3 research outputs found

    No Need to Know Physics: Resilience of Process-based Model-free Anomaly Detection for Industrial Control Systems

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    In recent years, a number of process-based anomaly detection schemes for Industrial Control Systems were proposed. In this work, we provide the first systematic analysis of such schemes, and introduce a taxonomy of properties that are verified by those detection systems. We then present a novel general framework to generate adversarial spoofing signals that violate physical properties of the system, and use the framework to analyze four anomaly detectors published at top security conferences. We find that three of those detectors are susceptible to a number of adversarial manipulations (e.g., spoofing with precomputed patterns), which we call Synthetic Sensor Spoofing and one is resilient against our attacks. We investigate the root of its resilience and demonstrate that it comes from the properties that we introduced. Our attacks reduce the Recall (True Positive Rate) of the attacked schemes making them not able to correctly detect anomalies. Thus, the vulnerabilities we discovered in the anomaly detectors show that (despite an original good detection performance), those detectors are not able to reliably learn physical properties of the system. Even attacks that prior work was expected to be resilient against (based on verified properties) were found to be successful. We argue that our findings demonstrate the need for both more complete attacks in datasets, and more critical analysis of process-based anomaly detectors. We plan to release our implementation as open-source, together with an extension of two public datasets with a set of Synthetic Sensor Spoofing attacks as generated by our framework

    A Survey on Industrial Control System Testbeds and Datasets for Security Research

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    The increasing digitization and interconnection of legacy Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) open new vulnerability surfaces, exposing such systems to malicious attackers. Furthermore, since ICSs are often employed in critical infrastructures (e.g., nuclear plants) and manufacturing companies (e.g., chemical industries), attacks can lead to devastating physical damages. In dealing with this security requirement, the research community focuses on developing new security mechanisms such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), facilitated by leveraging modern machine learning techniques. However, these algorithms require a testing platform and a considerable amount of data to be trained and tested accurately. To satisfy this prerequisite, Academia, Industry, and Government are increasingly proposing testbed (i.e., scaled-down versions of ICSs or simulations) to test the performances of the IDSs. Furthermore, to enable researchers to cross-validate security systems (e.g., security-by-design concepts or anomaly detectors), several datasets have been collected from testbeds and shared with the community. In this paper, we provide a deep and comprehensive overview of ICSs, presenting the architecture design, the employed devices, and the security protocols implemented. We then collect, compare, and describe testbeds and datasets in the literature, highlighting key challenges and design guidelines to keep in mind in the design phases. Furthermore, we enrich our work by reporting the best performing IDS algorithms tested on every dataset to create a baseline in state of the art for this field. Finally, driven by knowledge accumulated during this survey's development, we report advice and good practices on the development, the choice, and the utilization of testbeds, datasets, and IDSs