidet med rapporten var det særlig to områder som det er ønskelig for oss å fortsette å utforske: (1) utforskende analyse av mangefasetterte fysiologidata for ekspertbrukere, og (2) kommunikasjon av data til både eksperter og ikke-eksperter. Arbeidet vårt av mangefasetterte fysiologidata er oppsummert i to studier i avhandlingen. Hver studie omhandler prosesser som foregår på forskjellige romlig-temporale skalaer og inneholder konkrete eksempler på anvendelse av metodene vurdert av eksperter i feltet. I den første av de to studiene undersøkes konsentrasjonen av molekylære substanser (metabolitter) ut fra data innsamlet med magnetisk resonansspektroskopi (MRS), en avansert biokjemisk teknikk som brukes til å identifisere metabolske forbindelser i levende vev. Selv om MRS kan ha svært høy sensitivitet og spesifisitet i medisinske anvendelser, er analyseresultatene fra denne modaliteten abstrakte og vanskelige å forstå også for medisinskfaglige eksperter i feltet. Vår designstudie som undersøkte oppgavene og kravene til ekspertutforskende analyse av disse dataene førte til utviklingen av SpectraMosaic. Dette er en ny applikasjon som gjør det mulig for domeneeksperter å analysere konsentrasjonen av metabolitter normalisert for en hel kohort, eller etter prøveregion, individ, opptaksdato, eller status på hjernens aktivitetsnivå ved undersøkelsestidspunktet. I den andre studien foreslås en metode for å utføre utforskende analyser av flerdimensjonale fysiologiske data i motsatt ende av den romlig-temporale skalaen, nemlig på populasjonsnivå. En effektiv arbeidsflyt for utforskende dataanalyse må kritisk identifisere interessante mønstre og relasjoner, noe som blir stadig vanskeligere når dimensjonaliteten til dataene øker. Selv om dette delvis kan løses med eksisterende reduksjonsteknikker er det alltid en fare for at subtile mønstre kan gå tapt i reduksjonsprosessen. Isteden presenterer vi i studien DimLift, en iterativ dimensjonsreduksjonsteknikk som muliggjør brukeridentifikasjon av interessante mønstre og relasjoner som kan ligge subtilt i et datasett gjennom dimensjonale bunter. Nøkkelen til denne metoden er brukerens evne til å styre dimensjonalitetsreduksjonen slik at den følger brukerens egne undersøkelseslinjer. For videre å undersøke kommunikasjon til eksperter og ikke-eksperter, studeres i neste arbeid utformingen av visualiseringer for kommunikasjon til publikum med ulike nivåer av ekspertnivå. Det er naturlig å forvente at eksperter innen et emne kan ha ulike preferanser og kriterier for å vurdere en visuell kommunikasjon i forhold til et ikke-ekspertpublikum. Dette påvirker hvor effektivt et bilde kan benyttes til å formidle en gitt scenario. Med utgangspunkt i ulike teknikker innen biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualisering, gjennomførte vi derfor en utforskende studie av kriteriene som publikum bruker når de evaluerer en biomedisinsk prosessvisualisering målrettet for kommunikasjon. Fra denne studien identifiserte vi muligheter for ytterligere konvergens av biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualiseringsteknikker for mer målrettet visuell kommunikasjonsdesign. Særlig beskrives i større dybde utviklingen av semantisk konsistente retningslinjer for farging av molekylære scener. Hensikten med slike retningslinjer er å heve den vitenskapelige kompetansen til ikke-ekspertpublikum innen molekyler visualisering, som vil være spesielt relevant for kommunikasjon til befolkningen i forbindelse med folkehelseopplysning. All kode og empiriske funn utviklet i arbeidet med denne avhandlingen er åpen kildekode og tilgjengelig for gjenbruk av det vitenskapelige miljøet og offentligheten. Metodene og funnene presentert i denne avhandlingen danner et grunnlag for tverrfaglig biomedisinsk illustrasjon og visualiseringsforskning, og åpner flere muligheter for fortsatt arbeid med visualisering av fysiologiske prosesser.The overarching theme of this thesis is the cross-disciplinary application of medical illustration and visualization techniques to address challenges in exploring, analyzing, and communicating aspects of physiology to audiences with differing expertise. Describing the myriad biological processes occurring in living beings over time, the science of physiology is complex and critical to our understanding of how life works. It spans many spatio-temporal scales to combine and bridge the basic sciences (biology, physics, and chemistry) to medicine. Recent years have seen an explosion of new and finer-grained experimental and acquisition methods to characterize these data. The volume and complexity of these data necessitate effective visualizations to complement standard analysis practice. Visualization approaches must carefully consider and be adaptable to the user's main task, be it exploratory, analytical, or communication-oriented. This thesis contributes to the areas of theory, empirical findings, methods, applications, and research replicability in visualizing physiology. Our contributions open with a state-of-the-art report exploring the challenges and opportunities in visualization for physiology. This report is motivated by the need for visualization researchers, as well as researchers in various application domains, to have a centralized, multiscale overview of visualization tasks and techniques. Using a mixed-methods search approach, this is the first report of its kind to broadly survey the space of visualization for physiology. Our approach to organizing the literature in this report enables the lookup of topics of interest according to spatio-temporal scale. It further subdivides works according to any combination of three high-level visualization tasks: exploration, analysis, and communication. This provides an easily-navigable foundation for discussion and future research opportunities for audience- and task-appropriate visualization for physiology. From this report, we identify two key areas for continued research that begin narrowly and subsequently broaden in scope: (1) exploratory analysis of multifaceted physiology data for expert users, and (2) communication for experts and non-experts alike. Our investigation of multifaceted physiology data takes place over two studies. Each targets processes occurring at different spatio-temporal scales and includes a case study with experts to assess the applicability of our proposed method. At the molecular scale, we examine data from magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), an advanced biochemical technique used to identify small molecules (metabolites) in living tissue that are indicative of metabolic pathway activity. Although highly sensitive and specific, the output of this modality is