3 research outputs found


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    金沢大学 / 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学本研究では,従来アルゴリズム理論で重視されてきた漸近的解析の枠内では計算困難と思われてきた問題に対して積極的に取り組んできた.具体的には最適な網点の形状を設計する問題とクラスタリングに関する問題に取り組んだ.前者に対しては,計算幾何学において精力的に研究されてきたディスクレパンシの理論が適用できることに気がつき,従来の手法とは全く異なる解法を提案することができた.さらに,これをグラフ理論におけるマッチングの概念と結合することにより,さらに解の性能を向上させることに成功した.実験的にも良い結果が得られており,今後論文として発表する予定である.クラスタリングについては,特に画像データベースからの画像検索の問題に取り組み,従来の結果を凌駕する実験結果を得ることが出来た.これについても近いうちに論文として投稿する予定である.In this study we have been engaged in several problems which were thought to be computationally Hard within the traditional framework of asymptotic analysis popular in the theory of algorithms. More concretely, we have studied the problem of designing optimal dot patterns for printing and that of clustering. For the former problem, we have noticed that the discrepancy theory can be applied to the problem. The discrepancy theory has been rigorously studied and is full of important theoretical results. Combining it with the notion of matching in the graph theory, we have succeeded in improving the performance of the solutions obtained. Since we also had satisfactory experimental results, we intend to submit the result to some journal. For the problem of clustering, we have applied an algorithmic approach to image query system On image database with good experimental results that exceed results by traditional Approaches. We are planning to summarize the results in a paper to be submitted to some International journal in near future.研究課題/領域番号:10205207, 研究期間(年度):1998 - 2000出典:「理論的には計算困難な問題の現実的解法に関する研究」研究成果報告書 課題番号10205207(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-10205207/102052072001kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/)を加工して作

    A unified scheme for detecting fundamental curves in binary edge images

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    We present a unified scheme for detecting digital components of various planar curves in a binary edge image. A digital component of a curve is the set of input edge points from each of which the horizontal or vertical distance to the curve is at most 0.5. Our algorithm outputs all curve components containing at least k points (k is a given threshold) in O(n^d) time (if d ≥ 2) and linear space, where n is the number of points, and d is a measure that reflects the complexity of a family of curves; for example, d = 2, 3, and 5 for lines, circles, and ellipses, respectively. For most of the popular families of curves, our only primitive operations are algebraic operations of bounded degree and comparisons. We also propose an approximate algorithm for computing an approximation solution with error ratio ε = 1 - α (called an α-sensitive solution), whose time complexity is O((t/ε)^n), which is very efficient if the threshold-ratio t = n/k is small