448 research outputs found

    A Two-Stage Preconditioner for Multiphase Poromechanics in Reservoir Simulation

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    Many applications involving porous media--notably reservoir engineering and geologic applications--involve tight coupling between multiphase fluid flow, transport, and poromechanical deformation. While numerical models for these processes have become commonplace in research and industry, the poor scalability of existing solution algorithms has limited the size and resolution of models that may be practically solved. In this work, we propose a two-stage Newton-Krylov solution algorithm to address this shortfall. The proposed solver exhibits rapid convergence, good parallel scalability, and is robust in the presence of highly heterogeneous material properties. The key to success of the solver is a block-preconditioning strategy that breaks the fully-coupled system of mass and momentum balance equations into simpler sub-problems that may be readily addressed using targeted algebraic methods. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of the solver on challenging benchmark problems

    A Scalable Multigrid Reduction Framework for Multiphase Poromechanics of Heterogeneous Media

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    Simulation of multiphase poromechanics involves solving a multi-physics problem in which multiphase flow and transport are tightly coupled with the porous medium deformation. To capture this dynamic interplay, fully implicit methods, also known as monolithic approaches, are usually preferred. The main bottleneck of a monolithic approach is that it requires solution of large linear systems that result from the discretization and linearization of the governing balance equations. Because such systems are non-symmetric, indefinite, and highly ill-conditioned, preconditioning is critical for fast convergence. Recently, most efforts in designing efficient preconditioners for multiphase poromechanics have been dominated by physics-based strategies. Current state-of-the-art "black-box" solvers such as algebraic multigrid (AMG) are ineffective because they cannot effectively capture the strong coupling between the mechanics and the flow sub-problems, as well as the coupling inherent in the multiphase flow and transport process. In this work, we develop an algebraic framework based on multigrid reduction (MGR) that is suited for tightly coupled systems of PDEs. Using this framework, the decoupling between the equations is done algebraically through defining appropriate interpolation and restriction operators. One can then employ existing solvers for each of the decoupled blocks or design a new solver based on knowledge of the physics. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework when used as a "black-box" solver for multiphase poromechanics. We show that the framework is flexible to accommodate a wide range of scenarios, as well as efficient and scalable for large problems

    Weighted BFBT Preconditioner for Stokes Flow Problems with Highly Heterogeneous Viscosity

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    We present a weighted BFBT approximation (w-BFBT) to the inverse Schur complement of a Stokes system with highly heterogeneous viscosity. When used as part of a Schur complement-based Stokes preconditioner, we observe robust fast convergence for Stokes problems with smooth but highly varying (up to 10 orders of magnitude) viscosities, optimal algorithmic scalability with respect to mesh refinement, and only a mild dependence on the polynomial order of high-order finite element discretizations (Qk×Pk−1discQ_k \times P_{k-1}^{disc}, order k≥2k \ge 2). For certain difficult problems, we demonstrate numerically that w-BFBT significantly improves Stokes solver convergence over the widely used inverse viscosity-weighted pressure mass matrix approximation of the Schur complement. In addition, we derive theoretical eigenvalue bounds to prove spectral equivalence of w-BFBT. Using detailed numerical experiments, we discuss modifications to w-BFBT at Dirichlet boundaries that decrease the number of iterations. The overall algorithmic performance of the Stokes solver is governed by the efficacy of w-BFBT as a Schur complement approximation and, in addition, by our parallel hybrid spectral-geometric-algebraic multigrid (HMG) method, which we use to approximate the inverses of the viscous block and variable-coefficient pressure Poisson operators within w-BFBT. Building on the scalability of HMG, our Stokes solver achieves a parallel efficiency of 90% while weak scaling over a more than 600-fold increase from 48 to all 30,000 cores of TACC's Lonestar 5 supercomputer.Comment: To appear in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computin

    Multi-Stage Preconditioners for Thermal-Compositional-Reactive Flow in Porous Media