abstract and difficult to interpret. Our design study investigating the tasks and requirements for expert exploratory analysis of these data led to SpectraMosaic, a novel application enabling domain researchers to analyze any permutation of metabolites in ratio form for an entire cohort, or by sample region, individual, acquisition date, or brain activity status at the time of acquisition. A second approach considers the exploratory analysis of multidimensional physiological data at the opposite end of the spatio-temporal scale: population. An effective exploratory data analysis workflow critically must identify interesting patterns and relationships, which becomes increasingly difficult as data dimensionality increases. Although this can be partially addressed with existing dimensionality reduction techniques, the nature of these techniques means that subtle patterns may be lost in the process. In this approach, we describe DimLift, an iterative dimensionality reduction technique enabling user identification of interesting patterns and relationships that may lie subtly within a dataset through dimensional bundles. Key to this method is the user's ability to steer the dimensionality reduction technique to follow their own lines of inquiry. Our third question considers the crafting of visualizations for communication to audiences with different levels of expertise. It is natural to expect that experts in a topic may have different preferences and criteria to evaluate a visual communication relative to a non-expert audience. This impacts the success of an image in communicating a given scenario. Drawing from diverse techniques in biomedical illustration and visualization, we conducted an exploratory study of the criteria that audiences use when evaluating a biomedical process visualization targeted for communication. From this study, we identify opportunities for further convergence of biomedical illustration and visualization techniques for more targeted visual communication design. One opportunity that we discuss in greater depth is the development of semantically-consistent guidelines for the coloring of molecular scenes. The intent of such guidelines is to elevate the scientific literacy of non-expert audiences in the context of molecular visualization, which is particularly relevant to public health communication. All application code and empirical findings are open-sourced and available for reuse by the scientific community and public. The methods and findings presented in this thesis contribute to a foundation of cross-disciplinary biomedical illustration and visualization research, opening several opportunities for continued work in visualization for physiology.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    CELLmicrocosmos - Integrative cell modeling at the  molecular, mesoscopic and functional level

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    Sommer B. CELLmicrocosmos - Integrative cell modeling at the  molecular, mesoscopic and functional level. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University; 2012.The modeling of cells is an important application area of Systems Biology. In the context of this work, three cytological levels are defined: the mesoscopic, the molecular and the functional level. A number of related approaches which are quite diverse will be introduced during this work which can be categorized into these disciplines. But none of these approaches covers all areas. In this work, the combination of all three aforementioned cytological levels is presented, realized by the CELLmicrocosmos project, combining and extending different Bioinformatics-related methods. The mesoscopic level is covered by CellEditor which is a simple tool to generate eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell models. These are based on cell components represented by three-dimensional shapes. Different methods to generate these shapes are discussed by using partly external tools such as Amira, 3ds Max and/or Blender; abstract, interpretative, 3D-microscopy-based and molecular-structure-based cell component modeling. To communicate with these tools, CellEditor provides import as well as export capabilities based on the VRML97 format. In addition, different cytological coloring methods are discussed which can be applied to the cell models. MembraneEditor operates at the molecular level. This tool solves heterogeneous Membrane Packing Problems by distributing lipids on rectangular areas using collision detection. It provides fast and intuitive methods supporting a wide range of different application areas based on the PDB format. Moreover, a plugin interface enables the use of custom algorithms. In the context of this work, a high-density-generating lipid packing algorithm is evaluated; The Wanderer. The semi-automatic integration of proteins into the membrane is enabled by using data from the OPM and PDBTM database. Contrasting with the aforementioned structural levels, the third level covers the functional aspects of the cell. Here, protein-related networks or data sets can be imported and mapped into the previously generated cell models using the PathwayIntegration. For this purpose, data integration methods are applied, represented by the data warehouse DAWIS-M.D. which includes a number of established databases. This information is enriched by the text-mining data acquired from the ANDCell database. The localization of proteins is supported by different tools like the interactive Localization Table and the Localization Charts. The correlation of partly multi-layered cell components with protein-related networks is covered by the Network Mapping Problem. A special implementation of the ISOM layout is used for this purpose. Finally, a first approach to combine all these interrelated levels is represented; CellExplorer which integrates CellEditor as well as PathwayIntegration and imports structures generated with MembraneEditor. For this purpose, the shape-based cell components can be correlated with networks as well as molecular membrane structures using Membrane Mapping. It is shown that the tools discussed here can be applied to scientific as well as educational tasks: educational cell visualization, initial membrane modeling for molecular simulations, analysis of interrelated protein sets, cytological disease mapping. These are supported by the user-friendly combination of Java, Java 3D and Web Start technology. In the last part of this thesis the future of Integrative Cell Modeling is discussed. While the approaches discussed here represent basically three-dimensional snapshots of the cell, prospective approaches have to be extended into the fourth dimension; time