219 research outputs found

    Decentralized Synergetic Control of Power Systems

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    The objective of this dissertation is to design decentralized controllers to enhance the transient stability of power systems. Due to the nonlinearities and complexities of the system, nonlinear control design techniques are required to improve its dynamic performance. In this dissertation a synergetic control technique is being proposed to design supplementary controller that is added to the exciter of the generation unit of the system. Although this method has been previously applied to a Single Infinite Machine Bus (SMIB) system with high degree of success, it has not been employed to systems with multi machine. Also, the method has good robust characteristic like that of the popular Sliding Mode Control (SMC) technique. But the latter technique introduces steady state chattering effect which can cause wear and tear in actuating system. This gives the proposed technique a major advantage over the SMC. In this work, the method is employed for systems with multi machine. Each of the machines is considered to be a subsystem and decentralized controller is designed for each subsystem. The interconnection term of each subsystem with the rest of the system is estimated by a polynomial function of the active power generated by the subsystem. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is employed for optimum tuning of the controller\u27s parameters. To further enhance the performance of the system by widening its range of operation, Reinforcement Learning (RL) technique is used to vary the gains of the decentralized synergetic supplementary controller in real time. The approach is illustrated with several case studies including a SMIB system with or without a Static Var Compensator (SVC), a Two Area System (TAS) with or without an SVC, a three --machines-nine-bus system and a fifty machine system. Results show that the proposed control technique provides better damping than the conventional power system stabilizers and synergetic controllers with fixed gains

    Power Converter of Electric Machines, Renewable Energy Systems, and Transportation

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    Power converters and electric machines represent essential components in all fields of electrical engineering. In fact, we are heading towards a future where energy will be more and more electrical: electrical vehicles, electrical motors, renewables, storage systems are now widespread. The ongoing energy transition poses new challenges for interfacing and integrating different power systems. The constraints of space, weight, reliability, performance, and autonomy for the electric system have increased the attention of scientific research in order to find more and more appropriate technological solutions. In this context, power converters and electric machines assume a key role in enabling higher performance of electrical power conversion. Consequently, the design and control of power converters and electric machines shall be developed accordingly to the requirements of the specific application, thus leading to more specialized solutions, with the aim of enhancing the reliability, fault tolerance, and flexibility of the next generation power systems


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    Power system stabilizers and other controllers are employed to damp oscillations in power systems, thereby guaranteeing satisfactory dynamic performance following major network disturbances. However, the parameters of these controllers are often tuned based on the power system linearized model which generally is a function of the system operating point or state. These controllers suffer from poor performance when the system state changes. The aim of the research work reported in this Thesis is to develop nonlinear synchronous generator excitation control schemes with control laws for providing improved transient stability when the system is subjected to wide parameter variations due to network disturbances. The study employed fourth-and third-order models of a single-machine-connected-to-an-infinite-bus system to design two nonlinear sliding mode control laws (CLs) and one finite-time homogeneous control law (CL), which were constructed based on a well-chosen output function of the system. The parameters of the control laws were properly selected and/or tuned to give desirable dynamic characteristics using well established linear control methods. Justifications for the selection of the fourth-and third-order synchronous generator models to design the aforesaid controllers are presented. Dynamic simulations of the system under the action of the control laws were carried out using MATLAB®/SIMULINK. In order to test the performance of the laws, several simulation studies were performed when the voltage magnitude (V) of the infinite bus and the transmission line reactance (XE) of the system changed due to an applied three-phase symmetrical fault at the infinite bus and generator terminals. Results obtained from these studies show that the dynamic characteristics of the system being investigated have improved significantly, in terms of the rotor angle and rotor speed first peak, damping of low-frequency mechanical oscillations in rotor angle following fault clearance, and settling times of key stability indicators (rotor angle and rotor speed). For instance, for application of each of 5-cycle, 7-cycle, and 9-cycle fault at the infinite bus, the system rotor angle settled to its stable steady values within 1 - 2.2s with minimal control effort that varied between -5pu and 5pu before settling at the prefault value of 1.5603pu in 4.32s (CL1), in 1.92s (CL2), and in 3.32s (CL3). Whereas, CL3, which is a contribution to the improvement of the existing general higher-order sliding mode control structure for synchronous excitation control, was able to make the system withstand greater fault duration than CL1, CL2, which has a new positive parameter (called the dilation gain) incorporated into it, furnished the system with the greatest fault-retaining capability. In practice, the implementation of the three control laws can be carried out in a static exciter configuration with a very fast response

    Passivity - Based Control and Stability Analysis for Hydro-Solar Power Systems

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    Los sistemas de energía modernos se están transformando debido a la inclusión de renovables no convencionales fuentes de energía como la generación eólica y fotovoltaica. A pesar de que estas fuentes de energía son buenas alternativas para el aprovechamiento sostenible de la energía, afectan el funcionamiento y la estabilidad del sistema de energía, debido a su naturaleza inherentemente estocástica y dependencia de las condiciones climáticas. Además, los parques solares y eólicos tienen una capacidad de inercia reducida que debe ser compensada por grandes generadores síncronos en sistemas hidro térmicos convencionales, o por almacenamiento de energía dispositivos. En este contexto, la interacción dinámica entre fuentes convencionales y renovables debe ser estudiado en detalle. Para 2030, el Gobierno de Colombia proyecta que el poder colombiano El sistema integrará en su matriz energética al menos 1,2 GW de generación solar fotovoltaica. Por esta razón, es necesario diseñar controladores robustos que mejoren la estabilidad en los sistemas de energía. Con alta penetración de generación fotovoltaica e hidroeléctrica. Esta disertación estudia nuevas alternativas para mejorar el sistema de potencia de respuesta dinámica durante y después de grandes perturbaciones usando pasividad control basado. Esto se debe a que los componentes del sistema de alimentación son inherentemente pasivos y permiten formulaciones hamiltonianas, explotando así las propiedades de pasividad de sistemas eléctricos. Las principales contribuciones de esta disertación son: una pasividad descentralizada basada control de los sistemas de control de turbinas hidráulicas para sistemas de energía de múltiples máquinas para estabilizar el rotor acelerar y regular el voltaje terminal de cada sistema de control de turbinas hidráulicas en el sistema como, así como un control basado en PI pasividad para las plantas solares fotovoltaicas