6 research outputs found

    Understanding Traffic Characteristics in a Server to Server Data Center Network

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    The number of Data Centers and the servers present in them has been on the rise over the last decade with the advent of cloud computing, social networking, Big data analytics etc. This has eventually led to the increase in the power consumption of the Data Center due to the power hungry interconnection fabric which consists of switches and routers. The scalability of the data center has also become a problem due to the interconnect cabling complexity which is also responsible for the increase in the energy used for cooling the data center as these bundles of wires reduce the air flow in the data center. The maintenance costs of the data center is high due to this reason. This brings the challenge of reducing the power consumption as well as improving the scalability of the data center. There is a lot of cost involved in the establishment of a network in a data center and this network is one of the main source of power consumption. Therefore, there is a need to accurately characterize the data center network before its construction which requires the simulation of the data center models. For the simulation of data center models, we require the traffic which is identical to that of an actual data center so that the results will be similar to a real time data center. Traditional data center networks have a wired communication fabric, which is not scalable and contributes largely to the power consumption. This has led to the investigation of other methods. There have been transceivers designed that can support the unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum, supporting high bandwidth similar to the wired network present in traditional data centers. These wireless links have spatial reusability and the data centers can make use of this communication medium to meet the high bandwidth demands and also reduce the use of cable thereby bringing down the cost and the power consumption. This thesis studies the previous traffic models used in the simulation of a data center network. Traffic collected from ten different data centers is then characterized and modelled based on various probability distributions. The implementation of the model tries to generate traffic similar to that of an actual data center. The Data Center Network is then simulated using the traffic generated and the performance of the wired data center is quantified in terms of metrics like throughput, latency and the power consumption of the data center networks

    A Power Efficient Server-to-Server Wireless Data Center Network Architecture Using 60 GHz Links

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    Data Centers have become the digital backbone of the modern society with the advent of cloud computing, social networking, big data analytics etc. They play a vital role in processing a large amount of information generated. The number of data centers and the servers present in them have been on the rise over the last decade. This has eventually led to the increase in the power consumption of the data center due to the power-hungry interconnect fabric which consists of switches, routers and switching fabric necessary for communication in the data center. Moreover, a major portion of the power consumed in a data center belongs to cooling infrastructure. The data center’s complex cabling prevents the heat dissipation by obstructing the air flow resulting in the need for a cooling infrastructure. Additionally, the complex cabling in traditional data centers poses design and maintenance challenges. In this work, these problems of traditional data centers are addressed by designing a unique new server-to-server wireless Data Center Network (DCN) architecture. The proposed design methodology uses 60GHz unlicensed millimeter-wave bands to establish direct communication links between servers in a DCN without the need for a conventional fabric. This will reduce the power consumption of the DCN significantly by getting rid of the power-hungry switches along with an increase in the independency in communication between servers. In this work, the previous traffic models of a data center network are studied and a new traffic model very similar to the actual traffic in a data center is modeled and used for simulating the DCN environment. It is estimated that the proposed DCN architecture’s power consumption is lowered by six to ten times in comparison to the existing conventional DCN architecture. Having established the power model of a server-to-server wireless DCN in terms of its power consumption, we demonstrate that such a power-efficient wireless DCN can sustain the traffic requirements encountered and provide data rates that are comparable to traditional DCNs. We have also compared the efficiency and performance of the proposed DCN architecture with some of the other novel DCN architectures like DCell, BCube with the same traffic

    Wireless 60 GHz Rack to Rack Communication in a Data Center Environment

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    Data centers play an increasingly important role in processing the large amount of information generated in today\u27s society. An enormous amount of growth in the computational demands of data center applications has stimulated the creation of warehouse scale data centers, holding servers that number in the thousands. As the number of servers within a data center grows, the interconnecting infrastructure becomes of paramount importance. Present day interconnects are formed using either copper wire in a twisted pair configuration or through the use of fiber optic cables. One of the main concerns with the scalability of a data center\u27s interconnecting network is the power consumption. Large power hungry switches at the aggregation and core levels make up a significant portion of a data centers power portfolio and cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, large bundles of wires both reduce the air flow within data centers and are costly to replace and maintain. This cabling complexity problem limits cooling effectiveness and exacerbates the power consumption challenges. Recent advancements in the unlicensed 60 GHz spectrum have given rise to transceivers that can support high bandwidth links, comparable to wired links found in most data centers. These wireless links also exhibit promising characteristics such as spatial reusability which make them suitable within a data center environment. By taking advantage of emerging 60 GHz wireless technologies, data centers can utilize these high speed wireless links to satisfy bandwidth demands while simultaneously reducing their power consumption and cabling requirements. This thesis evaluates the benefits in terms of energy-efficiency of using 60 GHz wireless links to replace wire line links within a data center by modeling a completely wireless data center. The physical layer design and associated MAC layer will be investigated to support this wireless centric design. The proposed wireless architecture will be compared against traditional hierarchical data center architectures and evaluated based upon several performance metrics such as throughput, latency, and overall energy efficiency

    Integrated Circuit and Antenna Technology for Millimeter-wave Phased Array Radio Front-end

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    Ever growing demands for higher data rate and bandwidth are pushing extremely high data rate wireless applications to millimeter-wave band (30-300GHz), where sufficient bandwidth is available and high data rate wireless can be achieved without using complex modulation schemes. In addition to the communication applications, millimeter-wave band has enabled novel short range and long range radar sensors for automotive as well as high resolution imaging systems for medical and security. Small size, high gain antennas, unlicensed and worldwide availability of released bands for communication and a number of other applications are other advantages of the millimeter-wave band. The major obstacle for the wide deployment of commercial wireless and radar systems in this frequency range is the high cost and bulky nature of existing GaAs- and InP-based solutions. In recent years, with the rapid scaling and development of the silicon-based integrated circuit technologies such as CMOS and SiGe, low cost technologies have shown acceptable millimeter-wave performance, which can enable highly integrated millimeter-wave radio devices and reduce the cost significantly. Furthermore, at this range of frequencies, on-chip antenna becomes feasible and can be considered as an attractive solution that can further reduce the cost and complexity of the radio package. The propagation channel challenges for the realization of low cost and reliable silicon-based communication devices at millimeter-wave band are severe path loss as well as shadowing loss of human body. Silicon technology challenges are low-Q passive components, low breakdown voltage of active devices, and low efficiency of on-chip antennas. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate and to develop antenna and front-end for cost-effective silicon based millimeter-wave phased array radio architectures that can address above challenges for short range, high data rate wireless communication as well as radar applications. Although the proposed concepts and the results obtained in this research are general, as an important example, the application focus in this research is placed on the radio aspects of emerging 60 GHz communication system. For this particular but extremely important case, various aspects of the technology including standard, architecture, antenna options and indoor propagation channel at presence of a human body are studied. On-chip dielectric resonator antenna as a radiation efficiency improvement technique for an on-chip antenna on low resistivity silicon is presented, developed and proved by measurement. Radiation efficiency of about 50% was measured which is a significant improvement in the radiation efficiency of on-chip antennas. Also as a further step, integration of the proposed high efficiency antenna with an amplifier in transmit and receive configurations at 30 GHz is successfully demonstrated. For the implementation of a low cost millimeter-wave array antenna, miniaturized, and efficient antenna structures in a new integrated passive device technology using high resistivity silicon are designed and developed. Front-end circuit blocks such as variable gain LNA, continuous passive and active phase shifters are investigated, designed and developed for a 60GHz phased array radio in CMOS technology. Finally, two-element CMOS phased array front-ends based on passive and active phase shifting architectures are proposed, developed and compared