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    We present a family of multi-stage preconditioners for coupled thermal-compositional-reactive reservoir simulation problems. The most common preconditioner used in industrial practice, the Constrained Pressure Residual (CPR) method, was designed for isothermal models and does not offer a specific strategy for the energy equation. For thermal simulations, inadequate treatment of the temperature unknown can cause severe convergence degradation. When strong thermal diffusion is present, the energy equation exhibits significant elliptic behavior that cannot be accurately corrected by CPR's second stage. In this work, we use Schur-complement decompositions to extract a temperature subsystem and apply an Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) approximation as an additional preconditioning stage to improve the treatment of the energy equation. We present results for several two-dimensional hot air injection problems using an extra heavy oil, including challenging reactive In-Situ Combustion (ISC) cases. We show improved performance and robustness across different thermal regimes, from advection dominated (high Peclet number) to diffusion dominated (low Peclet number). The number of linear iterations is reduced by 40-85% compared to standard CPR for both homogeneous and heterogeneous media, and the new methods exhibit almost no sensitivity to the thermal regime

    A quantitative performance analysis for Stokes solvers at the extreme scale

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    This article presents a systematic quantitative performance analysis for large finite element computations on extreme scale computing systems. Three parallel iterative solvers for the Stokes system, discretized by low order tetrahedral elements, are compared with respect to their numerical efficiency and their scalability running on up to 786 432786\,432 parallel threads. A genuine multigrid method for the saddle point system using an Uzawa-type smoother provides the best overall performance with respect to memory consumption and time-to-solution. The largest system solved on a Blue Gene/Q system has more than ten trillion (1.1⋅10131.1 \cdot 10 ^{13}) unknowns and requires about 13 minutes compute time. Despite the matrix free and highly optimized implementation, the memory requirement for the solution vector and the auxiliary vectors is about 200 TByte. Brandt's notion of "textbook multigrid efficiency" is employed to study the algorithmic performance of iterative solvers. A recent extension of this paradigm to "parallel textbook multigrid efficiency" makes it possible to assess also the efficiency of parallel iterative solvers for a given hardware architecture in absolute terms. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated for simulating incompressible fluid flow in a pipe filled with spherical obstacles

    A note on robust preconditioners for monolithic fluid-structure interaction systems of finite element equations

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    In this note, we consider preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for discrete fluid-structure interaction problems with a nonlinear hyperelastic material model and covering a large range of flows, e.g, water, blood, and air with highly varying density. Based on the complete LDULDU factorization of the coupled system matrix, the preconditioner is constructed in form of L^D^U^\hat{L}\hat{D}\hat{U}, where L^\hat{L}, D^\hat{D} and U^\hat{U} are proper approximations to LL, DD and UU, respectively. The inverse of the corresponding Schur complement is approximated by applying one cycle of a special class of algebraic multigrid methods to the perturbed fluid sub-problem, that is obtained by modifying corresponding entries in the original fluid matrix with an explicitly constructed approximation of the exact perturbation coming from the sparse matrix-matrix multiplications

    Unified computational framework for the efficient solution of n-field coupled problems with monolithic schemes

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    In this paper, we propose and evaluate the performance of a unified computational framework for preconditioning systems of linear equations resulting from the solution of coupled problems with monolithic schemes. The framework is composed by promising application-specific preconditioners presented previously in the literature with the common feature that they are able to be implemented for a generic coupled problem, involving an arbitrary number of fields, and to be used to solve a variety of applications. The first selected preconditioner is based on a generic block Gauss-Seidel iteration for uncoupling the fields, and standard algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods for solving the resulting uncoupled problems. The second preconditioner is based on the semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) which is extended here to deal with an arbitrary number of fields, and also results in uncoupled problems that can be solved with standard AMG. Finally, a more sophisticated preconditioner is considered which enforces the coupling at all AMG levels, in contrast to the other two techniques which resolve the coupling only at the finest level. Our purpose is to show that these methods perform satisfactory in quite different scenarios apart from their original applications. To this end, we consider three very different coupled problems: thermo-structure interaction, fluid-structure interaction and a complex model of the human lung. Numerical results show that these general purpose methods are efficient and scalable in this range of applications

