607,380 research outputs found

    Caregiver's Sensitivity and Attachment Security in Early Childhood Education Settings in the Kpandai District of the Republic of Ghana

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    Caregiver sensitivity in early childhood education settings is considered as a significant association moderating between the caregivers and children's learning outcome. The current study advance the very limited knowledge about Ghanaian early childhood education settings particularly in Kpandai District and use a wide range of prior literature based on sensitivity hypothesis of attachment theory that relates sensitive nurture with attachment security. The study is quantitative in nature design to analyze the relation between 16 caregivers’ sensitivity and attachment security of their preschool children. Two instruments were used for assessment: Caregiver Behaviour for Pre-schoolers Q-set and Attachment Behaviour Q-set Version 3.0. The study posits a level of sensitivity similar to the previously reported, and a slightly higher level of children security was found. Regarding the relation between both variables, sensitivity was found as a predictor of attachment security. The study, however, recommended a replication of this study in other cultural contexts in which the paternal figure be included and with other development conditions groups. Keywords: caregiver sensitivity, attachment relations, early childhood education DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-17-05 Publication date:October 31st 202

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue Ahead in the Clouds: ls Outsourcing Right for Higher Education Technology Services? Security: Prepare to Lose Some ADVERTORIAL: Which Way ls UP? The Center for Technology Leadership Mobile Security in the Middle Things You Might (or Might Not) Know about Convergence Planning Reviewing the Lessons from Security 101 How Universities Can Persevere in the Security Marathon Security Snapshots of Three Campuses President\u27s Message From the Executive Director Q&A from the CI

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue Ahead in the Clouds: ls Outsourcing Right for Higher Education Technology Services? Security: Prepare to Lose Some ADVERTORIAL: Which Way ls UP? The Center for Technology Leadership Mobile Security in the Middle Things You Might (or Might Not) Know about Convergence Planning Reviewing the Lessons from Security 101 How Universities Can Persevere in the Security Marathon Security Snapshots of Three Campuses President\u27s Message From the Executive Director Q&A from the CI

    The Development of the Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q)

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    The Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q) is being developed using a hybrid inductive, exploratory approach, for the purpose of evaluating information security threats caused by employees within organisations. This study reports on the conceptual development and pre-testing of the HAIS-Q. Results from 500 Australian employees were then used to examine the reliability of the HAIS-Q, as well as the relationships between knowledge of policy and procedures, attitude towards policy and procedures and behaviour when using a work computer. Results indicate significant, positive relationships between all variables. However, both qualitative and quantitative results indicate the direct influence of knowledge of policy and procedure accounted for far less of the variance in self-reported behaviour than attitude towards policy and procedure. Implications for training and education campaigns and plans for future research to further develop this questionnaire are outlined

    ACUTA Journal of Telecommunications in Higher Education

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    In This Issue Trend Tracker Future Web APPs: Reinventing the Nature of Higher Education Security ls High Priority at Ohio State Making the Most of Mobile Communications What Do Students Want? lnstitutional Excellence Award Interview President\u27s Message From the Executive Director Q&A from the CI

    The development of the human aspects of information security questionnaire (HAIS-Q)

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    The Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q) is being developed using a hybrid inductive, exploratory approach, for the purpose of evaluating information security threats caused by employees within organisations. This study reports on the conceptual development and pre-testing of the HAIS-Q. Results from 500 Australian employees were then used to examine the reliability of the HAIS-Q, as well as the relationships between knowledge of policy and procedures, attitude towards policy and procedures and behaviour when using a work computer. Results indicate significant, positive relationships between all variables. However, both qualitative and quantitative results indicate the direct influence of knowledge of policy and procedure accounted for far less of the variance in self-reported behaviour than attitude towards policy and procedure. Implications for training and education campaigns and plans for future research to further develop this questionnaire are outlined

    A Q Methodology approach to define urban sustainability challenges in a small insular city

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    The objective of this paper is to define what problems the city of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira Island, Azores) faces in what regards urban sustainability, so as to improve the quality of life of the residents and to ensure the adequate growth and progress of the city in all areas, as possible. The main themes approached in this work were urbanism, the city’s current development level, public security, environment, culture and education, economy, funding, governance, migration, public participation and poverty. Selected stakeholders ranked statements pertaining each of these themes, from which we extracted three distinct social perspectives, one concerned with employment and the recovery of the city, another that praises the quality of human resources and a third that trusts the quality of the social infrastructure. All perspectives seem to agree that there are no public security problems in Angra, and that rebuilding is a more sustainable option. They also believe that there is adequate support for migrants, good dialogue between public bodies and social organizations, and that the population is willing to play a greater role in the city’s governance. Key-words: urban sustainability, q methodology, stakeholder perspectives

    On (In)security: A conversation on education and intergenerational dialogues

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    This paper presents a Q&A conversation held at the Performance Philosophy Biennial in Amsterdam, 2019. Three presentations responded to the conference call of ‘intervening in the habit of academia as a place for mature or adult voices,’ by exploring ways of making space for children’s voices. Connected by a focus on intergeneration dialogues, children’s disruption and the possibilities of empowerment, both within education and within familial structures, the three presentations opened a discussion about interpellation, sensitivity and (in)security. This paper presents this discussion in a reworked and extended format, offering insight into the presentations on the day, the subsequent conversation and the overarching questions that these dialogues provoke

    The Role of Time Pressure, Cue Utilisation, and Information Security Awareness on Phishing Email Susceptibility

