2 research outputs found

    Fast Process Variation Analysis in Nano-Scaled Technologies Using Column-Wise Sparse Parameter Selection

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    With growing concern about process variation in deeply nano-scaled technologies, parameterized device and circuit modeling is becoming very important for design and verification. However, the high dimensionality of parameter space is a serious modeling challenge for emerging VLSI technologies, where the models are increasingly more complex. In this paper, we propose and validate a feature selection method to reduce the circuit modeling complexity associated with high parameter dimensionality. Despite the commonly used methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), this method is capable of dealing with mixed Gaussian and non-Gaussian parameters, and performs a parameter selection in the input space rather than creating a new space. By considering non-linear dependencies among input parameters and outputs, the method results in an effective parameter selection. The application of this method is demonstrated in digital circuit timing analysis to effectively reduce the number of simulations. The experimental results on Double-Gate Silicon NanoWire FET (DG-SiNWFET) technology indicate 2.5Ă— speed up in timing variation analysis of the ISCAS89-s27 benchmark with a controlled average error bound of 9.4%

    Robustness Analysis of Controllable-Polarity Silicon Nanowire Devices and Circuits

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    Substantial downscaling of the feature size in current CMOS technology has confronted digital designers with serious challenges including short channel effect and high amount of leakage power. To address these problems, emerging nano-devices, e.g., Silicon NanoWire FET (SiNWFET), is being introduced by the research community. These devices keep on pursuing Mooreâs Law by improving channel electrostatic controllability, thereby reducing the Off âstate leakage current. In addition to these improvements, recent developments introduced devices with enhanced capabilities, such as Controllable-Polarity (CP) SiNWFETs, which make them very interesting for compact logic cell and arithmetic circuits. At advanced technology nodes, the amount of physical controls, during the fabrication process of nanometer devices, cannot be precisely determined because of technology fluctuations. Consequently, the structural parameters of fabricated circuits can be significantly different from their nominal values. Moreover, giving an a-priori conclusion on the variability of advanced technologies for emerging nanoscale devices, is a difficult task and novel estimation methodologies are required. This is a necessity to guarantee the performance and the reliability of future integrated circuits. Statistical analysis of process variation requires a great amount of numerical data for nanoscale devices. This introduces a serious challenge for variability analysis of emerging technologies due to the lack of fast simulation models. One the one hand, the development of accurate compact models entails numerous tests and costly measurements on fabricated devices. On the other hand, Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations, that can provide precise information about devices behavior, are too slow to timely generate large enough data set. In this research, a fast methodology for generating data set for variability analysis is introduced. This methodology combines the TCAD simulations with a learning algorithm to alleviate the time complexity of data set generation. Another formidable challenge for variability analysis of the large circuits is growing number of process variation sources. Utilizing parameterized models is becoming a necessity for chip design and verification. However, the high dimensionality of parameter space imposes a serious problem. Unfortunately, the available dimensionality reduction techniques cannot be employed for three main reasons of lack of accuracy, distribution dependency of the data points, and finally incompatibility with device and circuit simulators. We propose a novel technique of parameter selection for modeling process and performance variation. The proposed technique efficiently addresses the aforementioned problems. Appropriate testing, to capture manufacturing defects, plays an important role on the quality of integrated circuits. Compared to conventional CMOS, emerging nano-devices such as CP-SiNWFETs have different fabrication process steps. In this case, current fault models must be extended for defect detection. In this research, we extracted the possible fabrication defects, and then proposed a fault model for this technology. We also provided a couple of test methods for detecting the manufacturing defects in various types of CP-SiNWFET logic gates. Finally, we used the obtained fault model to build fault tolerant arithmetic circuits with a bunch of superior properties compared to their competitors