603 research outputs found

    Speech quality prediction for voice over Internet protocol networks

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/878 on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS). Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/1657 on 15.03.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.IP networks are on a steep slope of innovation that will make them the long-term carrier of all types of traffic, including voice. However, such networks are not designed to support real-time voice communication because their variable characteristics (e.g. due to delay, delay variation and packet loss) lead to a deterioration in voice quality. A major challenge in such networks is how to measure or predict voice quality accurately and efficiently for QoS monitoring and/or control purposes to ensure that technical and commercial requirements are met. Voice quality can be measured using either subjective or objective methods. Subjective measurement (e.g. MOS) is the benchmark for objective methods, but it is slow, time consuming and expensive. Objective measurement can be intrusive or non-intrusive. Intrusive methods (e.g. ITU PESQ) are more accurate, but normally are unsuitable for monitoring live traffic because of the need for a reference data and to utilise the network. This makes non-intrusive methods(e.g. ITU E-model) more attractive for monitoring voice quality from IP network impairments. However, current non-intrusive methods rely on subjective tests to derive model parameters and as a result are limited and do not meet new and emerging applications. The main goal of the project is to develop novel and efficient models for non-intrusive speech quality prediction to overcome the disadvantages of current subjective-based methods and to demonstrate their usefulness in new and emerging VoIP applications. The main contributions of the thesis are fourfold: (1) a detailed understanding of the relationships between voice quality, IP network impairments (e.g. packet loss, jitter and delay) and relevant parameters associated with speech (e.g. codec type, gender and language) is provided. An understanding of the perceptual effects of these key parameters on voice quality is important as it provides a basis for the development of non-intrusive voice quality prediction models. A fundamental investigation of the impact of the parameters on perceived voice quality was carried out using the latest ITU algorithm for perceptual evaluation of speech quality, PESQ, and by exploiting the ITU E-model to obtain an objective measure of voice quality. (2) a new methodology to predict voice quality non-intrusively was developed. The method exploits the intrusive algorithm, PESQ, and a combined PESQ/E-model structure to provide a perceptually accurate prediction of both listening and conversational voice quality non-intrusively. This avoids time-consuming subjective tests and so removes one of the major obstacles in the development of models for voice quality prediction. The method is generic and as such has wide applicability in multimedia applications. Efficient regression-based models and robust artificial neural network-based learning models were developed for predicting voice quality non-intrusively for VoIP applications. (3) three applications of the new models were investigated: voice quality monitoring/prediction for real Internet VoIP traces, perceived quality driven playout buffer optimization and perceived quality driven QoS control. The neural network and regression models were both used to predict voice quality for real Internet VoIP traces based on international links. A new adaptive playout buffer and a perceptual optimization playout buffer algorithms are presented. A QoS control scheme that combines the strengths of rate-adaptive and priority marking control schemes to provide a superior QoS control in terms of measured perceived voice quality is also provided. (4) a new methodology for Internet-based subjective speech quality measurement which allows rapid assessment of voice quality for VoIP applications is proposed and assessed using both objective and traditional MOS test methods


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    The quality of VoIP communication relies significantly on the network that transports the voice packets because this network does not usually guarantee the available bandwidth, delay, and loss that are critical for real-time voice traffic. The solution proposed here is to manage the voice-over-IP stream dynamically, changing parameters as needed to assure quality. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop an adaptive speech encoding system that can be applied to conventional (telephony-grade) and wideband voice communications. This comprehensive study includes the investigation and development of three key components of the system. First, to manage VoIP quality dynamically, a tool is needed to measure real-time changes in quality. The E-model, which exists for narrowband communication, is extended to a single computational technique that measures speech quality for narrowband and wideband VoIP codecs. This part of the dissertation also develops important theoretical work in the area of wideband telephony. The second system component is a variable speech-encoding algorithm. Although VoIP performance is affected by multiple codecs and network-based factors, only three factors can be managed dynamically: voice payload size, speech compression and jitter buffer management. Using an existing adaptive jitter-buffer algorithm, voice packet-size and compression variation are studied as they affect speech quality under different network conditions. This study explains the relationships among multiple parameters as they affect speech transmission and its resulting quality. Then, based on these two components, the third system component is a novel adaptive-rate control algorithm that establishes the interaction between a VoIP sender and receiver, and manages voice quality in real-time. Simulations demonstrate that the system provides better average voice quality than traditional VoIP

    A Hybrid Signal-and-Link-Parametric Approach to Single-Ended Quality Measurement of Packetized Speech