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    This item is only available electronically.Phishing emails are emails which attempt to solicit sensitive information from unsuspecting users. Phishing represents a major threat to information security. To develop interventions aimed at reducing phishing susceptibility, an understanding of how emails are evaluated to determine their legitimacy, and individual differences that may predict phishing email susceptibility is required. The current study aims to examine the relationship between phishing susceptibility and time pressure, along with individual differences in cue utilisation and information security awareness (ISA). In an online study, 127 participants were randomly assigned to either a 7-second or 15-second time condition and were presented with 60 emails (40 genuine and 20 phishing). Emails were presented one at a time for the duration corresponding with each participant’s time condition. Participants were required to sort each email into one of ten categories. The ‘phishing’ category was considered a hit when chosen following a phishing email, and a false alarm when following a genuine email. Participants also completed an assessment of cue utilisation in the domain of phishing, and the Human Aspects of Information Security Questionnaire (HAIS-Q). Statistical analyses revealed that a higher level of cue utilisation, a shorter email exposure duration and higher ISA resulted in reduced ability to differentiate between phishing and genuine emails. Furthermore, a positive correlation was found between cue utilisation and ISA, however, there was no interaction between time pressure and cue utilisation on phishing susceptibility. This study’s outcomes may aid in the development of training and education programs aimed at reducing phishing susceptibility.Thesis (B.PsychSc(Hons)) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 202

    Improving Quality of Life of Patients With Schizophrenia In Acute Psychiatric Wards

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    The overall goal of this study was to identify means by which the quality of life (QoL) of patients with schizophrenia could be improved in acute psychiatric wards. First, subjective QoL of patients (n=35) was explored. Second, two different QoL instruments (EuroQoL-5D, EQ-5D; Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form, Q-LES-Q SF) were examined. Third, patients’ (n=35) and nurses’ (n=29) perceptions of nursing interventions to support patients’ QoL were examined. Fourth, the effect of three different patient education methods on patients’ QoL (n=311) was compared. The data were collected during the period 2005-2007. Patients named health, family, leisure activities, work or study, and social relationships most frequently as their important QoL areas. It emerged that patients’ QoL was impaired. Examination of two QoL instruments showed that the EQ-5D has moderate and the Q-LES-Q SF good internal consistency. Moreover, both instruments proved to be reasonably valid and feasible for use with patients with schizophrenia. Altogether six nursing interventions which nurses use to support patients’ QoL, and which should be further developed were identified from nurses’ descriptions: interventions related to care planning, empowering interventions, social interventions, activating interventions, security interventions, and interventions to support physical health. Evaluation of different patient education methods showed that patients’ QoL improved significantly during follow-up. No significant differences between groups were found. In light of the findings it is recommended to assess QoL of patients with schizophrenia as a basis for care planning and care evaluation in clinical settings. Valid and feasible instruments should be used in this assessment. Moreover, it is recommend that nursing interventions should be further developed to better improve patients’ QoL.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytÀÀ tekijöitĂ€, jotka edesauttavat skitsofreniaa sairastavien potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun parantamista akuuttipsykiatrian osastoilla. Tutkimus toteutettiin neljĂ€ssĂ€ vaiheessa. EnsimmĂ€isessĂ€ vaiheessa selvitettiin potilaiden (n=35) nĂ€kemystĂ€ subjektiivisesta elĂ€mĂ€nlaadustaan. Toisessa vaiheessa arvioitiin kahden erilaisen elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun mittarin (EuroQoL-5D, EQ-5D; Quality of Life Enjoyment ja Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form, Q-LES-Q SF) ominaisuuksia. Kolmannessa vaiheessa kuvattiin potilaiden (n=35) ja hoitajien (n=29) nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua tukevista hoitotyön menetelmistĂ€. NeljĂ€nnessĂ€ vaiheessa arvioitiin kolmen erilaisen potilasopetuksen vaikutuksia potilaiden (n=311) elĂ€mĂ€nlaatuun. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin vuosina 2005–2007. Potilaat nimesivĂ€t useimmiten terveyden, perheen, harrastukset, työn tai opiskelun sekĂ€ sosiaaliset suhteet tĂ€rkeimmiksi elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun alueikseen. Potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun todettiin olevan heikentynyt. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat EQ-5D:n sisĂ€isen johdonmukaisuuden olevan kohtalaisen ja Q-LES-Q:n hyvĂ€n. Molempien elĂ€mĂ€nlaatumittareiden pĂ€tevyys ja kĂ€ytettĂ€vyys osoittautuivat kohtalaisiksi skitsofreniaa sairastavien potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun mittaamiseen. Hoidon suunnitteluun liittyvĂ€t, voimaannuttavat, sosiaaliset ja aktivoivat hoitotyön menetelmĂ€t sekĂ€ turvallisuuteen ja fyysiseen terveyteen liittyvĂ€t hoitotyön menetelmĂ€t olivat potilaiden ja hoitajien kuvausten mukaan hoitotyön menetelmiĂ€, joilla tuetaan potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua ja joita tulee edelleen kehittÀÀ. Eri potilasopetusmenetelmien vaikutuksia arvioitaessa todettiin potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun parantuneen merkitsevĂ€sti kaikissa potilasopetusryhmissĂ€. Eri potilasopetusten vĂ€lillĂ€ ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviĂ€ eroja. Tutkimustulosten perusteella suositellaan hoidon aikana tapahtuvaa skitsofreniaa sairastavien potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaadun arviointia niin hoidon suunnittelun kuin hoidon arvioinnin pohjaksi. ElĂ€mĂ€nlaadun arvioinnissa tulee kĂ€yttÀÀ luotettavia ja kĂ€yttökelpoisia mittareita. LisĂ€ksi suositellaan hoitotyön interventioiden kehittĂ€mistĂ€, jotta ne entistĂ€ paremmin parantaisivat potilaiden elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua.Siirretty Doriast
