33,204 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Models for Unified Collaborative and Content-Based Recommendation in Sparse-Data Environments

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    Recommender systems leverage product and community information to target products to consumers. Researchers have developed collaborative recommenders, content-based recommenders, and (largely ad-hoc) hybrid systems. We propose a unified probabilistic framework for merging collaborative and content-based recommendations. We extend Hofmann's [1999] aspect model to incorporate three-way co-occurrence data among users, items, and item content. The relative influence of collaboration data versus content data is not imposed as an exogenous parameter, but rather emerges naturally from the given data sources. Global probabilistic models coupled with standard Expectation Maximization (EM) learning algorithms tend to drastically overfit in sparse-data situations, as is typical in recommendation applications. We show that secondary content information can often be used to overcome sparsity. Experiments on data from the ResearchIndex library of Computer Science publications show that appropriate mixture models incorporating secondary data produce significantly better quality recommenders than k-nearest neighbors (k-NN). Global probabilistic models also allow more general inferences than local methods like k-NN.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2001

    Collaborative Ensemble Learning: Combining Collaborative and Content-Based Information Filtering via Hierarchical Bayes

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based filtering (CBF) have widely been used in information filtering applications. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses which is why researchers have developed hybrid systems. This paper proposes a novel approach to unify CF and CBF in a probabilistic framework, named collaborative ensemble learning. It uses probabilistic SVMs to model each user's profile (as CBF does).At the prediction phase, it combines a society OF users profiles, represented by their respective SVM models, to predict an active users preferences(the CF idea).The combination scheme is embedded in a probabilistic framework and retains an intuitive explanation.Moreover, collaborative ensemble learning does not require a global training stage and thus can incrementally incorporate new data.We report results based on two data sets. For the Reuters-21578 text data set, we simulate user ratings under the assumption that each user is interested in only one category. In the second experiment, we use users' opinions on a set of 642 art images that were collected through a web-based survey. For both data sets, collaborative ensemble achieved excellent performance in terms of recommendation accuracy.Comment: Appears in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI2003

    A Theory of Information Matching

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    In this work, we propose a theory for information matching. It is motivated by the observation that retrieval is about the relevance matching between two sets of properties (features), namely, the information need representation and information item representation. However, many probabilistic retrieval models rely on fixing one representation and optimizing the other (e.g. fixing the single information need and tuning the document) but not both. Therefore, it is difficult to use the available related information on both the document and the query at the same time in calculating the probability of relevance. In this paper, we address the problem by hypothesizing the relevance as a logical relationship between the two sets of properties; the relationship is defined on two separate mappings between these properties. By using the hypothesis we develop a unified probabilistic relevance model which is capable of using all the available information. We validate the proposed theory by formulating and developing probabilistic relevance ranking functions for both ad-hoc text retrieval and collaborative filtering. Our derivation in text retrieval illustrates the use of the theory in the situation where no relevance information is available. In collaborative filtering, we show that the resulting recommender model unifies the user and item information into a relevance ranking function without applying any dimensionality reduction techniques or computing explicit similarity between two different users (or items), in contrast to the state-of-the-art recommender models

    Stochastic Block Models with Multiple Continuous Attributes

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    The stochastic block model (SBM) is a probabilistic model for community structure in networks. Typically, only the adjacency matrix is used to perform SBM parameter inference. In this paper, we consider circumstances in which nodes have an associated vector of continuous attributes that are also used to learn the node-to-community assignments and corresponding SBM parameters. While this assumption is not realistic for every application, our model assumes that the attributes associated with the nodes in a network's community can be described by a common multivariate Gaussian model. In this augmented, attributed SBM, the objective is to simultaneously learn the SBM connectivity probabilities with the multivariate Gaussian parameters describing each community. While there are recent examples in the literature that combine connectivity and attribute information to inform community detection, our model is the first augmented stochastic block model to handle multiple continuous attributes. This provides the flexibility in biological data to, for example, augment connectivity information with continuous measurements from multiple experimental modalities. Because the lack of labeled network data often makes community detection results difficult to validate, we highlight the usefulness of our model for two network prediction tasks: link prediction and collaborative filtering. As a result of fitting this attributed stochastic block model, one can predict the attribute vector or connectivity patterns for a new node in the event of the complementary source of information (connectivity or attributes, respectively). We also highlight two biological examples where the attributed stochastic block model provides satisfactory performance in the link prediction and collaborative filtering tasks

    Generative Interest Estimation for Document Recommendations

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    Learning distributed representations of documents has pushed the state-of-the-art in several natural language processing tasks and was successfully applied to the field of recommender systems recently. In this paper, we propose a novel content-based recommender system based on learned representations and a generative model of user interest. Our method works as follows: First, we learn representations on a corpus of text documents. Then, we capture a user's interest as a generative model in the space of the document representations. In particular, we model the distribution of interest for each user as a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Recommendations can be obtained directly by sampling from a user's generative model. Using Latent semantic analysis (LSA) as comparison, we compute and explore document representations on the Delicious bookmarks dataset, a standard benchmark for recommender systems. We then perform density estimation in both spaces and show that learned representations outperform LSA in terms of predictive performance

