8 research outputs found

    A reliable cross layer routing scheme (CL-RS) for wireless sensor networks to prolong network lifetime

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    Design of conventional protocols for wireless sensor networks(WSN) are mainly based on energy management. The solutions for layered protocol of the WSN network are inefficient as sensors network mainly delivers real-time content thus, cross layer communication between layers of the protocol stack is highly required. In this paper, a reliable cross layer routing scheme (CL - RS) is proposed to balance energy to achieve prolonged lifetime through controlled utilization of limited energy. CL - RS considers 2 adjacent layers namely, MAC layer and network layer. Optimization issues are identified in these two layers and solutions are provided to reduce energy consumption thereby increasing network lifetime. To achieve higher energy efficiency MAC layer protocols compromise on packet latency. It is essential to attempt reduce the end-to-end delay and energy consumption using low duty cycle cross layer MAC (CL-MAC). The joint optimization design is formulated as a linear programming problem. The network is partitioned into four request zones to enable increase in network performance by using an appropriate duty cycle and routing scheme. We demonstrate by simulations that the strategy designed by combining (CL - RS) and (CL-MAC) algorithms at each layer significantly increases the network lifetime and a relation exists between the network lifetime maximization and the reliability constraint. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme under different scenarios using ns-2. Experimental results shows that proposed scheme outperforms the layered AODV in terms of packet loss ratio, end-to-end delay, control overhead and energy consumption


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    The physical conditions of the area of interest is being collected at the central location using a set of dedicated sensors that forms a network is referred to as Wireless Sensor Network. A dynamic environment is required for a secure multi-hop communication between nodes of the heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network. One such solution is to employ autonomic based learning in a MAC Layer of the UWB TxRx. Over a time period the autonomic based network learns from the previous experience and adapts to the environment significantly. Exploring the Autonomicity would help us in evading the congestion of about 30% in a typical UWB-WSNs. Simulation results showed an improvement of 5% using Local Automate Collision Avoidance Scheme (LACAS-UWB) compared to LACAS

    Energy harvesting-aware design of wireless networks

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    Recent advances in low-power electronics and energy-harvesting (EH) technologies enable the design of self-sustained devices that collect part, or all, of the needed energy from the environment. Several systems can take advantage of EH, ranging from portable devices to wireless sensor networks (WSNs). While conventional design for battery-powered systems is mainly concerned with the battery lifetime, a key advantage of EH is that it enables potential perpetual operation of the devices, without requiring maintenance for battery substitutions. However, the inherent unpredictability regarding the amount of energy that can be collected from the environment might cause temporary energy shortages, which might prevent the devices to operate regularly. This uncertainty calls for the development of energy management techniques that are tailored to the EH dynamics. While most previous work on EH-capable systems has focused on energy management for single devices, the main contributions of this dissertation is the analysis and design of medium access control (MAC) protocols for WSNs operated by EH-capable devices. In particular, the dissertation first considers random access MAC protocols for single-hop EH networks, in which a fusion center collects data from a set of nodes distributed in its surrounding. MAC protocols commonly used in WSNs, such as time division multiple access (TDMA), framed-ALOHA (FA) and dynamic-FA (DFA) are investigated in the presence of EH-capable devices. A new ALOHA-based MAC protocol tailored to EH-networks, referred to as energy group-DFA (EG-DFA), is then proposed. In EG-DFA nodes with similar energy availability are grouped together and access the channel independently from other groups. It is shown that EG-DFA significantly outperforms the DFA protocol. Centralized scheduling-based MAC protocols for single-hop EH-networks with communication resource constraints are considered next. Two main scenarios are addressed, namely: i) nodes exclusively powered via EH; ii) nodes powered by a hybrid energy storage system, which is composed by a non-rechargeable battery and a capacitor charged via EH. For the former case the goal is the maximization of the network throughput, while in the latter the aim is maximizing the lifetime of the non-rechargeable batteries. For both scenarios optimal scheduling policies are derived by assuming different levels of information available at the fusion center about the energy availability at the nodes. When optimal policies are not derived explicitly, suboptimal policies are proposed and compared with performance upper bounds. Energy management policies for single devices have been investigated as well by focusing on radio frequency identification (RFID) systems, when the latter are operated by enhanced RFID tags with energy harvesting capabilities