262 research outputs found

    Exploiting diversity in wireless channels with bit-interleaved coded modulation and iterative decoding (BICM-ID)

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    This dissertation studies a state-of-the-art bandwidth-efficient coded modulation technique, known as bit interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID), together with various diversity techniques to dramatically improve the performance of digital communication systems over wireless channels. For BICM-ID over a single-antenna frequency non-selective fading channel, the problem of mapping over multiple symbols, i.e., multi-dimensional (multi-D) mapping, with 8-PSK constellation is investigated. An explicit algorithm to construct a good multi-D mapping of 8-PSK to improve the asymptotic performance of BICM-ID systems is introduced. By comparing the performance of the proposed mapping with an unachievable lower bound, it is conjectured that the proposed mapping is the global optimal mapping. The superiority of the proposed mapping over the best conventional (1-dimensional complex) mapping and the multi-D mapping found previously by computer search is thoroughly demonstrated. In addition to the mapping issue in single-antenna BICM-ID systems, the use of signal space diversity (SSD), also known as linear constellation precoding (LCP), is considered in BICM-ID over frequency non-selective fading channels. The performance analysis of BICM-ID and complex N-dimensional signal space diversity is carried out to study its performance limitation, the choice of the rotation matrix and the design of a low-complexity receiver. Based on the design criterion obtained from a tight error bound, the optimality of the rotation matrix is established. It is shown that using the class of optimal rotation matrices, the performance of BICM-ID systems over a frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading channel approaches that of the BICM-ID systems over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel when the dimension of the signal constellation increases. Furthermore, by exploiting the sigma mapping for any M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellation, a very simple sub-optimal, yet effective iterative receiver structure suitable for signal constellations with large dimensions is proposed. Simulation results in various cases and conditions indicate that the proposed receiver can achieve the analytical performance bounds with low complexity. The application of BICM-ID with SSD is then extended to the case of cascaded Rayleigh fading, which is more suitable to model mobile-to-mobile communication channels. By deriving the error bound on the asymptotic performance, it is first illustrated that for a small modulation constellation, a cascaded Rayleigh fading causes a much more severe performance degradation than a conventional Rayleigh fading. However, BICM-ID employing SSD with a sufficiently large constellation can close the performance gap between the Rayleigh and cascaded Rayleigh fading channels, and their performance can closely approach that over an AWGN channel. In the next step, the use of SSD in BICM-ID over frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels employing a multi-carrier modulation technique known as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is studied. Under the assumption of correlated fading over subcarriers, a tight bound on the asymptotic error performance for the general case of applying SSD over all N subcarriers is derived and used to establish the best achievable asymptotic performance by SSD. It is then shown that precoding over subgroups of at least L subcarriers per group, where L is the number of channel taps, is sufficient to obtain this best asymptotic error performance, while significantly reducing the receiver complexity. The optimal joint subcarrier grouping and rotation matrix design is subsequently determined by solving the Vandermonde linear system. Illustrative examples show a good agreement between various analytical and simulation results. Further, by combining the ideas of multi-D mapping and subcarrier grouping, a novel power and bandwidth-efficient bit-interleaved coded modulation with OFDM and iterative decoding (BI-COFDM-ID) in which multi-D mapping is performed over a group of subcarriers for broadband transmission in a frequency selective fading environment is proposed. A tight bound on the asymptotic error performance is developed, which shows that subcarrier mapping and grouping have independent impacts on the overall error performance, and hence they can be independently optimized. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the optimal subcarrier mapping is similar to the optimal multi-D mapping for BICM-ID in frequency non-selective Rayleigh fading environment, whereas the optimal subcarrier grouping is the same with that of OFDM with SSD. Furthermore, analytical and simulation results show that the proposed system with the combined optimal subcarrier mapping and grouping can achieve the full channel diversity without using SSD and provide significant coding gains as compared to the previously studied BI-COFDM-ID with the same power, bandwidth and receiver complexity. Finally, the investigation is extended to the application of BICM-ID over a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system equipped with multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver to exploit both time and spatial diversities, where neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel fading coefficients. The concentration is on the class of unitary constellation, due to its advantages in terms of both information-theoretic capacity and error probability. The tight error bound with respect to the asymptotic performance is also derived for any given unitary constellation and mapping rule. Design criteria regarding the choice of unitary constellation and mapping are then established. Furthermore, by using the unitary constellation obtained from orthogonal design with quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK or 4-PSK) and 8-PSK, two different mapping rules are proposed. The first mapping rule gives the most suitable mapping for systems that do not implement iterative processing, which is similar to a Gray mapping in coherent channels. The second mapping rule yields the best mapping for systems with iterative decoding. Analytical and simulation results show that with the proposed mappings of the unitary constellations obtained from orthogonal designs, the asymptotic error performance of the iterative systems can closely approach a lower bound which is applicable to any unitary constellation and mapping

