1,626 research outputs found

    Self-weighted Multiple Kernel Learning for Graph-based Clustering and Semi-supervised Classification

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    Multiple kernel learning (MKL) method is generally believed to perform better than single kernel method. However, some empirical studies show that this is not always true: the combination of multiple kernels may even yield an even worse performance than using a single kernel. There are two possible reasons for the failure: (i) most existing MKL methods assume that the optimal kernel is a linear combination of base kernels, which may not hold true; and (ii) some kernel weights are inappropriately assigned due to noises and carelessly designed algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel MKL framework by following two intuitive assumptions: (i) each kernel is a perturbation of the consensus kernel; and (ii) the kernel that is close to the consensus kernel should be assigned a large weight. Impressively, the proposed method can automatically assign an appropriate weight to each kernel without introducing additional parameters, as existing methods do. The proposed framework is integrated into a unified framework for graph-based clustering and semi-supervised classification. We have conducted experiments on multiple benchmark datasets and our empirical results verify the superiority of the proposed framework.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 2018, Code is availabl

    Latent Fisher Discriminant Analysis

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    Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a well-known method for dimensionality reduction and classification. Previous studies have also extended the binary-class case into multi-classes. However, many applications, such as object detection and keyframe extraction cannot provide consistent instance-label pairs, while LDA requires labels on instance level for training. Thus it cannot be directly applied for semi-supervised classification problem. In this paper, we overcome this limitation and propose a latent variable Fisher discriminant analysis model. We relax the instance-level labeling into bag-level, is a kind of semi-supervised (video-level labels of event type are required for semantic frame extraction) and incorporates a data-driven prior over the latent variables. Hence, our method combines the latent variable inference and dimension reduction in an unified bayesian framework. We test our method on MUSK and Corel data sets and yield competitive results compared to the baseline approach. We also demonstrate its capacity on the challenging TRECVID MED11 dataset for semantic keyframe extraction and conduct a human-factors ranking-based experimental evaluation, which clearly demonstrates our proposed method consistently extracts more semantically meaningful keyframes than challenging baselines.Comment: 12 page

    Gene Expression based Survival Prediction for Cancer Patients: A Topic Modeling Approach

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    Cancer is one of the leading cause of death, worldwide. Many believe that genomic data will enable us to better predict the survival time of these patients, which will lead to better, more personalized treatment options and patient care. As standard survival prediction models have a hard time coping with the high-dimensionality of such gene expression (GE) data, many projects use some dimensionality reduction techniques to overcome this hurdle. We introduce a novel methodology, inspired by topic modeling from the natural language domain, to derive expressive features from the high-dimensional GE data. There, a document is represented as a mixture over a relatively small number of topics, where each topic corresponds to a distribution over the words; here, to accommodate the heterogeneity of a patient's cancer, we represent each patient (~document) as a mixture over cancer-topics, where each cancer-topic is a mixture over GE values (~words). This required some extensions to the standard LDA model eg: to accommodate the "real-valued" expression values - leading to our novel "discretized" Latent Dirichlet Allocation (dLDA) procedure. We initially focus on the METABRIC dataset, which describes breast cancer patients using the r=49,576 GE values, from microarrays. Our results show that our approach provides survival estimates that are more accurate than standard models, in terms of the standard Concordance measure. We then validate this approach by running it on the Pan-kidney (KIPAN) dataset, over r=15,529 GE values - here using the mRNAseq modality - and find that it again achieves excellent results. In both cases, we also show that the resulting model is calibrated, using the recent "D-calibrated" measure. These successes, in two different cancer types and expression modalities, demonstrates the generality, and the effectiveness, of this approach
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