5 research outputs found

    Polynomial algorithms that prove an NP-hard hypothesis implies an NP-hard conclusion

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    A number of results in Hamiltonian graph theory are of the form P\mathcal{P}1_{1} implies P\mathcal{P}2_{2}, where P\mathcal{P}1_{1} is a property of graphs that is NP-hard and P\mathcal{P}2_{2} is a cycle structure property of graphs that is also NP-hard. Such a theorem is the well-known Chv\'{a}tal-Erd\"{o}s Theorem, which states that every graph GG with α≤κ\alpha \leq \kappa is Hamiltonian. Here κ\kappa is the vertex connectivity of GG and α\alpha is the cardinality of a largest set of independent vertices of GG. In another paper Chv\'{a}tal points out that the proof of this result is in fact a polynomial time construction that either produces a Hamilton cycle or a set of more than κ\kappa independent vertices. In this note we point out that other theorems in Hamiltonian graph theory have a similar character. In particular, we present a constructive proof of the well-known theorem of Jung for graphs on 1616 or more vertices.. \u

    A Survey of Best Monotone Degree Conditions for Graph Properties

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    We survey sufficient degree conditions, for a variety of graph properties, that are best possible in the same sense that Chvatal's well-known degree condition for hamiltonicity is best possible.Comment: 25 page