    Investigation of non-binary trellis codes designed for impulsive noise environments

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    PhD ThesisIt is well known that binary codes with iterative decoders can achieve near Shannon limit performance on the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, but their performance on more realistic wired or wireless channels can become degraded due to the presence of burst errors or impulsive noise. In such extreme environments, error correction alone cannot combat the serious e ect of the channel and must be combined with the signal processing techniques such as channel estimation, channel equalisation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). However, even after the received signal has been processed, it can still contain burst errors, or the noise present in the signal maybe non Gaussian. In these cases, popular binary coding schemes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) or turbo codes may not perform optimally, resulting in the degradation of performance. Nevertheless, there is still scope for the design of new non-binary codes that are more suitable for these environments, allowing us to achieve further gains in performance. In this thesis, an investigation into good non-binary trellis error-correcting codes and advanced noise reduction techniques has been carried out with the aim of enhancing the performance of wired and wireless communication networks in di erent extreme environments. These environments include, urban, indoor, pedestrian, underwater, and powerline communication (PLC). This work includes an examination of the performance of non-binary trellis codes in harsh scenarios such as underwater communications when the noise channel is additive S S noise. Similar work was also conducted for single input single output (SISO) power line communication systems for single carrier (SC) and multi carrier (MC) over realistic multi-path frequency selective channels. A further examination of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wired and wireless systems on Middleton class A noise channel was carried out. The main focus of the project was non-binary coding schemes as it is well-known that they outperform their binary counterparts when the channel is bursty. However, few studies have investigated non-binary codes for other environments. The major novelty of this work is the comparison of the performance of non-binary trellis codes with binary trellis codes in various scenarios, leading to the conclusion that non-binary codes are, in most cases, superior in performance to binary codes. Furthermore, the theoretical bounds of SISO and MIMO binary and non-binary convolutional coded OFDM-PLC systems have been investigated for the rst time. In order to validate our results, the implementation of simulated and theoretical results have been obtained for di erent values of noise parameters and on di erent PLC channels. The results show a strong agreement between the simulated and theoretical analysis for all cases.University of Thi-Qar for choosing me for their PhD scholarship and the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti c Research (MOHESR) for granting me the funds to study in UK. In addition, there was ample support towards my stay in the UK from the Iraqi Cultural Attach e in Londo

    Wavelet-Coding for Radio over Fibre

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    FPGA-Based Realisation of SDR with OFDM Tranceiver

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    Software-defined radio architecture is the key point of next generation communication systems in which some of the functional units are designed as software on a reconfigurable processor. This paper proposes the physical layer architecture of SDR with modified orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). One of the main drawbacks of OFDM is that its high peak-to-average reduction (PAPR) ratio. The PAPR can be reduced using filtering and adaptive peak windowing method with Kaiser window. The adaptive window method finds the positions of maximum peak values using a peak detector in the signal and applies the window function with variable parameter. The radix 2 scalable N point FFT algorithm is used in the system. The mapping of the information signal is done with BPSK, PSK, and 16 QAM modulation. According to the signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) value, the type of modulation can be selected. Decoding of the OFDM signal in the receiver is done with Viterbi decoding algorithm. The communication system simulation is done in MATLAB and the baseband operations are implemented on Xilinx FPGA.Defence Science Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, May 2015, pp.233-239, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.65.601

    Coded modulation techniques with bit interleaving and iterative processing for impulsive noise channels

