74 research outputs found

    A Measurement Based Shadow Fading Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Network Simulations

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    The vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) propagation channel has significant implications on the design and performance of novel communication protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Extensive research efforts have been made to develop V2V channel models to be implemented in advanced VANET system simulators for performance evaluation. The impact of shadowing caused by other vehicles has, however, largely been neglected in most of the models, as well as in the system simulations. In this paper we present a shadow fading model targeting system simulations based on real measurements performed in urban and highway scenarios. The measurement data is separated into three categories, line-of-sight (LOS), obstructed line-of-sight (OLOS) by vehicles, and non line-of-sight due to buildings, with the help of video information recorded during the measurements. It is observed that vehicles obstructing the LOS induce an additional average attenuation of about 10 dB in the received signal power. An approach to incorporate the LOS/OLOS model into existing VANET simulators is also provided. Finally, system level VANET simulation results are presented, showing the difference between the LOS/OLOS model and a channel model based on Nakagami-m fading.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagatio

    Simulation of SISO and MIMO Multipath Fading Channels

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    Wireless multiuser communication systems: diversity receiver performance analysis, GSMuD design, and fading channel simulator

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    Multipath fading phenomenon is central to the design and analysis of wireless communication systems including multiuser systems. If untreated, the fading will corrupt the transmitted signal and often cause performance degradations such as increased communication error and decreased data rate, as compared to wireline channels with little or no multipath fading. On the other hand, this multipath fading phenomenon, if fully utilized, can actually lead to system designs that provide additional gains in system performance as compared to systems that experience non-fading channels.;The central question this thesis tries to answer is how to design and analyze a wireless multiuser system that takes advantage of the benefits the diversity multipath fading channel provides. Two particular techniques are discussed and analyzed in the first part of the thesis: quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and diversity receivers, including maximal ratio combining (MRC) and generalized selection combining (GSC). We consider the practical case of imperfect channel estimation (ICE) and develop a new decision variable (DV) of MRC receiver output for M-QAM. By deriving its moment generating function (MGF), we obtain the exact bit error rate (BER) performance under arbitrary correlated Rayleigh and Rician channels, with ICE. GSC provides a tradeoff between receiver complexity and performance. We study the effect of ICE on the GSC output effective SNR under generalized fading channels and obtain the exact BER results for M-QAM systems. The significance of this part lies in that these results provide system designers means to evaluate how different practical channel estimators and their parameters can affect the system\u27s performance and help them distribute system resources that can most effectively improve performance.;In the second part of the thesis, we look at a new diversity technique unique to multiuser systems under multipath fading channels: the multiuser diversity. We devise a generalized selection multiuser diversity (GSMuD) scheme for the practical CDMA downlink systems, where users are selected for transmission based on their respective channel qualities. We include the effect of ICE in the design and analysis of GSMuD. Based on the marginal distribution of the ranked user signal-noise ratios (SNRs), we develop a practical adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) scheme and equal power allocation scheme and statistical optimal 1-D and 2-D power allocation schemes, to fully exploit the available multiuser diversity. We use the convex optimization procedures to obtain the 1-D and 2-D power allocation algorithms, which distribute the total system power in the waterfilling fashion alone the user (1-D) or both user and time (2-D) for the power-limited and energy-limited system respectively. We also propose a normalized SNR based GSMuD scheme where user access fairness issues are explicitly addressed. We address various fairness-related performance metrics such as the user\u27s average access probability (AAP), average access time (AAT), and average wait time (AWT) in the absolute- and normalized-SNR based GSMuD. These metrics are useful for system designers to determine parameters such as optimal packet size and delay constraints.;We observe that Nakakagami-m fading channel model is widely applied to model the real world multipath fading channels of different severity. In the last part of the thesis, we propose a Nakagami-m channel simulator that can generate accurate channel coefficients that follow the Nakagami-m model, with independent quadrature parts, accurate phase distribution and arbitrary auto-correlation property. We demonstrate that the proposed simulator can be extremely useful in simulations involving Nakagami-m fading channel models, evident from the numerous simulation results obtained in earlier parts of the thesis where the fading channel coefficients are generated using this proposed simulator

