12 research outputs found

    Theory and Techniques for Synthesizing a Family of Graph Algorithms

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    Although Breadth-First Search (BFS) has several advantages over Depth-First Search (DFS) its prohibitive space requirements have meant that algorithm designers often pass it over in favor of DFS. To address this shortcoming, we introduce a theory of Efficient BFS (EBFS) along with a simple recursive program schema for carrying out the search. The theory is based on dominance relations, a long standing technique from the field of search algorithms. We show how the theory can be used to systematically derive solutions to two graph algorithms, namely the Single Source Shortest Path problem and the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. The solutions are found by making small systematic changes to the derivation, revealing the connections between the two problems which are often obscured in textbook presentations of them.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2012, arXiv:1207.055

    Sound and Automated Synthesis of Digital Stabilizing Controllers for Continuous Plants

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    Modern control is implemented with digital microcontrollers, embedded within a dynamical plant that represents physical components. We present a new algorithm based on counter-example guided inductive synthesis that automates the design of digital controllers that are correct by construction. The synthesis result is sound with respect to the complete range of approximations, including time discretization, quantization effects, and finite-precision arithmetic and its rounding errors. We have implemented our new algorithm in a tool called DSSynth, and are able to automatically generate stable controllers for a set of intricate plant models taken from the literature within minutes.Comment: 10 page

    Programming Not Only by Example

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    In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in automated synthesis techniques that are able to automatically generate code based on some intent expressed by the programmer. A major challenge for the adoption of synthesis remains in having the programmer communicate their intent. When the expressed intent is coarse-grained (for example, restriction on the expected type of an expression), the synthesizer often produces a long list of results for the programmer to choose from, shifting the heavy-lifting to the user. An alternative approach, successfully used in end-user synthesis is programming by example (PBE), where the user leverages examples to interactively and iteratively refine the intent. However, using only examples is not expressive enough for programmers, who can observe the generated program and refine the intent by directly relating to parts of the generated program. We present a novel approach to interacting with a synthesizer using a granular interaction model. Our approach employs a rich interaction model where (i) the synthesizer decorates a candidate program with debug information that assists in understanding the program and identifying good or bad parts, and (ii) the user is allowed to provide feedback not only on the expected output of a program, but also on the underlying program itself. That is, when the user identifies a program as (partially) correct or incorrect, they can also explicitly indicate the good or bad parts, to allow the synthesizer to accept or discard parts of the program instead of discarding the program as a whole. We show the value of our approach in a controlled user study. Our study shows that participants have strong preference to using granular feedback instead of examples, and are able to provide granular feedback much faster

    Modular Synthesis of Sketches Using Models

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    One problem with the constraint-based approaches to synthesis that have become popular over the last few years is that they only scale to relatively small routines, on the order of a few dozen lines of code. This paper presents a mechanism for modular reasoning that allows us to break larger synthesis problems into small manageable pieces. The approach builds on previous work in the verification community of using high-level specifications and partially interpreted functions (we call them models) in place of more complex pieces of code in order to make the analysis modular. The main contribution of this paper is to show how to combine these techniques with the counterexample guided synthesis approaches used to efficiently solve synthesis problems. Specifically, we show two new algorithms; one to efficiently synthesize functions that use models, and another one to synthesize functions while ensuring that the behavior of the resulting function will be in the set of behaviors allowed by the model. We have implemented our approach on top of the open-source Sketch synthesis system, and we demonstrate its effectiveness on several Sketch benchmark problems.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NSF-1116362)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NSF-1139056)United States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-SC0005372

    Inductive Program Synthesis Over Noisy Data

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    We present a new framework and associated synthesis algorithms for program synthesis over noisy data, i.e., data that may contain incorrect/corrupted input-output examples. This framework is based on an extension of finite tree automata called {\em weighted finite tree automata}. We show how to apply this framework to formulate and solve a variety of program synthesis problems over noisy data. Results from our implemented system running on problems from the SyGuS 2018 benchmark suite highlight its ability to successfully synthesize programs in the face of noisy data sets, including the ability to synthesize a correct program even when every input-output example in the data set is corrupted

    Synthesizing number transformations from input-output examples.

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    Abstract. Numbers are one of the most widely used data type in programming languages. Number transformations like formatting and rounding present a challenge even for experienced programmers as they find it difficult to remember different number format strings supported by different programming languages. These transformations present an even bigger challenge for end-users of spreadsheet systems like Microsoft Excel where providing such custom format strings is beyond their expertise. In our extensive case study of help forums of many programming languages and Excel, we found that both programmers and end-users struggle with these number transformations, but are able to easily express their intent using input-output examples. In this paper, we present a framework that can learn such number transformations from very few input-output examples. We first describe an expressive number transformation language that can model these transformations, and then present an inductive synthesis algorithm that can learn all expressions in this language that are consistent with a given set of examples. We also present a ranking scheme of these expressions that enables efficient learning of the desired transformation from very few examples. By combining our inductive synthesis algorithm for number transformations with an inductive synthesis algorithm for syntactic string transformations, we are able to obtain an inductive synthesis algorithm for manipulating data types that have numbers as a constituent sub-type such as date, unit, and time. We have implemented our algorithms as an Excel add-in and have evaluated it successfully over several benchmarks obtained from the help forums and the Excel product team