109 research outputs found

    Data hiding techniques in steganography using fibonacci sequence and knight tour algorithm

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    The foremost priority in the information and communication technology era, is achieving an efficient and accurate steganography system for hiding information. The developed system of hiding the secret message must capable of not giving any clue to the adversaries about the hidden data. In this regard, enhancing the security and capacity by maintaining the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the steganography system is the main issue to be addressed. This study proposed an improved for embedding secret message into an image. This newly developed method is demonstrated to increase the security and capacity to resolve the existing problems. A binary text image is used to represent the secret message instead of normal text. Three stages implementations are used to select the pixel before random embedding to select block of (64 × 64) pixels, follows by the Knight Tour algorithm to select sub-block of (8 × 8) pixels, and finally by the random pixels selection. For secret embedding, Fibonacci sequence is implemented to decomposition pixel from 8 bitplane to 12 bitplane. The proposed method is distributed over the entire image to maintain high level of security against any kind of attack. Gray images from the standard dataset (USC-SIPI) including Lena, Peppers, Baboon, and Cameraman are implemented for benchmarking. The results show good PSNR value with high capacity and these findings verified the worthiness of the proposed method. High complexities of pixels distribution and replacement of bits will ensure better security and robust imperceptibility compared to the existing systems in the literature

    A review and open issues of multifarious image steganography techniques in spatial domain

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    Nowadays, information hiding is becoming a helpful technique and fetch more attention due fast growth of using internet, it is applied for sending secret information by using different techniques. Steganography is one of major important technique in information hiding. Steganography is science of concealing the secure information within a carrier object to provide the secure communication though the internet, so that no one can recognize and detect it’s except the sender & receiver. In steganography, many various carrier formats can be used such as an image, video, protocol, audio. The digital image is most popular used as a carrier file due its frequency on internet. There are many techniques variable for image steganography, each has own strong and weak points. In this study, we conducted a review of image steganography in spatial domain to explore the term image steganography by reviewing, collecting, synthesizing and analyze the challenges of different studies which related to this area published from 2014 to 2017. The aims of this review is provides an overview of image steganography and comparison between approved studies are discussed according to the pixel selection, payload capacity and embedding algorithm to open important research issues in the future works and obtain a robust method

    Integration between Cryptography and Steganography to Hide Secret Message inside an Image

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    The information hiding is progression of hiding the details of a function or object or both of them. On the other hand it represents an important way that used in data security. Another name for information hiding is the steganography, which hides the data inside another data such as embed text inside image or image inside another one. The steganography techniques were used from ancient times and through uses of many mechanics and different ways, such as writing in invisible ink in the Greek Testament, while Cryptography is the process of hiding information by encrypt this data using a complex algorithms. Cryptography is used when collaborating over an untrusted intermediate such as internet. The steganography and cryptography work similarly but in different contexts. In this study, an integration of cryptography and steganography to produce an efficient and robust model has been presented. In terms of cryptography, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm is implemented, whereas in steganography, the Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm is used. Our results show efficient time implementation and a robust algorithm mechanism in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and mean square error (MSE). Keywords: Steganography, Cryptography, Data Hiding, Data Encryption Standard (DES), Least Significant Bit (LSB)

    Review on Lightweight Cryptography Techniques and Steganography Techniques for IOT Environment

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    In the modern world, technology has connected to our day-to-day life in different forms. The Internet of Things (IoT) has become an innovative criterion for mass implementations and a part of daily life. However, this rapid growth leads the huge traffic and security problems. There are several challenges arise while deploying IoT. The most common challenges are privacy and security during data transmission. To address these issues, various lightweight cryptography and steganography techniques were introduced. These techniques are helpful in securing the data over the IoT. The hybrid of cryptography and steganography mechanisms provides enhanced security to confidential messages. Any messages can be secured by cryptography or by embedding the messages into any media files, including text, audio, image, and video, using steganography. Hence, this article has provided a detailed review of efficient, lightweight security solutions based on cryptography and steganography and their function over IoT applications. The objective of the paper is to study and analyze various Light weight cryptography techniques and Steganography techniques for IoT. A few works of literature were reviewed in addition to their merits and limitations. Furthermore, the common problems in the reviewed techniques are explained in the discussion section with their parametric comparison. Finally, the future scope to improve IoT security solutions based on lightweight cryptography and steganography is mentioned in the conclusion part