    Statistical analysis of the capacity of mobile radio channels

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    Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 201

    The impact of shadowing and the severity of fading on the first and second order statistics of the capacity of OSTBC MIMO Nakagami-lognormal channels

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    This article presents a thorough statistical analysis of the capacity of orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Nakagami- lognormal (NLN) channels. The NLN channel model allows to study the joint effects of fast fading and shadowing on the statistical properties of the channel capacity. We have derived exact analytical expressions for the probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), level-crossing rate (LCR), and average duration of fades (ADF) of the capacity of MIMO NLN channels. It is observed that an increase in the MIMO dimension or a decrease in the severity of fading results in an increase in the mean channel capacity, while the variance of the channel capacity decreases. On the other hand, an increase in the shadowing standard deviation increases the spread of the channel capacity, however the shadowing effect has no influence on the mean channel capacity. We have also presented approximation results for the statistical properties of the channel capacity, obtained using the Gauss-Hermite integration method. It is observed that approximation results not only reduce the complexity, but also have a very good fitting with the exact results. The presented results are very useful and general because they provide the flexibility to study the impact of shadowing on the channel capacity under different fading conditions. Moreover, the effects of severity of fading on the channel capacity can also be studied. The correctness of theoretical results is confirmed by simulations

    Role of Interference and Computational Complexity in Modern Wireless Networks: Analysis, Optimization, and Design

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    Owing to the popularity of smartphones, the recent widespread adoption of wireless broadband has resulted in a tremendous growth in the volume of mobile data traffic, and this growth is projected to continue unabated. In order to meet the needs of future systems, several novel technologies have been proposed, including cooperative communications, cloud radio access networks (RANs) and very densely deployed small-cell networks. For these novel networks, both interference and the limited availability of computational resources play a very important role. Therefore, the accurate modeling and analysis of interference and computation is essential to the understanding of these networks, and an enabler for more efficient design.;This dissertation focuses on four aspects of modern wireless networks: (1) Modeling and analysis of interference in single-hop wireless networks, (2) Characterizing the tradeoffs between the communication performance of wireless transmission and the computational load on the systems used to process such transmissions, (3) The optimization of wireless multiple-access networks when using cost functions that are based on the analytical findings in this dissertation, and (4) The analysis and optimization of multi-hop networks, which may optionally employ forms of cooperative communication.;The study of interference in single-hop wireless networks proceeds by assuming that the random locations of the interferers are drawn from a point process and possibly constrained to a finite area. Both the information-bearing and interfering signals propagate over channels that are subject to path loss, shadowing, and fading. A flexible model for fading, based on the Nakagami distribution, is used, though specific examples are provided for Rayleigh fading. The analysis is broken down into multiple steps, involving subsequent averaging of the performance metrics over the fading, the shadowing, and the location of the interferers with the aim to distinguish the effect of these mechanisms that operate over different time scales. The analysis is extended to accommodate diversity reception, which is important for the understanding of cooperative systems that combine transmissions that originate from different locations. Furthermore, the role of spatial correlation is considered, which provides insight into how the performance in one location is related to the performance in another location.;While it is now generally understood how to communicate close to the fundamental limits implied by information theory, operating close to the fundamental performance bounds is costly in terms of the computational complexity required to receive the signal. This dissertation provides a framework for understanding the tradeoffs between communication performance and the imposed complexity based on how close a system operates to the performance bounds, and it allows to accurately estimate the required data processing resources of a network under a given performance constraint. The framework is applied to Cloud-RAN, which is a new cellular architecture that moves the bulk of the signal processing away from the base stations (BSs) and towards a centralized computing cloud. The analysis developed in this part of the dissertation helps to illuminate the benefits of pooling computing assets when decoding multiple uplink signals in the cloud. Building upon these results, new approaches for wireless resource allocation are proposed, which unlike previous approaches, are aware of the computing limitations of the network.;By leveraging the accurate expressions that characterize performance in the presence of interference and fading, a methodology is described for optimizing wireless multiple-access networks. The focus is on frequency hopping (FH) systems, which are already widely used in military systems, and are becoming more common in commercial systems. The optimization determines the best combination of modulation parameters (such as the modulation index for continuous-phase frequency-shift keying), number of hopping channels, and code rate. In addition, it accounts for the adjacent-channel interference (ACI) and determines how much of the signal spectrum should lie within the operating band of each channel, and how much can be allowed to splatter into adjacent channels.;The last part of this dissertation contemplates networks that involve multi-hop communications. Building on the analytical framework developed in early parts of this dissertation, the performance of such networks is analyzed in the presence of interference and fading, and it is introduced a novel paradigm for a rapid performance assessment of routing protocols. Such networks may involve cooperative communications, and the particular cooperative protocol studied here allows the same packet to be transmitted simultaneously by multiple transmitters and diversity combined at the receiver. The dynamics of how the cooperative protocol evolves over time is described through an absorbing Markov chain, and the analysis is able to efficiently capture the interference that arises as packets are periodically injected into the network by a common source, the temporal correlation among these packets and their interdependence

