1,847 research outputs found

    Colors of a Second Earth II: Effects of Clouds on Photometric Characterization of Earth-like Exoplanets

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    As a test-bed for future investigations of directly imaged terrestrial exoplanets, we present the recovery of the surface components of the Earth from multi-band diurnal light curves obtained with the EPOXI spacecraft. We find that the presence and longitudinal distribution of ocean, soil and vegetation are reasonably well reproduced by fitting the observed color variations with a simplified model composed of a priori known albedo spectra of ocean, soil, vegetation, snow and clouds. The effect of atmosphere, including clouds, on light scattered from surface components is modeled using a radiative transfer code. The required noise levels for future observations of exoplanets are also determined. Our model-dependent approach allows us to infer the presence of major elements of the planet (in the case of the Earth, clouds and ocean) with observations having S/N 10\gtrsim 10 in most cases and with high confidence if S/N 20\gtrsim 20. In addition, S/N 100\gtrsim 100 enables us to detect the presence of components other than ocean and clouds in a fairly model-independent way. Degradation of our inversion procedure produced by cloud cover is also quantified. While cloud cover significantly dilutes the magnitude of color variations compared to the cloudless case, the pattern of color changes remains. Therefore, the possibility of investigating surface features through light curve fitting remains even for exoplanets with cloud cover similar to the Earth's.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (discussion, references, and description of data reduction added, typo fixed

    The application of the surface energy balance system model to estimate evapotranspiration in South Africa

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.In a water scarce country like South Africa with a number of large consumers of water, it is important to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) with a high degree of accuracy. This is especially important in the semi-arid regions where there is an increasing demand for water and a scarce supply thereof. ET varies regionally and seasonally, so knowledge about ET is fundamental to save and secure water for different uses, and to guarantee that water is distributed to water consumers in a sustainable manner. Models to estimate ET have been developed using a combination of meteorological and remote sensing data inputs. In this study, the pre-packaged Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) model was used for the first time in the South African environment alongside MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data and validated with eddy covariance data measured in a large apple orchard (11 ha), in the Piketberg area of the Western Cape. Due to the relative infancy of research in this field in South Africa, SEBS is an attractive model choice as it is available as open-source freeware. The model was found to underestimate the sensible heat flux through setting it at the wet limit. Daily ET measured by the eddy covariance system represented 55 to 96% of the SEBS estimate, an overestimation of daily ET. The consistent underestimation of the sensible heat flux was ascribed to sensitivities to the land surface air temperature gradient, the choice of fractional vegetation cover formula as well as the height of the vegetation canopy (3.2 m) relative to weather station reference height (2 m). The methodology was adapted based on the above findings and was applied to a second study area (quaternary catchment P10A, near Grahamstown, Eastern Cape) where two different approaches for deriving surface roughness are applied. It was again demonstrated that the sensible heat flux is sensitive to surface roughness in combination with land surface air temperature gradient and again, the overestimation of daily ET persisted (actual ET being greater than reference ET). It was concluded that in complex environments, at coarse resolution, it is not possible to adequately describe the remote sensing derived input parameters at the correct level of accuracy and at the spatial resolution required for the accurate estimation of the sensible heat flux

    Retrievals of atmospheric CO_2 from simulated space-borne measurements of backscattered near-infrared sunlight: accounting for aerosol effects

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    Retrievals of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO_2) from space-borne measurements of backscattered near-infrared sunlight are hampered by aerosol and cirrus cloud scattering effects. We propose a retrieval approach that allows for the retrieval of a few effective aerosol parameters simultaneously with the CO_2 total column by parameterizing particle amount, height distribution, and microphysical properties. Two implementations of the proposed method covering different spectral bands are tested for an ensemble of simulated nadir observations for aerosol (and cirrus) loaded scenes over low- and mid-latitudinal land surfaces. The residual aerosol-induced CO_2 errors are mostly below 1% up to aerosol optical thickness 0.5. The proposed methods also perform convincing for scenes where cirrus clouds of optical thickness 0.1 overlay the aerosol