    Temporal Proximity induces Attributes Similarity

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    Users consume their favorite content in temporal proximity of consumption bundles according to their preferences and tastes. Thus, the underlying attributes of items implicitly match user preferences, however, current recommender systems largely ignore this fundamental driver in identifying matching items. In this work, we introduce a novel temporal proximity filtering method to enable items-matching. First, we demonstrate that proximity preferences exist. Second, we present an induced similarity metric in temporal proximity driven by user tastes and third, we show that this induced similarity can be used to learn items pairwise similarity in attribute space. The proposed model does not rely on any knowledge outside users' consumption bundles and provide a novel way to devise user preferences and tastes driven novel items recommender

    Selective Transfer Learning for Cross Domain Recommendation

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) aims to predict users' ratings on items according to historical user-item preference data. In many real-world applications, preference data are usually sparse, which would make models overfit and fail to give accurate predictions. Recently, several research works show that by transferring knowledge from some manually selected source domains, the data sparseness problem could be mitigated. However for most cases, parts of source domain data are not consistent with the observations in the target domain, which may misguide the target domain model building. In this paper, we propose a novel criterion based on empirical prediction error and its variance to better capture the consistency across domains in CF settings. Consequently, we embed this criterion into a boosting framework to perform selective knowledge transfer. Comparing to several state-of-the-art methods, we show that our proposed selective transfer learning framework can significantly improve the accuracy of rating prediction tasks on several real-world recommendation tasks

    Recommendation System based on Semantic Scholar Mining and Topic modeling: A behavioral analysis of researchers from six conferences

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    Recommendation systems have an important place to help online users in the internet society. Recommendation Systems in computer science are of very practical use these days in various aspects of the Internet portals, such as social networks, and library websites. There are several approaches to implement recommendation systems, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is one the popular techniques in Topic Modeling. Recently, researchers have proposed many approaches based on Recommendation Systems and LDA. According to importance of the subject, in this paper we discover the trends of the topics and find relationship between LDA topics and Scholar-Context-documents. In fact, We apply probabilistic topic modeling based on Gibbs sampling algorithms for a semantic mining from six conference publications in computer science from DBLP dataset. According to our experimental results, our semantic framework can be effective to help organizations to better organize these conferences and cover future research topics

    Collaborative Filtering for Predicting User Preferences for Organizing Objects

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    As service robots become more and more capable of performing useful tasks for us, there is a growing need to teach robots how we expect them to carry out these tasks. However, different users typically have their own preferences, for example with respect to arranging objects on different shelves. As many of these preferences depend on a variety of factors including personal taste, cultural background, or common sense, it is challenging for an expert to pre-program a robot in order to accommodate all potential users. At the same time, it is impractical for robots to constantly query users about how they should perform individual tasks. In this work, we present an approach to learn patterns in user preferences for the task of tidying up objects in containers, e.g., shelves or boxes. Our method builds upon the paradigm of collaborative filtering for making personalized recommendations and relies on data from different users that we gather using crowdsourcing. To deal with novel objects for which we have no data, we propose a method that compliments standard collaborative filtering by leveraging information mined from the Web. When solving a tidy-up task, we first predict pairwise object preferences of the user. Then, we subdivide the objects in containers by modeling a spectral clustering problem. Our solution is easy to update, does not require complex modeling, and improves with the amount of user data. We evaluate our approach using crowdsourcing data from over 1,200 users and demonstrate its effectiveness for two tidy-up scenarios. Additionally, we show that a real robot can reliably predict user preferences using our approach.Comment: Submission to The International Journal of Robotics Research. Relevant material can be found at http://www2.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~abdon/task_preferences.htm

    Exploiting Social Tags for Cross-Domain Collaborative Filtering

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    One of the most challenging problems in recommender systems based on the collaborative filtering (CF) concept is data sparseness, i.e., limited user preference data is available for making recommendations. Cross-domain collaborative filtering (CDCF) has been studied as an effective mechanism to alleviate data sparseness of one domain using the knowledge about user preferences from other domains. A key question to be answered in the context of CDCF is what common characteristics can be deployed to link different domains for effective knowledge transfer. In this paper, we assess the usefulness of user-contributed (social) tags in this respect. We do so by means of the Generalized Tag-induced Cross-domain Collaborative Filtering (GTagCDCF) approach that we propose in this paper and that we developed based on the general collective matrix factorization framework. Assessment is done by a series of experiments, using publicly available CF datasets that represent three cross-domain cases, i.e., two two-domain cases and one three-domain case. A comparative analysis on two-domain cases involving GTagCDCF and several state-of-the-art CDCF approaches indicates the increased benefit of using social tags as representatives of explicit links between domains for CDCF as compared to the implicit links deployed by the existing CDCF methods. In addition, we show that users from different domains can already benefit from GTagCDCF if they only share a few common tags. Finally, we use the three-domain case to validate the robustness of GTagCDCF with respect to the scale of datasets and the varying number of domains.Comment: Manuscript under revie
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