    Broadband wireless communication systems: Channel modeling and system performance analysis

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    Wideband channel modeling, which can accurately describe the most important characteristics of wideband mobile fading channels, is essential for the design, evaluation, and optimization of broadband wireless communication systems. In the field of wideband channel modeling, the tradeoff between the prediction accuracy and simulation efficiency has to be taken into account. On one hand, channel models should be as accurate as possible. On the other hand, channel models are supposed to be simple and easy to put into use. There are several commonly used approaches to channel modeling, e.g., measurement-based channel modeling and deterministic channel modeling. Both methods are efficient in capturing the fading behavior of real-world wireless channels. However, the resulting channel models are only valid for the specific environments as those where the measurements were carried out or the ray-tracing scenario was considered. Moreover, these methods are quite time consuming with high computational cost. Alternatively, the geometry-based stochastic channel modeling approach can be employed to model wideband mobile fading channels. The most attractive feature of this method is that the derived channel models are able to predict fading behavior for various propagation environments, and meanwhile they can be easily implemented. Thus, the dissertation will complete the wideband channel modeling task by adopt the geometry-based stochastic approach. In the dissertation, several geometry-based channel models are proposed for both outdoor and indoor propagation scenarios. The significance of the work lies in the fact that it develops channel models under more realistic propagation conditions which have seldom been considered, such as for non-isotropic scattering environxi ments and mobile-to-mobile (M2M) fading channels. In addition, the proposed channel models remove the scarcity that proper geometry-based channel models are missing for indoor environments. The most important statistical properties of the developed channel models including their temporal autocorrelation function (ACF), the two-dimensional (2D) space cross-correlation function (CCF), and the frequency correlation function (FCF) are analyzed. Furthermore, efficient channel simulators with low realization expenditure are obtained. Finally, the validity of the proposed channel models is demonstrated by comparing their analytical channel statistics with the empirical ones measured from real world channels. Besides the work in the field of wideband channel modeling, another part of the dissertation is dedicated to investigate the performance of SISO1 orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) broadband communication systems and space-time (ST) coded MIMO2 OFDM broadband communication systems. This work provides a deep insight into the performance of a broadband mobile radio communication system over realistic wideband fading channels. Analytical expressions are derived for bit error probability (BEP) or symbol error rate (SER) of systems. In order to confirm the correctness of the theoretical results as well as to show the usefulness of the wideband channel models in the testing and analysis of a broadband communication system, SISO OFDM systems and space-time coded MIMO OFDM systems are simulated in the dissertation. In order to improve the reliability of digital transmission over broadband wireless radio channels, a differential super-orthogonal space-time trellis code (SOSTTC) is designed for noncoherent communications, where neither the transmitter nor the receiver needs the channel state information (CSI) for decoding. In addition, a new decoding algorithm is proposed. The new algorithm has exactly the same decoding performance as the traditional one. However, it is superior from the standpoint of overall computing complexity