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    Power line communications (PLC) surfers performance degradation due mainly to impulsive noise interference generated by electrical appliances. This thesis studies coded modulation techniques to improve the spectral efficiency and error performance of PLC. Considered in the first part is the application of bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) in class-A impulsive noise environment. In particular, the optimal soft-output demodulator and its suboptimal version are presented for an additive class-A noise (AWAN) channel so that iterative demodulation and decoding can be performed at the receiver. The effect of signal mapping on the error performance of BICM-ID systems in impulsive noise is then investigated, with both computer simulations and a tight error bound on the asymptotic performance. Extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart analysis is performed to illustrate the convergence properties of different mappings. The superior performance of BICMID compared to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is also clearly demonstrated.Motivated by the successes of both BICM-ID and OFDM in improving the error performance of communications systems in impulsive noise environment, the second part of this thesis introduces a novel scheme of bit-interleaved coded OFDM with iterative decoding (BI-COFDM-ID) over the class-A impulsive noise channel. Here, an iterative receiver composed of outer and inner iteration loops is first described in detail. Error performance improvements of the proposed iterative receiver with different iteration strategies are presented and discussed. Performance comparisons of BI-COFDM-ID, BICM-ID and iteratively decoded OFDM are made to illustrate the superiority of BI-COFDM-ID. The effect of signal mapping on the error performance of BI-COFDM-ID is also studied

    Spectrum control and iterative coding for high capacity multiband OFDM

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    The emergence of Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Modulation (MB-OFDM) as an ultra-wideband (UWB) technology injected new optimism in the market through realistic commercial implementation, while keeping promise of high data rates intact. However, it has also brought with it host of issues, some of which are addressed in this thesis. The thesis primarily focuses on the two issues of spectrum control and user capacity for the system currently proposed by the Multiband OFDM Alliance (MBOA). By showing that line spectra are still an issue for new modulation scheme (MB-OFDM), it proposes a mechanism of scrambling the data with an increased length linear feedback shift register (compared to the current proposal), a new set of seeds, and random phase reversion for the removal of line spectra. Following this, the thesis considers a technique for increasing the user capacity of the current MB-OFDM system to meet the needs of future wireless systems, through an adaptive multiuser synchronous coded transmission scheme. This involves real time iterative generation of user codes, which are generated over time and frequency leading to increased capacity. With the assumption of complete channel state information (CSI) at the receiver, an iterative MMSE algorithm is used which involves replacement of each users s signature with its normalized MMSE filter function allowing the overall Total Squared Correlation (TSC) of the system to decrease until the algorithm converges to a fixed set of signature vectors. This allows the system to be overloaded and user\u27s codes to be quasi-orthogonal. Simulation results show that for code of length nine (spread over three frequency bands and three time slots), ten users can be accommodated for a given QoS and with addition of single frequency sub-band which allows the code length to increase from nine to twelve (four frequency sub-bands and three time slots), fourteen users with nearly same QoS can be accommodated in the system. This communication is overlooked by a central controller with necessary functionalities to facilitate the process. The thesis essentially considers the uplink from transmitting devices to this central controller. Furthermore, analysis of this coded transmission in presence of interference is carried to display the robustness of this scheme through its adaptation by incorporating knowledge of existing Narrowband (NB) Interference for computing the codes. This allows operation of sub-band coexisting with NB interference without substantial degradation given reasonable interference energy (SIR=-l0dB and -5dB considered). Finally, the thesis looks at design implementation and convergence issues related to code vector generation whereby, use of Lanczos algorithm is considered for simpler design and faster convergence. The algorithm can be either used to simplify design implementation by providing simplified solution to Weiner Hopf equation (without requiring inverse of correlation matrix) over Krylov subspace or can be used to expedite convergence by updating the signature sequence with eigenvector corresponding to the least eigenvalue of the signature correlation matrix through reduced rank eigen subspace search

    Multi-carrier CDMA using convolutional coding and interference cancellation

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN016251 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    An Efficient ICI Cancellation Technique for OFDM Communication Systems

