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    A short note on marginal analysis of a transportation problem (Retraction article)

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    Editorial from the Editor-in-Chief regarding this case of plagiarism Philippe Mahey 1 Introduction Plagiarism is a plague that any scientific publication in any discipline should fight and eradicate all over the world. Unfortunately, if, on the one hand, the powerful search engines available on the web have helped referees to identify most of the cases, the increasing number of publications have on the other hand facilitated that dubious practice and the number of cases have increased. The case we are facing today in our journal is a severe one as the "authors" are multi-recidivists who have been identified in former plagiarized papers since 2007. M. Sreenivas and T. Srinivas have this time succeeded in obtaining the publication of a plagiarized paper in the last issue of the RAIRO journal, but their fraud has been identified very quickly by different colleagues. We will briefly recall below the history of former cases involving these two persons and expose the proofs of plagiarism about the current paper which justify its retraction from the records of the journal. 2 A history of frauds At least four papers co-authored by Sreenivas and Srinivas have been revealed in the last two years and a report about this investigation has been published on the web page of SIAM (http://www.siam.org/journals/plagiary/index.ph