    Millimeter wave radio channels: properties, multipath modeling and simulations

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    Based on the characterization of realistic radio channels, results presented in this dissertation lead towards an understanding that when moving up to the higher frequencies, frequency itself does not play a significant role in defining the channel modeling methodology. In fact, how a propagation channel is illuminated is of fundamental importance. Therefore, millimeter wave (mmWave) system properties such as a high antenna directivity and system bandwidth are shown to have a great influence on the channel model definition. In this thesis, a fundamental assumption made in the state-of-the-art millimeter wave wireless channel models is challenged. It has been shown that Rayleigh-Rice fading assumption made in the state-of-the-art channel models for resolvable channel taps does not remain valid. This is mainly due to the sparse multipath illumination caused by high antenna directivity and high bandwidth of a mmWave system.Studies presented in this thesis are based on the characterization of realistic radio channels obtained from exhaustive channel sounding campaigns. Mainly, three fundamental problems of wireless channel modelling have been investigated for millimetre wave (mmWave) radio channel modelling application, namely (i) Frequency dependence of propagation, (ii) Impact of antenna directivity on the channel model definition, and (iii) Impact of system bandwidth on the radio channel modelling. A detailed description of these problems is as follows: (i) Frequency Dependence of Propagation. Multi-band measurement campaigns arecarried out using directional antennas which do an omni-directional scan of the propagation environment. During the measurements, Tx-Rx systems are placed at fixed positions and the propagation environment remained as static as possible. Using synthesized omni-directional power delay profiles (PDPs), we aim to investigate if there exists a frequency dependency in the multipath dispersion statistics, e.g. delay and angular spreads. (ii) Impact of Antenna Directivity on the Channel Model Definition. Small-scale fading measurements are carried out which emulate a scenario, where a radio communication link is established through a single multipath cluster which is illuminated using antennas with different Half Power Beam Widths (HPBW). The major goal here is to investigate the impact of spatial multipath filtering on the small-scale fading due to high antenna directivity. In particular, the impact on variations in the receive signal strength and the validity of narrowband wide-sense stationary assumption (both in time and frequency domains) is investigated. (iii) Impact of System Bandwidth on the Radio Channel Modelling. Small-scale fading measurements are used to illuminate multipath clusters in a lecture room scenario. The primary objective is to investigate the impact of high system bandwidth on variations in the receive signal strength, randomness in the cross-polarization power ratio (XPR) and richness of the multipath scattering. Based on the characterization of realistic radio channels, results presented in this dissertation lead towards an understanding that when moving up to the higher frequencies, frequency itself does not play a significant role in defining the channel modelling methodology. In fact, how a propagation channel is illuminated is of fundamental importance. Therefore, mmWave system properties such as a high antenna directivity and system bandwidth are shown to have a high influence on the channel model definition. In general, fade depth scaling as a function of system bandwidth is quite well understood. We demonstrate that, the high antenna directivity of mmWave systems result in a further reduction in the fading depth. In addition, we explore some new directions to this line of research which are based on the second-order statistical analysis of the channel impulse response (CIR) vector. Our results emphasize that, fading statistics of resolvable channel taps in a mmWave radio channel cannot be modelled as Rayleigh-Rice distributed random variables. This is primarily due to the fact that channels with sparse scattering conditions are illuminated due to high antenna directivity and bandwidth of mmWave systems. Consequently, the