11 research outputs found

    Calculating Entanglement Eigenvalues for Non-Symmetric Quantum Pure States Based on the Jacobian Semidefinite Programming Relaxation Method

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    The geometric measure of entanglement is a widely used entanglement measure for quantum pure states. The key problem of computation of the geometric measure is to calculate the entanglement eigenvalue, which is equivalent to computing the largest unitary eigenvalue of a corresponding complex tensor. In this paper, we propose a Jacobian semidefinite programming relaxation method to calculate the largest unitary eigenvalue of a complex tensor. For this, we first introduce the Jacobian semidefinite programming relaxation method for a polynomial optimization with equality constraint, and then convert the problem of computing the largest unitary eigenvalue to a real equality constrained polynomial optimization problem, which can be solved by the Jacobian semidefinite programming relaxation method. Numerical examples are presented to show the availability of this approach

    An adaptive gradient method for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs

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    High order tensor arises more and more often in signal processing,data analysis, higher-order statistics, as well as imaging sciences. In this paper, an adaptive gradient (AG) method is presented for generalized tensor eigenpairs. Global convergence and linear convergence rate are established under some suitable conditions. Numerical results are reported to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Comparing with the GEAP method, an adaptive shifted power method proposed by Tamara G. Kolda and Jackson R. Mayo [SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 35 (2014), pp. 1563-1581], the AG method is much faster and could reach the largest eigenpair with a higher probability

    Spectral projected gradient methods for generalized tensor eigenvalue complementarity problem

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    This paper looks at the tensor eigenvalue complementarity problem (TEiCP) which arises from the stability analysis of finite dimensional mechanical systems and is closely related to the optimality conditions for polynomial optimization. We investigate two monotone ascent spectral projected gradient (SPG) methods for TEiCP. We also present a shifted scaling-and-projection algorithm (SPA), which is a great improvement of the original SPA method proposed by Ling, He and Qi [Comput. Optim. Appl., DOI 10.1007/s10589-015-9767-z]. Numerical comparisons with some existed gradient methods in the literature are reported to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1601.0139

    Iterative methods for computing U-eigenvalues of non-symmetric complex tensors with application in quantum entanglement

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the problem of computing unitary eigenvalues (U-eigenvalues) of non-symmetric complex tensors. By means of symmetric embedding of complex tensors, the relationship between U-eigenpairs of a non-symmetric complex tensor and unitary symmetric eigenpairs (US-eigenpairs) of its symmetric embedding tensor is established. An algorithm (Algorithm \ref{algo:1}) is given to compute the U-eigenvalues of non-symmetric complex tensors by means of symmetric embedding. Another algorithm, Algorithm \ref{algo:2}, is proposed to directly compute the U-eigenvalues of non-symmetric complex tensors, without the aid of symmetric embedding. Finally, a tensor version of the well-known Gauss-Seidel method is developed. Efficiency of these three algorithms are compared by means of various numerical examples. These algorithms are applied to compute the geometric measure of entanglement of quantum multipartite non-symmetric pure states.Comment: 19 pages; submitted for publication; comments are welcom

    Finding the maximum eigenvalue of a class of tensors with applications in copositivity test and hypergraphs

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    Finding the maximum eigenvalue of a symmetric tensor is an important topic in tensor computation and numerical multilinear algebra. This paper is devoted to a semi-definite program algorithm for computing the maximum HH-eigenvalue of a class of tensors with sign structure called WW-tensors. The class of WW-tensors extends the well-studied nonnegative tensors and essentially nonnegative tensors, and covers some important tensors arising naturally from spectral hypergraph theory. Our algorithm is based on a new structured sums-of-squares (SOS) decomposition result for a nonnegative homogeneous polynomial induced by a WW-tensor. This SOS decomposition enables us to show that computing the maximum HH-eigenvalue of an even order symmetric WW-tensor is equivalent to solving a semi-definite program, and hence can be accomplished in polynomial time. Numerical examples are given to illustrate that the proposed algorithm can be used to find maximum HH-eigenvalue of an even order symmetric WW-tensor with dimension up to 10,00010,000. We present two applications for our proposed algorithm: we first provide a polynomial time algorithm for computing the maximum HH-eigenvalues of large size Laplacian tensors of hyper-stars and hyper-trees; second, we show that the proposed SOS algorithm can be used to test the copositivity of a multivariate form associated with symmetric extended ZZ-tensors, whose order may be even or odd. Numerical experiments illustrate that our structured semi-definite program algorithm is effective and promising

