8 research outputs found

    Random cliques in random graphs

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    We show that for each r4r\ge 4, in a density range extending up to, and slightly beyond, the threshold for a KrK_r-factor, the copies of KrK_r in the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) are randomly distributed, in the (one-sided) sense that the hypergraph that they form contains a copy of a binomial random hypergraph with almost exactly the right density. Thus, an asymptotically sharp bound for the threshold in Shamir's hypergraph matching problem -- recently announced by Jeff Kahn -- implies a corresponding bound for the threshold for G(n,p)G(n,p) to contain a KrK_r-factor. We also prove a slightly weaker result for r=3r=3, and (weaker) generalizations replacing KrK_r by certain other graphs FF. As an application of the latter we find, up to a log factor, the threshold for G(n,p)G(n,p) to contain an FF-factor when FF is 11-balanced but not strictly 11-balanced.Comment: 19 pages; expanded introduction and Section 5, plus minor correction

    Threshold for Steiner triple systems

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    We prove that with high probability G(3)(n,n1+o(1))\mathbb{G}^{(3)}(n,n^{-1+o(1)}) contains a spanning Steiner triple system for n1,3(mod6)n\equiv 1,3\pmod{6}, establishing the tight exponent for the threshold probability for existence of a Steiner triple system. We also prove the analogous theorem for Latin squares. Our result follows from a novel bootstrapping scheme that utilizes iterative absorption as well as the connection between thresholds and fractional expectation-thresholds established by Frankston, Kahn, Narayanan, and Park.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Perfect matchings in random sparsifications of Dirac hypergraphs

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    For all integers nk>d1n \geq k > d \geq 1, let md(k,n)m_{d}(k,n) be the minimum integer D0D \geq 0 such that every kk-uniform nn-vertex hypergraph H\mathcal H with minimum dd-degree δd(H)\delta_{d}(\mathcal H) at least DD has an optimal matching. For every fixed integer k3k \geq 3, we show that for nkNn \in k \mathbb{N} and p=Ω(nk+1logn)p = \Omega(n^{-k+1} \log n), if H\mathcal H is an nn-vertex kk-uniform hypergraph with δk1(H)mk1(k,n)\delta_{k-1}(\mathcal H) \geq m_{k-1}(k,n), then a.a.s.\ its pp-random subhypergraph Hp\mathcal H_p contains a perfect matching (mk1(k,n)m_{k-1}(k,n) was determined by R\"{o}dl, Ruci\'nski, and Szemer\'edi for all large nkNn \in k\mathbb N). Moreover, for every fixed integer d<kd < k and γ>0\gamma > 0, we show that the same conclusion holds if H\mathcal H is an nn-vertex kk-uniform hypergraph with δd(H)md(k,n)+γ(ndkd)\delta_d(\mathcal H) \geq m_{d}(k,n) + \gamma\binom{n - d}{k - d}. Both of these results strengthen Johansson, Kahn, and Vu's seminal solution to Shamir's problem and can be viewed as "robust" versions of hypergraph Dirac-type results. In addition, we also show that in both cases above, H\mathcal H has at least exp((11/k)nlognΘ(n))\exp((1-1/k)n \log n - \Theta (n)) many perfect matchings, which is best possible up to a exp(Θ(n))\exp(\Theta(n)) factor.Comment: 25 pages + 2 page appendix; Theorem 1.5 was proved in independent work of Pham, Sah, Sawhney, and Simkin (arxiv:2210.03064