complex Gaussian random variable assumption associated with Rayleigh-Rice fading distributions does not remain valid. Further, it has been demonstrated that, high antenna directivity and bandwidth of mmWave systems also raise a question mark on the validity of wide-sense stationary (WSS) assumption in the slow-time domain of mmWave radio channels. Results presented in this contribution are novel and they provide theoretically consistent insights into the measured radio channel.In dieser Arbeit werden drei grundlegende Probleme der Modellierung von Drahtloskanalen fur die Anwendung bei der Funkkanalmodellierung im Millimeterwellenbereich (mmWave) untersucht, namlich (i) die Frequenzabhangigkeit der Ausbreitung, (ii) der Einfluss der Antennenrichtwirkung auf die Definition des Kanalmodells und (iii) der Einfluss der Systembandbreite auf die Funkkanalmodellierung. Die detaillierte Beschreibung dieser Probleme lautet wie folgt: (i) Frequenzabhangigkeit der Ausbreitung. Mehrband-Messkampagnen werden mitRichtantennen durchgefuhrt, die eine omnidirektionale Abtastung der Ausbreitungsumgebung vornehmen. Wahrend der Messungen werden die Tx-Rx-Systeme an festen Positionen platziert und die Ausbreitungsumgebung bleibt so statisch wie moglich. Mit Hilfe von synthetisierten omnidirektionalen Verzogerungs-Leistungsprofilen soll untersucht werden, ob es eine Frequenzabhangigkeit in der Mehrwegeausbreitungsstatistik gibt, z.B. in der Verzogerung und der Winkelspreizung. (ii) Einfluss der Antennenrichtwirkung auf die Definition des Kanalmodells. Es werden Messungen des schnellen Schwunds durchgefuhrt, die ein Szenario emulieren, bei dem eine Funkverbindung uber ein einzelnes Mehrwege-Cluster aufgebaut wird, das mit Antennen mit unterschiedlichen Strahlbreiten ausgeleuchtet wird. Das Hauptzielist hier die Untersuchung des Einflusses der raumlichen Filterung auf den schnellen Schwund aufgrund der hohen Antennenrichtwirkung. Insbesondere wird die Auswirkung auf Variationen der Empfangssignalstarke und die Gultigkeit der Annahme der schmalbandigen Stationaritat im weiteren Sinne (sowohl im Zeit- als auch im Frequenzbereich) untersucht. (iii) Einfluss der Systembandbreite auf die Funkkanalmodellierung. Messungen desschnellen Schwunds werden verwendet, um Mehrwege-Cluster in einem Horsaal-Szenario auszuleuchten. Das primare Ziel ist es, den Einfluss einer hohen Systembandbreite auf die Variationen der Empfangssignalstarke, die Zufalligkeit des Kreuzpolarisationsverhaltnisses und die Reichhaltigkeit der Mehrwegstreuung zu untersuchen. Basierend auf der Charakterisierung realistischer Funkkanäle führen die in dieser Dissertation vorgestellten Ergebnisse zu dem Verständnis, dass beim Ubergang zu höheren Frequenzen die Frequenz x selbst keine signifikante Rolle bei der Definition der Kanalmodellierungsmethodik spielt. Vielmehr ist es von grundlegender Bedeutung, wie ein Ausbreitungskanal ausgeleuchtet wird. Daher zeigt sich, dass mmWave-Systemeigenschaften wie eine hohe Antennenrichtcharakteristik und Systembandbreite einen hohen Einfluss auf die Definition des Kanalmodells haben. Im Allgemeinen ist die Skalierung der Schwundtiefe als Funktion der Systembandbreite ziemlich gut verstanden. Wir zeigen, dass die hohe Antennenrichtwirkung von mmWave-Systemen zu einer weiteren Reduzierung der Schwundtiefe führt. Zusätzlich erforschen wir einige neue Richtungen in diesem Forschungsbereich, die auf der Analyse der Statistik zweiter Ordnung des Kanalimpulsantwort-Vektors basieren. Unsere Ergebnisse unterstreichen, dass die Schwund-Statistiken der auflösbaren Kanalabgriffe in einem mmWave-Funkkanal nicht als Rayleigh-Rice-verteilte Zufallsvariablen modelliert werden können. Dies liegt vor allem daran, dass durch die hohe Antennenrichtwirkung und Bandbreite von mmWave-Systemen Kanale mit spärlichen Streubedingungen ausgeleuchtet werden. Folglich ist die Annahme komplexer Gaus’scher Zufallsvariablen, die mit Rayleigh-Rice Schwundverteilungen verbunden ist, nicht mehr gültig. Des Weiteren wird gezeigt, dass die hohe Antennenrichtwirkung und Bandbreite von mmWave-Systemen auch die Gültigkeit der Annahme von Stationarität im weiteren Sinne im Slow-Time-Bereich von mmWave-Funkkanälen in Frage stellt. Die in diesem Beitrag vorgestellten Ergebnisse sind neuartig und bieten theoretisch konsistente Einblicke in den gemessenen Funkkanal