    Solution of nonlinear Stokes equations discretized by high-order finite elements on nonconforming and anisotropic meshes, with application to ice sheet dynamics

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    Motivated by the need for efficient and accurate simulation of the dynamics of the polar ice sheets, we design high-order finite element discretizations and scalable solvers for the solution of nonlinear incompressible Stokes equations. We focus on power-law, shear thinning rheologies used in modeling ice dynamics and other geophysical flows. We use nonconforming hexahedral meshes and the conforming inf-sup stable finite element velocity-pressure pairings Qk×Qk−2disc\mathbb{Q}_k\times \mathbb{Q}^\text{disc}_{k-2} or Qk×Pk−1disc\mathbb{Q}_k \times \mathbb{P}^\text{disc}_{k-1}. To solve the nonlinear equations, we propose a Newton-Krylov method with a block upper triangular preconditioner for the linearized Stokes systems. The diagonal blocks of this preconditioner are sparse approximations of the (1,1)-block and of its Schur complement. The (1,1)-block is approximated using linear finite elements based on the nodes of the high-order discretization, and the application of its inverse is approximated using algebraic multigrid with an incomplete factorization smoother. This preconditioner is designed to be efficient on anisotropic meshes, which are necessary to match the high aspect ratio domains typical for ice sheets. We develop and make available extensions to two libraries---a hybrid meshing scheme for the p4est parallel AMR library, and a modified smoothed aggregation scheme for PETSc---to improve their support for solving PDEs in high aspect ratio domains. In a numerical study, we find that our solver yields fast convergence that is independent of the element aspect ratio, the occurrence of nonconforming interfaces, and of mesh refinement, and that depends only weakly on the polynomial finite element order. We simulate the ice flow in a realistic description of the Antarctic ice sheet derived from field data, and study the parallel scalability of our solver for problems with up to 383M unknowns.Comment: 31 page

    A practical factorization of a Schur complement for PDE-constrained Distributed Optimal Control

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    A distributed optimal control problem with the constraint of a linear elliptic partial differential equation is considered. A necessary optimality condition for this problem forms a saddle point system, the efficient and accurate solution of which is crucial. A new factorization of the Schur complement for such a system is proposed and its characteristics discussed. The factorization introduces two complex factors that are complex conjugate to each other. The proposed solution methodology involves the application of a parallel linear domain decomposition solver---FETI-DPH---for the solution of the subproblems with the complex factors. Numerical properties of FETI-DPH in this context are demonstrated, including numerical and parallel scalability and regularization dependence. The new factorization can be used to solve Schur complement systems arising in both range-space and full-space formulations. In both cases, numerical results indicate that the complex factorization is promising

    A robust and efficient iterative method for hyper-elastodynamics with nested block preconditioning

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    We develop a robust and efficient iterative method for hyper-elastodynamics based on a novel continuum formulation recently developed. The numerical scheme is constructed based on the variational multiscale formulation and the generalized-α\alpha method. Within the nonlinear solution procedure, a block factorization is performed for the consistent tangent matrix to decouple the kinematics from the balance laws. Within the linear solution procedure, another block factorization is performed to decouple the mass balance equation from the linear momentum balance equations. A nested block preconditioning technique is proposed to combine the Schur complement reduction approach with the fully coupled approach. This preconditioning technique, together with the Krylov subspace method, constitutes a novel iterative method for solving hyper-elastodynamics. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed preconditioning technique by comparing with the SIMPLE preconditioner and the one-level domain decomposition preconditioner. Two representative examples are studied: the compression of an isotropic hyperelastic cube and the tensile test of a fully-incompressible anisotropic hyperelastic arterial wall model. The robustness with respect to material properties and the parallel performance of the preconditioner are examined
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