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    A well known problem of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), however, is its sensitivity to frequency offset between the transmitted and received signals, which may be caused by Doppler shift in the channel, or by the difference between the transmitter and receiver local oscillator frequencies. This carrier frequency offset causes loss of orthogonality between sub carriers and the signals transmitted on each carrier are not independent of each other. The orthogonality of the carriers is no longer maintained, which results in inter-carrier interference (ICI). The undesired ICI degrades the performance of the system. Depending on the Doppler spread in the channel and the block length chosen for transmission, ICI can potentially cause a severe deterioration of quality of service (QOS) in OFDM systems. ICI mitigation techniques are essential in improving the performance of an OFDM system in an environment which induces frequency offset error in the transmitted signal. The comparisons of these schemes in terms of various parameters will be useful in determining the choice of ICI mitigation techniques for different applications and mobile environments. This project investigates an efficient ICI cancellation method termed ICI self-cancellation scheme for combating the impact of ICI on OFDM systems. The ICI self-cancellation scheme is a technique in which redundant data is transmitted onto adjacent sub-carriers such that the ICI between adjacent sub-carriers cancels out at the receiver. The main idea is one data symbol is modulated onto a group of adjacent subcarriers with a group of weighting coefficients. By doing so, the ICI signals generated within a group can be ―self-cancelled‖ each other. At the receiver side, by linearly combining the received signals on these subcarriers with proposed coefficients, the residual ICI contained in the received signals can then be further reduced. The carrier-to-interference power ratio (CIR) can be increased by 15 and 30 dB when the group size is two or three, respectively, for a channel with a constant frequency offset. Although the proposed scheme causes a reduction in bandwidth efficiency, it can be compensated, by using larger signal alphabet sizes in modulation. The average carrier-to-interference power ratio (CIR) is used as the ICI level indicator, and a theoretical CIR expression is derived for the proposed scheme. The proposed scheme provides significant CIR improvement, which has been studied theoretically and supported by simulations. Simulation results show that under the condition of the same bandwidth efficiency and larger frequency offsets, the proposed OFDM system using the ICI self-cancellation scheme performs much better than standard OFDM systems in AWGN channel with large Doppler frequencies. In addition, since no channel equalization is needed for reducing ICI, the proposed scheme is therefore beneficial in implementation issue without increasing system complexity

