16 research outputs found

    Matrix recovery using Split Bregman

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    In this paper we address the problem of recovering a matrix, with inherent low rank structure, from its lower dimensional projections. This problem is frequently encountered in wide range of areas including pattern recognition, wireless sensor networks, control systems, recommender systems, image/video reconstruction etc. Both in theory and practice, the most optimal way to solve the low rank matrix recovery problem is via nuclear norm minimization. In this paper, we propose a Split Bregman algorithm for nuclear norm minimization. The use of Bregman technique improves the convergence speed of our algorithm and gives a higher success rate. Also, the accuracy of reconstruction is much better even for cases where small number of linear measurements are available. Our claim is supported by empirical results obtained using our algorithm and its comparison to other existing methods for matrix recovery. The algorithms are compared on the basis of NMSE, execution time and success rate for varying ranks and sampling ratios

    Scalable Dense Monocular Surface Reconstruction

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    This paper reports on a novel template-free monocular non-rigid surface reconstruction approach. Existing techniques using motion and deformation cues rely on multiple prior assumptions, are often computationally expensive and do not perform equally well across the variety of data sets. In contrast, the proposed Scalable Monocular Surface Reconstruction (SMSR) combines strengths of several algorithms, i.e., it is scalable with the number of points, can handle sparse and dense settings as well as different types of motions and deformations. We estimate camera pose by singular value thresholding and proximal gradient. Our formulation adopts alternating direction method of multipliers which converges in linear time for large point track matrices. In the proposed SMSR, trajectory space constraints are integrated by smoothing of the measurement matrix. In the extensive experiments, SMSR is demonstrated to consistently achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on a wide variety of data sets.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Qingdao, China, October 201

    3D Face reconstruction from moving camera with stationary lighting conditions

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    This paper describes the development of a 3D face reconstruction algorithm which is able to reconstruct the depth map of a face from a handheld moving camera, where the face remains stationary in space and the lighting conditions remain constant. Camera calibration is used to undistorted the movie frames and local template matching is applied by matching keypoints between consecutive frames. The described algorithm sets the first steps in the development of a tool which can output a 3D printed facial mask for clinical use

    Schatten-pp Quasi-Norm Regularized Matrix Optimization via Iterative Reweighted Singular Value Minimization

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    In this paper we study general Schatten-pp quasi-norm (SPQN) regularized matrix minimization problems. In particular, we first introduce a class of first-order stationary points for them, and show that the first-order stationary points introduced in [11] for an SPQN regularized vectorvector minimization problem are equivalent to those of an SPQN regularized matrixmatrix minimization reformulation. We also show that any local minimizer of the SPQN regularized matrix minimization problems must be a first-order stationary point. Moreover, we derive lower bounds for nonzero singular values of the first-order stationary points and hence also of the local minimizers of the SPQN regularized matrix minimization problems. The iterative reweighted singular value minimization (IRSVM) methods are then proposed to solve these problems, whose subproblems are shown to have a closed-form solution. In contrast to the analogous methods for the SPQN regularized vectorvector minimization problems, the convergence analysis of these methods is significantly more challenging. We develop a novel approach to establishing the convergence of these methods, which makes use of the expression of a specific solution of their subproblems and avoids the intricate issue of finding the explicit expression for the Clarke subdifferential of the objective of their subproblems. In particular, we show that any accumulation point of the sequence generated by the IRSVM methods is a first-order stationary point of the problems. Our computational results demonstrate that the IRSVM methods generally outperform some recently developed state-of-the-art methods in terms of solution quality and/or speed.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to major revision and correction

    Forward-backward truncated Newton methods for convex composite optimization

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    This paper proposes two proximal Newton-CG methods for convex nonsmooth optimization problems in composite form. The algorithms are based on a a reformulation of the original nonsmooth problem as the unconstrained minimization of a continuously differentiable function, namely the forward-backward envelope (FBE). The first algorithm is based on a standard line search strategy, whereas the second one combines the global efficiency estimates of the corresponding first-order methods, while achieving fast asymptotic convergence rates. Furthermore, they are computationally attractive since each Newton iteration requires the approximate solution of a linear system of usually small dimension

    A Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams

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    We present a sequential factorization method for recovering the three-dimensional shape of an object and the motion of the camera from a sequence of images, using tracked features. The factorization method originally proposed by Tomasi and Kanade produces robust and accurate results incorporating the singular value decomposition. However, it is still difficult to apply the method to real-time applications since it is based on a batch-type operation and the cost of the singular value decomposition is large. We develop the factorization method into a sequential method by regarding the feature positions as a vector time series. The new method produces estimates of shape and motion at each frame. The singular value decomposition is replaced with an updating computation of only three dominant eigenvectors, which can be performed in time, while the complete singular value decomposition requires operations for an matrix. Also, the method is able to handle infinite sequences since it does not ..

    A Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion From Image Streams

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    We present a sequential factorization method for recovering the three-dimensional shape of an object and the motion of the camera from a sequence of images, using tracked features. The factorization method originally proposed by Tomasi and Kanade produces robust and accurate results incorporating the singular value decomposition. However, it is still difficult to apply the method to real-time applications, since it is based on a batch-type operation and the cost of the singular value decomposition is large. We develop the factorization method into a sequential method by regarding the feature positions as a vector time series. The new method produces estimates of shape and motion at each frame. The singular value decomposition is replaced with an updating computation of only three dominant eigenvectors, which can be performed in OP() 2 time, while the complete singular value decomposition requires OFP () 2 operations for an FP matrix. Also, the method is able to handle infinite sequences, since it does not store any increasingly large matrices. Experiments using synthetic and real images illustrate that the method has nearly the same accuracy and robustness as the original method. Index Terms---Shape from motion, singular value decomposition, feature tracking, 3D object reconstruction, image understanding, real-time vision. ------------------------------ F ------------------------------ 1I NTRODUCTION ECOVERING both the 3D shape of an object and the motion of the camera simultaneously from a stream of images is an important task and has wide applicability in many tasks, such as navigation and robot manipulation. Tomasi and Kanade [1] first developed a factorization method to recover shape and motion under an orthographic projection model, and obtained robust and ..

    A Sequential Factorization Method for Recovering Shape and Motion from Image Streams

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