2 research outputs found

    Pervasive Secure Content Delivery Networks Implementation

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    Over the years, communication networks have been shifting their focus from providing connectivity in a client/server model to providing a service or content. This shift has led to topic areas like Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Heterogeneous Wireless Mesh Networks, and Ubiquitous Computing. Furthermore, probably the broadest of these areas which embarks all is the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is defined as an Internet where all physical entities (e.g., vehicles, appliances, smart phones, smart homes, computers, etc.), which we interact daily are connected and exchanging data among themselves and users. The IoT has become a global goal for companies, researchers, and users alike due to its different implementation and functional benefits: performance efficiency, coverage, economic and health. Due to the variety of devices which connect to it, it is expected that the IoT is composed of multiple technologies interacting together, to deliver a service. This technologies interactions renders an important challenge that must be overcome: how to communicate these technologies effectively and securely? The answer to this question is vital for a successful deployment of IoT and achievement of all the potential benefits that the IoT promises. This thesis proposes a SOA approach at the Network Layer to be able to integrate all technologies involved, in a transparent manner. The proposed set of solutions is composed of primarily the secure implementation of a unifying routing algorithm and a layered messaging model to standardize communication of all devices. Security is targeted to address the three main security concerns (i.e., confidentiality, integrity, and availability), with pervasive schemes that can be employed for any kind of device on the client, backbone, and server side. The implementation of such schemes is achieved by standard current security mechanisms (e.g., encryption), in combination with novel context and intelligent checks that detect compromised devices. Moreover, a decentralized content processing design is presented. In such design, content processing is handled at the client side, allowing server machines to serve more content, while being more reliable and capable of processing complete security checks on data and client integrity

    A Secured Distribution Of Server Loads To Clients

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    Over the years, web services have become a fundamental part of our daily lives. We do everything on the web, from social to work and personal affairs. The volume of traffic over the web has become large due to the amount of people who use it. Recently, a paradigm for web applications called Single Page Application, has become more popular. With the use of Javascript based technologies, we can run practically any type of application on the client side, and leave the server with the sole duty of serving pages and a manual of the available content and how to use it, allowing the server to handle larger amount of volume. Unfortunately, SPA are also vulnerable to malicious users as most of its functionality is located at the client side. This paper proposed a framework to enhance the existent OAuth support to create a trust and anonymous service, which can help ensure the integrity of the application and the legitimacy of the user. Results show that SPA can not just be secure, but also help with server performance, by decreasing its load at higher traffic