    The impact of shadowing and the severity of fading on the first and second order statistics of the capacity of OSTBC MIMO Nakagami-lognormal channels

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    Published version of an article in Wireless Personal Communications (2011), 1-16. Also available from the publisher at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-011-0275-xThis article presents a thorough statistical analysis of the capacity of orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Nakagami- lognormal (NLN) channels. The NLN channel model allows to study the joint effects of fast fading and shadowing on the statistical properties of the channel capacity. We have derived exact analytical expressions for the probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), level-crossing rate (LCR), and average duration of fades (ADF) of the capacity of MIMO NLN channels. It is observed that an increase in the MIMO dimension or a decrease in the severity of fading results in an increase in the mean channel capacity, while the variance of the channel capacity decreases. On the other hand, an increase in the shadowing standard deviation increases the spread of the channel capacity, however the shadowing effect has no influence on the mean channel capacity. We have also presented approximation results for the statistical properties of the channel capacity, obtained using the Gauss-Hermite integration method. It is observed that approximation results not only reduce the complexity, but also have a very good fitting with the exact results. The presented results are very useful and general because they provide the flexibility to study the impact of shadowing on the channel capacity under different fading conditions. Moreover, the effects of severity of fading on the channel capacity can also be studied. The correctness of theoretical results is confirmed by simulations

    Characterisation and Modelling of Indoor and Short-Range MIMO Communications

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    Over the last decade, we have witnessed the rapid evolution of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems which promise to break the frontiers of conventional architectures and deliver high throughput by employing more than one element at the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) in order to exploit the spatial domain. This is achieved by transmitting simultaneous data streams from different elements which impinge on the Rx with ideally unique spatial signatures as a result of the propagation paths’ interactions with the surrounding environment. This thesis is oriented to the statistical characterisation and modelling of MIMO systems and particularly of indoor and short-range channels which lend themselves a plethora of modern applications, such as wireless local networks (WLANs), peer-to-peer and vehicular communications. The contributions of the thesis are detailed below. Firstly, an indoor channel model is proposed which decorrelates the full spatial correlation matrix of a 5.2 GHzmeasuredMIMO channel and thereafter assigns the Nakagami-m distribution on the resulting uncorrelated eigenmodes. The choice of the flexible Nakagami-m density was found to better fit the measured data compared to the commonly used Rayleigh and Ricean distributions. In fact, the proposed scheme captures the spatial variations of the measured channel reasonably well and systematically outperforms two known analytical models in terms of information theory and link-level performance. The second contribution introduces an array processing scheme, namely the three-dimensional (3D) frequency domain Space Alternating Generalised Expectation Maximisation (FD-SAGE) algorithm for jointly extracting the dominant paths’ parameters. The scheme exhibits a satisfactory robustness in a synthetic environment even for closely separated sources and is applicable to any array geometry as long as its manifold is known. The algorithm is further applied to the same set of raw data so that different global spatial parameters of interest are determined; these are the multipath clustering, azimuth spreads and inter-dependency of the spatial domains. The third contribution covers the case of short-range communications which have nowadays emerged as a hot topic in the area of wireless networks. The main focus is on dual-branch MIMO Ricean systems for which a design methodology to achieve maximum capacities in the presence of Line-of-Sight (LoS) components is proposed. Moreover, a statistical eigenanalysis of these configurations is performed and novel closed-formulae for the marginal eigenvalue and condition number statistics are derived. These formulae are further used to develop an adaptive detector (AD) whose aim is to reduce the feasibility cost and complexity of Maximum Likelihood (ML)-based MIMO receivers. Finally, a tractable novel upper bound on the ergodic capacity of the above mentioned MIMO systems is presented which relies on a fundamental power constraint. The bound is sufficiently tight and applicable for arbitrary rank of the mean channel matrix, Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and takes the effects of spatial correlation at both ends into account. More importantly, it includes previously reported capacity bounds as special cases