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    A hybrid signal-and-link-parametric approach to single-ended quality measurement of packetized speech is proposed. Trans-mission link parameters are used to determine a base quality for the test signal. The base quality is adjusted by degradation factors calculated from perceptual features extracted from the test signal. The degradation factors are based on Kullback-Leibler distances between a parametric model trained online for the extracted features and reference models of normative speech behavior. The proposed method overcomes the limita-tions of pure link parametric and pure signal-based methods. Index Terms — Quality measurement, VoIP, packet loss concealment, Kullback-Leibler distance

    Enhancement of perceived quality of service for voice over internet protocol systems

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (WIP) applications are becoming more and more popular in the telecommunication market. Packet switched V61P systems have many technical advantages over conventional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), including its efficient and flexible use of the bandwidth, lower cost and enhanced security. However, due to the IP network's "Best Effort" nature, voice quality are not naturally guaranteed in the VoIP services. In fact, most current Vol]P services can not provide as good a voice quality as PSTN. IP Network impairments such as packet loss, delay and jitter affect perceived speech quality as do application layer impairment factors, such as codec rate and audio features. Current perceived Quality of Service (QoS) methods are mainly designed to be used in a PSTN/TDM environment and their performance in V6IP environment is unknown. It is a challenge to measure perceived speech quality correctly in V61P system and to enhance user perceived speech quality for VoIP system. The main goal of this project is to evaluate the accuracy of the existing ITU-T speech quality measurement method (Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality - PESQ) in mobile wireless systems in the context of V61P, and to develop novel and efficient methods to enhance the user perceived speech quality for emerging V61P services especially in mobile V61P environment. The main contributions of the thesis are threefold: (1) A new discovery of PESQ errors in mobile VoIP environment. A detailed investigation of PESQ performance in mobile VoIP environment was undertaken and included setting up a PESQ performance evaluation platform and testing over 1800 mobile-to-mobile and mobileto- PSTN calls over a period of three months. The accuracy issues of PESQ algorithm was investigated and main problems causing inaccurate PESQ score (improper time-alignment in the PESQ algorithm) were discovered . Calibration issues for a safe and proper PESQ testing in mobile environment were also discussed in the thesis. (2) A new, simple-to-use, V611Pjit ter buffer algorithm. This was developed and implemented in a commercial mobile handset. The algorithm, called "Play Late Algorithm", adaptively alters the playout delay inside a speech talkspurt without introducing unnecessary extra end-to-end delay. It can be used as a front-end to conventional static or adaptive jitter buffer algorithms to provide improved performance. Results show that the proposed algorithm can increase user perceived quality without consuming too much processing power when tested in live wireless VbIP networks. (3) A new QoS enhancement scheme. The new scheme combines the strengths of adaptive codec bit rate (i. e. AMR 8-modes bit rate) and speech priority marking (i. e. giving high priority for the beginning of a voiced segment). The results gathered on a simulation and emulation test platform shows that the combined method provides a better user perceived speech quality than separate adaptive sender bit rate or packet priority marking methods

    Performance analysis of VoIP data over IP networks

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    The paper presents the results of research and analysis of voice data transmission quality in IP packet networks. It analyses mechanisms allowing for the assessment of packet telephony data transmission quality. Possible transmission quality levels and adequate quality metrics, applicable in the recommen- dations of standardisation organisations, as well as suggested limit values conditioning acceptable voice data transmission quality were indicated and discussed. A packet network model was designed and tested, taking into account VoIP architecture supporting various audio codecs used for voice compression. Transmission mechanisms based on audio codecs G.711, G.723, G.726, G.728 and G.729 were investigated. It was shown that    for delay-sensitive traffic which fluctuates beyond its nominal rate, selected codecs have an advantage over others and allow   for better transmission quality of VoIP traffic with guaranteed bandwidth and delay

