3,528 research outputs found

    Automatic Unbounded Verification of Alloy Specifications with Prover9

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    Alloy is an increasingly popular lightweight specification language based on relational logic. Alloy models can be automatically verified within a bounded scope using off-the-shelf SAT solvers. Since false assertions can usually be disproved using small counter-examples, this approach suffices for most applications. Unfortunately, it can sometimes lead to a false sense of security, and in critical applications a more traditional unbounded proof may be required. The automatic theorem prover Prover9 has been shown to be particularly effective for proving theorems of relation algebras [7], a quantifier-free (or point-free) axiomatization of a fragment of relational logic. In this paper we propose a translation from Alloy specifications to fork algebras (an extension of relation algebras with the same expressive power as relational logic) which enables their unbounded verification in Prover9. This translation covers not only logic assertions, but also the structural aspects (namely type declarations), and was successfully implemented and applied to several examples

    A Polynomial Translation of Logic Programs with Nested Expressions into Disjunctive Logic Programs: Preliminary Report

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    Nested logic programs have recently been introduced in order to allow for arbitrarily nested formulas in the heads and the bodies of logic program rules under the answer sets semantics. Nested expressions can be formed using conjunction, disjunction, as well as the negation as failure operator in an unrestricted fashion. This provides a very flexible and compact framework for knowledge representation and reasoning. Previous results show that nested logic programs can be transformed into standard (unnested) disjunctive logic programs in an elementary way, applying the negation as failure operator to body literals only. This is of great practical relevance since it allows us to evaluate nested logic programs by means of off-the-shelf disjunctive logic programming systems, like DLV. However, it turns out that this straightforward transformation results in an exponential blow-up in the worst-case, despite the fact that complexity results indicate that there is a polynomial translation among both formalisms. In this paper, we take up this challenge and provide a polynomial translation of logic programs with nested expressions into disjunctive logic programs. Moreover, we show that this translation is modular and (strongly) faithful. We have implemented both the straightforward as well as our advanced transformation; the resulting compiler serves as a front-end to DLV and is publicly available on the Web.Comment: 10 pages; published in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasonin

    On QBF Proofs and Preprocessing

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    QBFs (quantified boolean formulas), which are a superset of propositional formulas, provide a canonical representation for PSPACE problems. To overcome the inherent complexity of QBF, significant effort has been invested in developing QBF solvers as well as the underlying proof systems. At the same time, formula preprocessing is crucial for the application of QBF solvers. This paper focuses on a missing link in currently-available technology: How to obtain a certificate (e.g. proof) for a formula that had been preprocessed before it was given to a solver? The paper targets a suite of commonly-used preprocessing techniques and shows how to reconstruct certificates for them. On the negative side, the paper discusses certain limitations of the currently-used proof systems in the light of preprocessing. The presented techniques were implemented and evaluated in the state-of-the-art QBF preprocessor bloqqer.Comment: LPAR 201

    Complexity of ITL model checking: some well-behaved fragments of the interval logic HS

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    Model checking has been successfully used in many computer science fields, including artificial intelligence, theoretical computer science, and databases. Most of the proposed solutions make use of classical, point-based temporal logics, while little work has been done in the interval temporal logic setting. Recently, a non-elementary model checking algorithm for Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals HS over finite Kripke structures (under the homogeneity assumption) and an EXPSPACE model checking procedure for two meaningful fragments of it have been proposed. In this paper, we show that more efficient model checking procedures can be developed for some expressive enough fragments of HS

    Verified AIG Algorithms in ACL2

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    And-Inverter Graphs (AIGs) are a popular way to represent Boolean functions (like circuits). AIG simplification algorithms can dramatically reduce an AIG, and play an important role in modern hardware verification tools like equivalence checkers. In practice, these tricky algorithms are implemented with optimized C or C++ routines with no guarantee of correctness. Meanwhile, many interactive theorem provers can now employ SAT or SMT solvers to automatically solve finite goals, but no theorem prover makes use of these advanced, AIG-based approaches. We have developed two ways to represent AIGs within the ACL2 theorem prover. One representation, Hons-AIGs, is especially convenient to use and reason about. The other, Aignet, is the opposite; it is styled after modern AIG packages and allows for efficient algorithms. We have implemented functions for converting between these representations, random vector simulation, conversion to CNF, etc., and developed reasoning strategies for verifying these algorithms. Aside from these contributions towards verifying AIG algorithms, this work has an immediate, practical benefit for ACL2 users who are using GL to bit-blast finite ACL2 theorems: they can now optionally trust an off-the-shelf SAT solver to carry out the proof, instead of using the built-in BDD package. Looking to the future, it is a first step toward implementing verified AIG simplification algorithms that might further improve GL performance.Comment: In Proceedings ACL2 2013, arXiv:1304.712

    The Connectivity of Boolean Satisfiability: Dichotomies for Formulas and Circuits

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    For Boolean satisfiability problems, the structure of the solution space is characterized by the solution graph, where the vertices are the solutions, and two solutions are connected iff they differ in exactly one variable. In 2006, Gopalan et al. studied connectivity properties of the solution graph and related complexity issues for CSPs, motivated mainly by research on satisfiability algorithms and the satisfiability threshold. They proved dichotomies for the diameter of connected components and for the complexity of the st-connectivity question, and conjectured a trichotomy for the connectivity question. Recently, we were able to establish the trichotomy [arXiv:1312.4524]. Here, we consider connectivity issues of satisfiability problems defined by Boolean circuits and propositional formulas that use gates, resp. connectives, from a fixed set of Boolean functions. We obtain dichotomies for the diameter and the two connectivity problems: on one side, the diameter is linear in the number of variables, and both problems are in P, while on the other side, the diameter can be exponential, and the problems are PSPACE-complete. For partially quantified formulas, we show an analogous dichotomy.Comment: 20 pages, several improvement