3 research outputs found

    Genetic stigmergy: Framework and applications

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    Stigmergy has long been studied and recognized as an effective system for self-organization among social insects. Through the use of chemical agents known as pheromones, insect colonies are capable of complex collective behavior often beyond the scope of an individual agent. In an effort to develop human-made systems with the same robustness, scientists have created artificial analogues of pheromone-based stigmergy, but these systems often suffer from scalability and complexity issues due to the problems associated with mimicking the physics of pheromone diffusion. In this thesis, an alternative stigmergic framework called \u27Genetic Stigmergy\u27 is introduced. Using this framework, agents can indirectly share entire behavioral algorithms instead of pheromone traces that are limited in information content. The genetic constructs used in this framework allow for new avenues of research, including real-time evolution and adaptation of agents to complex environments. As a nascent test of its potential, experiments are performed using genetic stigmergy as an indirect communication framework for a simulated swarm of robots tasked with mapping an unknown environment. The robots are able to share their behavioral genes through environmentally distributed Radio-Frequency Identification cards. It was found that robots using a schema encouraging them to adopt lesser used behavioral genes (corresponding with novelty in exploration strategies) can generally cover more of an environment than agents who randomly switch their genes, but only if the environmental complexity is not too high. While the performance improvement is not statistically significant enough to clearly establish genetic stigmergy as a superior alternative to pheromonal-based artificial stigmergy, it is enough to warrant further research to develop its potential

    An Investigation Into a Hybrid Genetic Programming and Ant Colony Optimization Method for Credit Scoring

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    This thesis proposes and investigates a new hybrid technique based on Genetic Programming (GP) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) techniques for inducing data classification rules. The proposed hybrid approach aims to improve on the accuracy of data classification rules produced by the original GP technique, which uses randomly generated initial populations. This hybrid technique relies on the ACO technique to produce the initial populations for the GP technique. To evaluate and compare their effectiveness in producing good data classification rules, GP, ACO, and hybrid techniques were implemented in the C programming language. The data classification rules were created and evaluated by executing these codes with two datasets for credit scoring problems, widely known as the Australian and German datasets, available from the Machine Learning Repository at the University of California, Irvine. The experimental results demonstrate that although all tree techniques yield similar accuracy during testing, on average, the hybrid ACO-GP approach performs better than either GP or ACO during training