    Comparison of Wideband Earpiece Integrations in Mobile Phone

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    Perinteisesti puhelinverkoissa välitettävä puhe on ollut kapeakaistaista, kaistan ollessa 300 - 3400 Hz. Voidaan kuitenkin olettaa, että laajakaistaiset puhepalvelut tulevat saamaan markkinoilla enemmän jalansijaa tulevina vuosina. Tässä lopputyössä esitellään puheenkoodauksen perusteet laajakaistaisen adaptiivisen moninopeuspuhekoodekin (AMR-WB) kanssa. Laajakaistainen puhekoodekki laajentaa puhekaistan 50-7000 Hz käyttäen 16 kHz näytetaajuutta. Käytännössä laajempi kaista tarkoittaa parannuksia puheen ymmärrettävyyteen ja tekee siitä luonnollisemman ja mukavamman kuuloista. Tämän lopputyön päätavoite on vertailla kahden eri laajakaistaisen matkapuhelinkuulokkeen integrointia. Kysymys kuuluu, kuinka paljon käyttäjä hyötyy isommasta kuulokkeesta matkapuhelimessa? Kuulokkeiden suorituskyvyn selvittämiseksi niille tehtiin objektiivisia mittauksia vapaakentässä. Mittauksia tehtiin myös puhelimelle pää- ja torsosimulaattorissa (HATS) johdottamalla kuuloke suoraan vahvistimelle, sekä lisäksi puhelun ollessa aktiivisena GSM ja WCDMA verkoissa. Objektiiviset mittaukset osoittivat kahden eri integroinnin väliset erot kuulokkeiden taajuusvasteessa ja särössä erityisesti matalilla taajuuksilla. Lopuksi tehtiin kuuntelukoe tarkoituksena selvittää erottaako loppukäyttäjä pienemmän ja isomman kuulokkeen välistä eroa käyttäen kapeakaistaisia ja laajakaistaisia puhelinääninäytteitä. Kuuntelukokeen tuloksien pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että käyttäjä erottaa kahden eri integroinnin erot ja miespuhuja hyötyy naispuhujaa enemmän isommasta kuulokkeesta laajakaistaisella puhekoodekilla.The speech in telecommunication networks has been traditionally narrowband ranging from 300 Hz to 3400 Hz. It can be expected that wideband speech call services will increase their foothold in the markets during the coming years. In this thesis speech coding basics with adaptive multirate wideband (AMR-WB) are introduced. The wideband codec widens the speech band to new range from 50 Hz to 7000 Hz using 16 kHz sampling frequency. In practice the wider band means improvements to speech intelligibility and makes it more natural and comfortable to listen to. The main focus of this thesis work is to compare two different wideband earpiece integrations. The question is how much the end-user will benefit from using a larger earpiece in a mobile phone? To find out speaker performance, objective measurements in free field were done for the earpiece modules. Measurements were performed also for the phone on head and torso simulator (HATS) by wiring the earpieces directly to a power amplifier and with over the air on GSM and WCDMA networks. The results of objective measurements showed differences between the earpiece integrations especially on low frequencies in frequency response and distortion. Finally the subjective listening test is done for comparison to see if the end-user notices the difference between smaller and larger earpiece integrations using narrowband and wideband speech samples. Based on these subjective test results it can be said that the user can differentiate between two different integrations and that a male speaker benefits more from a larger earpiece than a female speaker

    Objective Measurement of Speech Quality in VoIP over Wireless LAN during Handoff

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    Quality of Service is a very important factor to determine the quality of a VoIP call. Different subjective and objective models exist for evaluating the speech quality in VoIP. E-model is one of the objective methods of measuring the speech quality; it considers various factors like packet loss, delay and codec impairments. The calculations of Emodel are not very accurate in case of handovers – when a VoIP call moves from one wireless LAN to another. This project conducted experimental evaluation of performance of E-model during handovers and proposes a new approach to accurately calculate the speech quality of VoIP during handovers. A detailed description of the experimental setup and the comparison of the new approach with E-model is presented in this report

    A Survey on Enhancing the QoS through voice Quality for Voice over Wireless LANs (VoWLAN)

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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one of the important technologies that allow voice transmission over the IP network. Various voice codec are available for VoIP as this is a rapidly changing technology. It can be an effective renewal for the traditional telephone systems (PSTN) because of extreme utilization of its sources as well as to provide very low cost. Apart from, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has become apparent as a durable networking technology. Hence, the combination of these two popular technologies is growing so fast all over the world. Voice over WLAN will be a tool to provide low-cost and reliable voice services on wireless media. However just like other wireless applications, VoWLAN has also faced few challenges that need to be considered. Quality of Service (QoS) is one of the primary requirements in different kind of wireless applications. In this survey some of the important QoS requirement (latency, delay, jitter etc) have been analyzed, and it also has the introspection of the E- model and MOS (Mean Opinion Score) value for voice quality while using of different ITU-T codec. Therefore it makes Voice over WLAN a challenging research topic. In this study we will address all VoWLAN issues. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150516