    Advanced Layered Divsion Multiplexing Technologies for Next-Gen Broadcast

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    Tesis por compendioDesde comienzos del siglo XXI, los sistemas de radiodifusión terrestre han sido culpados de un uso ineficiente del espectro asignado. Para aumentar la eficiencia espectral, los organismos de estandarización de TV digital comenzaron a desarrollar la evolución técnica de los sistemas de TDT de primera generación. Entre otros, uno de los objetivos principales de los sistemas de TDT de próxima generación (DVB-T2 y ATSC 3.0) es proporcionar simultáneamente servicios de TV a dispositivos móviles y fijos. El principal inconveniente de esta entrega simultánea son los diferentes requisitos de cada condición de recepción. Para abordar estas limitaciones, se han considerado diferentes técnicas de multiplexación. Mientras que DVB-T2 acomete la entrega simultánea de los dos servicios mediante TDM, ATSC 3.0 adoptó la Multiplexación por División en Capas (LDM). LDM puede superar a TDM y a FDM al aprovechar la relación de Protección de Error Desigual (UEP), ya que ambos servicios, llamados capas, utilizan todos los recursos de frecuencia y tiempo con diferentes niveles de potencia. En el lado del receptor, se distinguen dos implementaciones, de acuerdo con la capa a decodificar. Los receptores móviles solo están destinados a obtener la capa superior, conocida como Core Layer (CL). Para no aumentar su complejidad en comparación con los receptores de capa única, la capa inferior, conocida como Enhanced Layer (EL), es tratada como un ruido adicional en la decodificación. Los receptores fijos aumentan su complejidad, ya que deben realizar un proceso de Cancelación de Interferencia (SIC) sobre la CL para obtener la EL. Para limitar la complejidad adicional de los receptores fijos, las capas de LDM en ATSC 3.0 están configuradas con diferentes capacidades de corrección, pero comparten el resto de bloques de la capa física, incluido el TIL, el PP, el tamaño de FFT, y el GI. Esta disertación investiga tecnologías avanzadas para optimizar el rendimiento de LDM. Primero se propone una optimización del proceso de demapeo para las dos capas de LDM. El algoritmo propuesto logra un aumento de capacidad, al tener en cuenta la forma de la EL en el proceso de demapeo de la CL. Sin embargo, el número de distancias Euclidianas a computar puede aumentar significativamente, conduciendo no solo a receptores fijos más complejos, sino también a receptores móviles más complejos. A continuación, se determina la configuración de piloto ATSC 3.0 más adecuada para LDM. Teniendo en cuenta que las dos capas comparten el mismo PP, surge una contrapartida entre la densidad de pilotos (CL) y la redundancia sobre los datos (EL). A partir de los resultados de rendimiento, se recomienda el uso de un PP no muy denso, ya que ya han sido diseñados para hacer frente a ecos largos y altas velocidades. La amplitud piloto óptima depende del estimador de canal en los receptores (ej., se recomienda la amplitud mínima para una implementación Wiener, mientras que la máxima para una implementación FFT). También se investiga la potencial transmisión conjunta de LDM con tres tecnologías avanzadas adoptadas en ATSC 3.0: las tecnologías de agregación MultiRF, los esquemas de MISO distribuido y los de MIMO colocalizado. Se estudian los potenciales casos de uso, los aspectos de implementación del transmisor y el receptor, y las ganancias de rendimiento de las configuraciones conjuntas para las dos capas de LDM. Las restricciones adicionales de combinar LDM con las tecnologías avanzadas se consideran admisibles, ya que las mayores demandas ya están contempladas en ATSC 3.0 (ej., una segunda cadena de recepción). Se obtienen ganancias significativas en condiciones de recepción peatonal gracias a la diversidad en frecuencia proporcionada por las tecnologías MultiRF. La conjunción de LDM con esquemas de MISO proporciona ganancias de rendimiento significativas en redes SFN para la capa fija con el esquema de Alamouti.Since the beginning of the 21st century, terrestrial broadcasting systems have been blamed of an inefficient use of the allocated spectrum. To increase the spectral efficiency, digital television Standards Developing Organizations settled to develop the technical evolution of the first-generation DTT systems. Among others, a primary goal of next-generation DTT systems (DVB-T2 and ATSC 3.0) is to simultaneously provide TV services to mobile and fixed devices. The major drawback of this simultaneous delivery is the different requirement of each reception condition. To address these constraints different multiplexing techniques have been considered. While DVB-T2 fulfilled the simultaneous delivery of the two services by TDM, ATSC 3.0 adopted the LDM technology. LDM can outperform TDM and FDM by taking advantage of the UEP ratio, as both services, namely layers, utilize all the frequency and time resources with different power levels. At receiver side, two implementations are distinguished, according to the intended layer. Mobile receivers are only intended to obtain the upper layer, known as CL. In order not to increase their complexity compared to single layer receivers, the lower layer, known as EL is treated as an additional noise on the CL decoding. Fixed receivers, increase their complexity, as they should performed a SIC process on the CL for getting the EL. To limit the additional complexity of fixed receivers, the LDM layers in ATSC 3.0 are configured with different error correction capabilities, but share the rest of physical layer parameters, including the TIL, the PP, the FFT size, and the GI. This dissertation investigates advanced technologies to optimize the LDM performance. A demapping optimization for the two LDM layers is first proposed. A capacity increase is achieved by the proposed