165 research outputs found

    Process Algebraic Approach to the Schedulability Analysis and Workload Abstraction of Hierarchical Real-Time Systems

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    Real-time embedded systems have increased in complexity. As microprocessors become more powerful, the software complexity of real-time embedded systems has increased steadily. The requirements for increased functionality and adaptability make the development of real-time embedded software complex and error-prone. Component-based design has been widely accepted as a compositional approach to facilitate the design of complex systems. It provides a means for decomposing a complex system into simpler subsystems and composing the subsystems in a hierarchical manner. A system composed of real-time subsystems with hierarchy is called a hierarchical real-time system This paper describes a process algebraic approach to schedulability analysis of hierarchical real-time systems. To facilitate modeling and analyzing hierarchical real-time systems, we conservatively extend an existing process algebraic theory based on ACSR-VP (Algebra of Communicating Shared Resources with Value-Passing) for the schedulability of real-time systems. We explain a method to model a resource model in ACSR-VP which may be partitioned for a subsystem. We also introduce schedulability relation to define the schedulability of hierarchical real-time systems and show that satisfaction checking of the relation is reducible to deadlock checking in ACSR-VP and can be done automatically by the tool support of ERSA (Verification, Execution and Rewrite System for ACSR). With the schedulability relation, we present algorithms for abstracting real-time system workloads

    Test of preemptive real-time systems

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    Time Petri nets with stopwatches not only model system/environment interactions and time constraints. They further enable modeling of suspend/resume operations in real-time systems. Assuming the modelled systems are non deterministic and partially observable, the paper proposes a test generation approach which implements an online testing policy and outputs test results that are valid for the (part of the) selected environment. A relativized conformance relation named rswtioco is defined and a test generation algorithm is presented. The proposed approach is illustrated on an example

    Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Multi-core Avionics Systems with UPPAAL

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    Time Analysis of the State Space of Real-time Preemptive Systems

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    We present in this paper an algorithm making it possible an efficient time analysis of the state space of preemptive real time systems modeled using Time Petri Nets with inhibitor arcs. For this effect, we discuss how to determine from the reachability graph linear and quantitative properties of the remote model. Then, we propose an algorithm to compute an approximation of the minimal and the maximal time distances of any firing sequence. Contrarily to other techniques, our algorithm enjoys a linear complexity time cost and can be performed on the fly when building the reachability graph without requiring to extend the original model with observers

    Widening the Schedulability Hierarchical Scheduling Systems

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