1,677 research outputs found

    New important developments in small area estimation

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    The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss some of the new important developments in small area estimation (SAE) methods. Rao (2003) wrote a very comprehensive book, which covers all the main developments in this topic until that time and so the focus of this review is on new developments in the last 7 years. However, to make the review more self contained, I also repeat shortly some of the older developments. The review covers both design based and model-dependent methods with emphasis on the prediction of the area target quantities and the assessment of the prediction error. The style of the paper is similar to the style of my previous review on SAE published in 2002, explaining the new problems investigated and describing the proposed solutions, but without dwelling on theoretical details, which can be found in the original articles. I am hoping that this paper will be useful both to researchers who like to learn more on the research carried out in SAE and to practitioners who might be interested in the application of the new methods

    In-season prediction of batting averages: A field test of empirical Bayes and Bayes methodologies

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    Batting average is one of the principle performance measures for an individual baseball player. It is natural to statistically model this as a binomial-variable proportion, with a given (observed) number of qualifying attempts (called ``at-bats''), an observed number of successes (``hits'') distributed according to the binomial distribution, and with a true (but unknown) value of pip_i that represents the player's latent ability. This is a common data structure in many statistical applications; and so the methodological study here has implications for such a range of applications. We look at batting records for each Major League player over the course of a single season (2005). The primary focus is on using only the batting records from an earlier part of the season (e.g., the first 3 months) in order to estimate the batter's latent ability, pip_i, and consequently, also to predict their batting-average performance for the remainder of the season. Since we are using a season that has already concluded, we can then validate our estimation performance by comparing the estimated values to the actual values for the remainder of the season. The prediction methods to be investigated are motivated from empirical Bayes and hierarchical Bayes interpretations. A newly proposed nonparametric empirical Bayes procedure performs particularly well in the basic analysis of the full data set, though less well with analyses involving more homogeneous subsets of the data. In those more homogeneous situations better performance is obtained from appropriate versions of more familiar methods. In all situations the poorest performing choice is the na\"{{\i}}ve predictor which directly uses the current average to predict the future average.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS138 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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