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    Transmitting image through the internet needs to be secured because of risk to be stolen. Security techniques that can be used for securing data especially image are cryptography and steganography. Combine these techniques can provide double protection in image security. In this research, we proposed the used of T-DES encryption with a selective bit to improve the time performance because time aspect is one of the important aspects of data transmission process. Four MSB of the secret image will be selected, then it will be encrypted using T-DES. After that, this encrypted results will be combined with other 4 LSB. This encryption scheme result will be embedded into a cover image using inverted LSB because inverted LSB can produce high imperceptible value. From 6 testing images which encrypted using proposed scheme present that proposed encryption scheme is twice faster than classic triple DES and slightly faster than double DES. While the embedding scheme can produce PSNR value above 40 dB with the range between 51 dB to 61 dB as well as SSIM which close to 1. This result denoted that proposed scheme generated good quality of stego images

    Enhancing information hiding and segmentation for medical images using novel steganography and clustering fusion techniques

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.In recent years, there has been rapid development in digital medical imaging. The continuous development of medical imaging is expected to make further contributions to healthcare systems, where the increased use of medical imaging in a variety of clinical settings has played an important role in improving health services. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis is to investigate digital image steganography and segmentation in order to offer a systematic way for designing and developing them, with a particular concentration on medical imaging security and magnetic resonance (MR) brain image segmentation

    Image steganography based on odd/even pixels distribution scheme and two parameters random function

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    Presently, the evolution massive of the internet gives more attention, play important role in the field of communication, and transfer messages. Nowadays, hiding sensitive or secret information inside trusted media such image without being noticed by the intruder is more needed because of the privacy cases, this method called steganography. In this paper, a method of hiding secret data in an image based on odd/even pixels distribution scheme and two parameters random function have introduced. The objective of this study is to increase the imperceptibility of proposed method with a high payload capacity of secret message. Two main process are used in the proposed method, which are embedding process and extracting process. Huffman coding technique is utilize to compress the secret message before embedding process. The security and capacity of the proposed method will increase after preparation secret message. The main objective of proposed scheme is to increase image quality (PSNR) in stego image. Two main things make the method effective: first, checking matching of secret bits with LSB and mapping to determine even and odd word during embedding, and second, segmenting the secret message to track and map every bit in stego image. Experimental results of the proposed method can achieve a high imperceptibility and robustness was emphasized

    Application of Stochastic Diffusion for Hiding High Fidelity Encrypted Images

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    Cryptography coupled with information hiding has received increased attention in recent years and has become a major research theme because of the importance of protecting encrypted information in any Electronic Data Interchange system in a way that is both discrete and covert. One of the essential limitations in any cryptography system is that the encrypted data provides an indication on its importance which arouses suspicion and makes it vulnerable to attack. Information hiding of Steganography provides a potential solution to this issue by making the data imperceptible, the security of the hidden information being a threat only if its existence is detected through Steganalysis. This paper focuses on a study methods for hiding encrypted information, specifically, methods that encrypt data before embedding in host data where the ‘data’ is in the form of a full colour digital image. Such methods provide a greater level of data security especially when the information is to be submitted over the Internet, for example, since a potential attacker needs to first detect, then extract and then decrypt the embedded data in order to recover the original information. After providing an extensive survey of the current methods available, we present a new method of encrypting and then hiding full colour images in three full colour host images with out loss of fidelity following data extraction and decryption. The application of this technique, which is based on a technique called ‘Stochastic Diffusion’ are wide ranging and include covert image information interchange, digital image authentication, video authentication, copyright protection and digital rights management of image data in general