3 research outputs found

    A Syntactic Framework For Bitstream-Level Representation Of Audio-Visual Objects

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    We present the design of a novel syntactic and semantic framework to describe the bitstream-level representation of audio-visual information objects. This framework is important for emerging techniques in video compression, and is currently part of the MPEG-4 System Description Language Working Draft. The design is based on a principle of orthogonality between parsing and processing, i.e., separating the bitstream parsing from the other decoding operations, and extends the basic typing system of a programming language so that it incorporates sophisticated parsing information. Examples of object representations are provided using the MPEG-2 Video bitstream syntax. 1. INTRODUCTION In the past several decades, the fundamental principle of digital audio-visual information representation has been compression. The diversity of the potential applications that use video and audio, however, makes it extremely difficult to prescribe a single, universally applicable compression approach. Emergin..

    A Syntactic Framework For Bitstream-Level Representation Of Audio-Visual Objects

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    We present the design of a novel syntactic and semantic framework to describe the bitstream-level representation of audio-visual information objects. This framework is important for emerging techniques in video compression, and is currently part of the MPEG-4 System Description Language Working Draft. The design is based on a principle of orthogonality between parsing and processing, i.e., separating the bitstream parsing from the other decoding operations, and extends the basic typing system of a programming language so that it incorporates sophisticated parsing information. Examples of object representations are provided using the MPEG-2 Video bitstream syntax. 1. INTRODUCTION In the past several decades, the fundamental principle of digital audio-visual information representation has been compression. The diversity of the potential applications that use video and audio, however, makes it extremely difficult to prescribe a single, universally applicable compression approach. Emergin..