    Earth observations from DSCOVR EPIC instrument

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    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft was launched on 11 February 2015 and in June 2015 achieved its orbit at the first Lagrange point (L1), 1.5 million km from Earth toward the sun. There are two National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth-observing instruments on board: the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced Radiometer (NISTAR). The purpose of this paper is to describe various capabilities of the DSCOVR EPIC instrument. EPIC views the entire sunlit Earth from sunrise to sunset at the backscattering direction (scattering angles between 168.5° and 175.5°) with 10 narrowband filters: 317, 325, 340, 388, 443, 552, 680, 688, 764, and 779 nm. We discuss a number of preprocessing steps necessary for EPIC calibration including the geolocation algorithm and the radiometric calibration for each wavelength channel in terms of EPIC counts per second for conversion to reflectance units. The principal EPIC products are total ozone (O3) amount, scene reflectivity, erythemal irradiance, ultraviolet (UV) aerosol properties, sulfur dioxide (SO2) for volcanic eruptions, surface spectral reflectance, vegetation properties, and cloud products including cloud height. Finally, we describe the observation of horizontally oriented ice crystals in clouds and the unexpected use of the O2 B-band absorption for vegetation properties.The NASA GSFC DSCOVR project is funded by NASA Earth Science Division. We gratefully acknowledge the work by S. Taylor and B. Fisher for help with the SO2 retrievals and Marshall Sutton, Carl Hostetter, and the EPIC NISTAR project for help with EPIC data. We also would like to thank the EPIC Cloud Algorithm team, especially Dr. Gala Wind, for the contribution to the EPIC cloud products. (NASA Earth Science Division)Accepted manuscrip

    Remote sensing of snow : Factors influencing seasonal snow mapping in boreal forest region

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    Monitoring of snow cover in northern hemisphere is highly important for climate research and for operational activities, such as those related to hydrology and weather forecasting. The appearance and melting of seasonal snow cover dominate the hydrological and climatic patterns in the boreal and arctic regions. Spatial variability (in particular during the spring and autumn transition months) and long-term trends in global snow cover distribution are strongly interconnected to changes in Earth System (ES). Satellite data based estimates on snow cover extent are utilized e.g. in near-real-time hydrological forecasting, water resource management and to construct long-term Climate Data Records (CDRs) essential for climate research. Information on the quantitative reliability of snow cover monitoring is urgently needed by these different applications as the usefulness of satellite data based results is strongly dependent on the quality of the interpretation. This doctoral dissertation investigates the factors affecting the reliability of snow cover monitoring using optical satellite data and focuses on boreal regions (zone characterized by seasonal snow cover). Based on the analysis of different factors relevant to snow mapping performance, the work introduces a methodology to assess the uncertainty of snow cover extent estimates, focusing on the retrieval of fractional snow cover (within a pixel) during the spring melt period. The results demonstrate that optical remote sensing is well suited for determining snow extent in the melting season and that the characterizing the uncertainty in snow estimates facilitates the improvement of the snow mapping algorithms. The overall message is that using a versatile accuracy analysis it is possible to develop uncertainty estimates for the optical remote sensing of snow cover, which is a considerable advance in remote sensing. The results of this work can also be utilized in the development of other interpretation algorithms. This thesis consists of five articles predominantly dealing with quantitative data analysis, while the summary chapter synthesizes the results mainly in the algorithm accuracy point of view. The first four articles determine the reflectance characteristics essential for the forward and inverse modeling of boreal landscapes (forward model describes the observations as a function of the investigated variable). The effects of snow, snow-free ground and boreal forest canopy on the observed satellite scene reflectance are specified. The effects of all the error components are clarified in the fifth article and a novel experimental method to analyze and quantify the amount of uncertainty is presented. The five articles employ different remote sensing and ground truth data sets measured and/or analyzed for this research, covering the region of Finland and also applied to boreal forest region in northern Europe

    Multi-scale actual evapotranspiration mapping in South America with remote sensing data and the geeSEBAL model