    Computing Eigenvalues of Large Scale Hankel Tensors

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    Large scale tensors, including large scale Hankel tensors, have many applications in science and engineering. In this paper, we propose an inexact curvilinear search optimization method to compute Z- and H-eigenvalues of mmth order nn dimensional Hankel tensors, where nn is large. Owing to the fast Fourier transform, the computational cost of each iteration of the new method is about O(mnlog(mn))\mathcal{O}(mn\log(mn)). Using the Cayley transform, we obtain an effective curvilinear search scheme. Then, we show that every limiting point of iterates generated by the new algorithm is an eigen-pair of Hankel tensors. Without the assumption of a second-order sufficient condition, we analyze the linear convergence rate of iterate sequence by the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property. Finally, numerical experiments for Hankel tensors, whose dimension may up to one million, are reported to show the efficiency of the proposed curvilinear search method

    All Real Eigenvalues of Symmetric Tensors

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    This paper studies how to compute all real eigenvalues of a symmetric tensor. As is well known, the largest or smallest eigenvalue can be found by solving a polynomial optimization problem, while the other middle eigenvalues can not. We propose a new approach for computing all real eigenvalues sequentially, from the largest to the smallest. It uses Jacobian SDP relaxations in polynomial optimization. We show that each eigenvalue can be computed by solving a finite hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations. Numerical experiments are presented to show how to do this

    Successive Rank-One Approximations for Nearly Orthogonally Decomposable Symmetric Tensors

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    Many idealized problems in signal processing, machine learning and statistics can be reduced to the problem of finding the symmetric canonical decomposition of an underlying symmetric and orthogonally decomposable (SOD) tensor. Drawing inspiration from the matrix case, the successive rank-one approximations (SROA) scheme has been proposed and shown to yield this tensor decomposition exactly, and a plethora of numerical methods have thus been developed for the tensor rank-one approximation problem. In practice, however, the inevitable errors (say) from estimation, computation, and modeling necessitate that the input tensor can only be assumed to be a nearly SOD tensor---i.e., a symmetric tensor slightly perturbed from the underlying SOD tensor. This article shows that even in the presence of perturbation, SROA can still robustly recover the symmetric canonical decomposition of the underlying tensor. It is shown that when the perturbation error is small enough, the approximation errors do not accumulate with the iteration number. Numerical results are presented to support the theoretical findings

    Newton correction methods for computing real eigenpairs of symmetric tensors

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    Real eigenpairs of symmetric tensors play an important role in multiple applications. In this paper we propose and analyze a fast iterative Newton-based method to compute real eigenpairs of symmetric tensors. We derive sufficient conditions for a real eigenpair to be a stable fixed point for our method, and prove that given a sufficiently close initial guess, the convergence rate is quadratic. Empirically, our method converges to a significantly larger number of eigenpairs compared to previously proposed iterative methods, and with enough random initializations typically finds all real eigenpairs. In particular, for a generic symmetric tensor, the sufficient conditions for local convergence of our Newton-based method hold simultaneously for all its real eigenpairs

    Computing Eigenvalues of Large Scale Sparse Tensors Arising from a Hypergraph

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    The spectral theory of higher-order symmetric tensors is an important tool to reveal some important properties of a hypergraph via its adjacency tensor, Laplacian tensor, and signless Laplacian tensor. Owing to the sparsity of these tensors, we propose an efficient approach to calculate products of these tensors and any vectors. Using the state-of-the-art L-BFGS approach, we develop a first-order optimization algorithm for computing H- and Z-eigenvalues of these large scale sparse tensors (CEST). With the aid of the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property, we prove that the sequence of iterates generated by CEST converges to an eigenvector of the tensor.When CEST is started from multiple randomly initial points, the resulting best eigenvalue could touch the extreme eigenvalue with a high probability. Finally, numerical experiments on small hypergraphs show that CEST is efficient and promising. Moreover, CEST is capable of computing eigenvalues of tensors corresponding to a hypergraph with millions of vertices