algorithm, which takes into account the underlying layer shape in the demapping process. Nevertheless, the number of Euclidean distances to be computed can be significantly increased, contributing to not only more complex fixed receivers, but also more complex mobile receivers. Next, the most suitable ATSC 3.0 pilot configuration for LDM is determined. Considering the two layers share the same PP a trade-off between pilot density (CL) and data overhead (EL) arises. From the performance results, it is recommended the use of a not very dense PP, as they have been already designed to cope with long echoes and high speeds. The optimum pilot amplitude depends on the channel estimator at receivers (e.g. the minimum amplitude is recommended for a Wiener implementation, while the maximum for a FFT implementation). The potential combination of LDM with three advanced technologies that have been adopted in ATSC 3.0 is also investigated: MultiRF technologies, distributed MISO schemes, and co-located MIMO schemes. The potential use cases, the transmitter and receiver implementations, and the performance gains of the joint configurations are studied for the two LDM layers. The additional constraints of combining LDM with the advanced technologies is considered admissible, as the greatest demands (e.g. a second receiving chain) are already contemplated in ATSC 3.0. Significant gains are found for the mobile layer at pedestrian reception conditions thanks to the frequency diversity provided by MultiRF technologies. The conjunction of LDM with distributed MISO schemes provides significant performance gains on SFNs for the fixed layer with Alamouti scheme. Last, considering the complexity in the mobile receivers and the CL performance, the recommended joint configuration is MISO in the CL and MIMO in the EL.Des de començaments del segle XXI, els sistemes de radiodifusió terrestre han sigut culpats d'un ús ineficient de l'espectre assignat. Per a augmentar l'eficiència espectral, els organismes d'estandardització de TV digital van començar a desenvolupar l'evolució tècnica dels sistemes de TDT de primera generació. Entre altres, un dels objectius principals dels sistemes de TDT de pròxima generació (DVB-T2 i el ATSC 3.0) és proporcionar simultàniament serveis de TV a dispositius mòbils i fixos. El principal inconvenient d'aquest lliurament simultani són els diferents requisits de cada condició de recepció. Per a abordar aquestes limitacions, s'han considerat diferents tècniques de multiplexació. Mentre que DVB-T2 escomet el lliurament simultani dels dos serveis mitjançant TDM, ATSC 3.0 va adoptar la Multiplexació per Divisió en Capes (LDM). LDM pot superar a TDM i a FDM en aprofitar la relació de Protecció d'Error Desigual (UEP), ja que tots dos serveis, cridats capes, utilitzen tots els recursos de freqüència i temps amb diferents nivells de potència. En el costat del receptor, es distingeixen dues implementacions, d'acord amb la capa a decodificar. Els receptors mòbils solament estan destinats a obtenir la capa superior, coneguda com Core Layer (CL). Per a no augmentar la seua complexitat en comparació amb els receptors de capa única, la capa inferior, coneguda com Enhanced Layer (EL), és tractada com un soroll addicional en la decodificació. Els receptors fixos augmenten la seua complexitat, ja que han de realitzar un procés de Cancel·lació d'Interferència (SIC) sobre la CL per a obtenir l'EL. Per a limitar la complexitat addicional dels receptors fixos, les capes de LDM en ATSC 3.0 estan configurades amb diferents capacitats de correcció, però comparteixen la resta de blocs de la capa física, inclòs el TIL, el PP, la grandària de FFT i el GI. Aquesta dissertació investiga tecnologies avançades per a optimitzar el rendiment de LDM. Primer es proposa una optimització del procés de demapeo per a les dues capes de LDM. L'algoritme proposat aconsegueix un augment de capacitat, en tenir en compte la forma de l'EL en el procés de demapeo de la CL. No obstant açò, el nombre de distàncies Euclidianes a computar pot augmentar significativament, conduint NO sols a receptors fixos més complexos, sinó també a receptors mòbils més complexos. A continuació, es determina la configuració de pilot ATSC 3.0 més adequada per a LDM. Tenint en compte que les dues capes comparteixen el mateix PP, es produeix una contrapartida entre la densitat de pilots (CL) i la redundància sobre les dades (EL). A partir dels resultats de rendiment, es recomana l'ús d'un PP no gaire dens, ja que ja han sigut dissenyats per a fer front a ecos llargs i altes velocitats. L'amplitud pilot òptima depèn de l'estimador de canal en els receptors (ex., es recomana l'amplitud mínima per a una implementació Wiener, mentre que la màxima per a una implementació FFT). També s'investiga la potencial transmissió conjunta de LDM amb tres tecnologies avançades adoptades en ATSC 3.0: les tecnologies d'agregació de MultiRF, els esquemes de MISO distribuït i els de MIMO colocalitzat. S'estudien els potencials casos d'ús, els principals aspectes d'implementació del transmissor i el receptor, i els guanys de rendiment de les configuracions conjuntes per a les dues capes de LDM. Les restriccions addicionals de combinar LDM amb les tecnologies avançades es consideren admissibles, ja que les majors demandes ja estan contemplades en ATSC 3.0 (ex., una segona cadena de recepció). S'obtenen guanys significatius per a la capa mòbil en condicions de recepció per als vianants gràcies a la diversitat en freqüència proporcionada per les tecnologies MultiRF. La conjunció de LDM amb esquemes MISO distribuïts proporciona guanys de rendiment significatius en xarxes SFN per a la capa fixa amb l'esquema d'Alamouti.Garro Crevillén, E. (2018). Advanced Layered Divsion Multiplexing Technologies for Next-Gen Broadcast [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/105559TESISCompendi