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    O monitoramento preciso da evapotranspiração (ET) é crucial para gerenciar os recursos hídricos, garantir a segurança alimentar e avaliar os impactos das mudanças climáticas. Modelos de Balanço de Energia da Superfície (SEB) que usam dados de sensoriamento remoto são os mais confiáveis para estimar a ET, mas muitas vezes são difíceis de aplicar em grande escala devido ao longo tempo de processamento, necessidade de calibração local, entre outros obstáculos. Esta tese tem como foco a melhoria do geeSEBAL, uma implementação do modelo Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) na plataforma Google Earth Engine (GEE), adaptando-o para modelagem em escala continental, usando imagens do Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). O novo modelo, chamado geeSEBALMODIS, foi usado para gerar uma série temporal de ET a cada 8 dias para a América do Sul com pixels de 500 m. Estudos de validação mostram que o geeSEBAL-MODIS é mais preciso do que outros produtos globais de ET, com uma redução do erro de 13% na escala de campo e 30% na escala de bacia hidrográfica. O conjunto de dados está disponível para o público e pode ser usado para monitorar tanto mudanças climáticas em grande escala quanto as variações locais de ET relacionadas às atividades humanas. A análise de tendências mostra um aumento de 8,4% na ET sobre a América do Sul, associado ao aumento da demanda atmosférica, e à redução da precipitação e disponibilidade de água. Esses resultados destacam a importância de informações precisas sobre os processos do ciclo hidrológico para auxiliar no planejamento e gerenciamento dos recursos hídricos em um cenário de maior escassez. Nesse contexto, projetos como o OpenET, que fornece dados confiáveis e de alta resolução espacial de ET nos Estados Unidos, são cruciais para monitorar o consumo de água e auxiliar no desenvolvimento sustentável. Este trabalho também apresenta uma reprodução parcial do processo do OpenET para a intercomparação de modelos de sensoriamento remoto com dados de torres de fluxo, usando torres micrometeorológicas na América do Sul. Os resultados são promissores e abrem caminho para a expansão do OpenET além dos Estados Unidos e em direção a uma aplicação global.Accurately monitoring evapotranspiration (ET) is crucial for managing water resources, ensuring food security, and assessing the impacts of climate change. Surface Energy Balance (SEB) models that use remote sensing data are the most reliable for estimating ET, but they are often challenging to apply on a large scale due to long processing times, and local calibration requirements, among other obstacles. This dissertation focuses on improving geeSEBAL, an implementation of the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, by adapting it for continental-scale modeling using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. The new model, called geeSEBAL-MODIS, was used to generate a temporal series of ET every 8 days for South America with pixels of 500 m. Validation studies show that geeSEBAL-MODIS is more accurate than other global ET products, with a reduction in error of 13% at the field scale and 30% at the basin scale. The dataset is publicly available and can be used to monitor both largescale climate change and local ET variations related to human activities. Trend analysis shows an 8.4% increase in ET over South America, associated with increased atmospheric demand, and reductions in precipitation and water availability. These findings underscore the importance of accurate information on hydrological cycle processes to assist in planning and managing water resources in a scenario of greater scarcity. In this context, projects like OpenET, which provides reliable and high spatial-resolution ET data in the United States, are crucial for monitoring water consumption and aiding in sustainable development. This work also presents a partial reproduction of the OpenET process for intercomparing remote sensing models with flux tower data, using micrometeorological towers in South America. The results are promising and pave the way for expanding OpenET beyond the United States and toward global application

    Deriving Hourly Evapotranspiration Rates with SEBS: A Lysimetric Evaluation

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    Numerous energy balance (EB) algorithms have been developed to use remote sensing data for mapping evapotranspiration (ET) on a regional basis. Adopting any single or combination of these models for an operational ET remote sensing program requires a thorough evaluation. The Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) was evaluated for its ability to estimate hourly ET rates of summer tall and short crops grown in the Texas High Plains by using 15 Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper scenes acquired during 2006 to 2009. Performance of SEBS was evaluated by comparing estimated hourly ET values with measured ET data from four large weighing lysimeters, each located at the center of a 4.3 ha field in the USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Research Laboratory in Bushland, TX. The performance of SEBS in estimating hourly ET was good for crops under both irrigated and dryland conditions. A locally derived, surface albedo-based soil heat flux (G) model further improved the G estimates. Root mean square error and mean bias error were 0.11 and −0.005 mm h−1, respectively, and the Nash–Sutcliff model efficiency was 0.85 between the measured and calculated hourly ET. Considering the equal or better performance with a minimal amount of ancillary data as compared to with other EB algorithms, SEBS is a promising tool for use in an operational ET remote sensing program in the semiarid Texas High Plains. However, thorough sensitivity and error propagation analyses of input variables to quantify their impact on ET estimations for the major crops in the Texas High Plains under different agroclimatological conditions are needed before adopting the SEBS into operational ET remote sensing programs for irrigation scheduling or other purposes