6 research outputs found

    Cumulants of Jack symmetric functions and b-conjecture (extended abstract)

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    International audienceGoulden and Jackson (1996) introduced, using Jack symmetric functions, some multivariate generating series ψ(x, y, z; t, 1 + β) that might be interpreted as a continuous deformation of the rooted hypermap generating series. They made the following conjecture: coefficients of ψ(x, y, z; t, 1+β) are polynomials in β with nonnegative integer coefficients. We prove partially this conjecture, nowadays called b-conjecture, by showing that coefficients of ψ(x, y, z; t, 1 + β) are polynomials in β with rational coefficients. Until now, it was only known that they are rational functions of β. A key step of the proof is a strong factorization property of Jack polynomials when α → 0 that may be of independent interest

    Jack polynomials and orientability generating series of maps

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    We study Jack characters, which are the coefficients of the power-sum expansion of Jack symmetric functions with a suitable normalization. These quantities have been introduced by Lassalle who formulated some challenging conjectures about them. We conjecture existence of a weight on non-oriented maps (i.e., graphs drawn on non-oriented surfaces) which allows to express any given Jack character as a weighted sum of some simple functions indexed by maps. We provide a candidate for this weight which gives a positive answer to our conjecture in some, but unfortunately not all, cases. In particular, it gives a positive answer for Jack characters specialized on Young diagrams of rectangular shape. This candidate weight attempts to measure, in a sense, the non-orientability of a given map.Comment: v2: change of title, substantial changes of the content v3: substantial changes in the presentatio

    Non-orientable branched coverings, bb-Hurwitz numbers, and positivity for multiparametric Jack expansions

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    We introduce a one-parameter deformation of the 2-Toda tau-function of (weighted) Hurwitz numbers, obtained by deforming Schur functions into Jack symmetric functions. We show that its coefficients are polynomials in the deformation parameter bb with nonnegative integer coefficients. These coefficients count generalized branched coverings of the sphere by an arbitrary surface, orientable or not, with an appropriate bb-weighting that "measures" in some sense their non-orientability. Notable special cases include non-orientable dessins d'enfants for which we prove the most general result so far towards the Matching-Jack conjecture and the "bb-conjecture" of Goulden and Jackson from 1996, expansions of the β\beta-ensemble matrix model, deformations of the HCIZ integral, and bb-Hurwitz numbers that we introduce here and that are bb-deformations of classical (single or double) Hurwitz numbers obtained for b=0b=0. A key role in our proof is played by a combinatorial model of non-orientable constellations equipped with a suitable bb-weighting, whose partition function satisfies an infinite set of PDEs. These PDEs have two definitions, one given by Lax equations, the other one following an explicit combinatorial decomposition.Comment: 56 pages, 6 figures; v2: definition of generalized branched covers fixed; combinatorial decomposition and corresponding equations now presented for connected objects and duality introduced; proof of piecewise polynomiality changed accordingly; v3: minor correction

    The combinatorics of the Jack parameter and the genus series for topological maps

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    Informally, a rooted map is a topologically pointed embedding of a graph in a surface. This thesis examines two problems in the enumerative theory of rooted maps. The b-Conjecture, due to Goulden and Jackson, predicts that structural similarities between the generating series for rooted orientable maps with respect to vertex-degree sequence, face-degree sequence, and number of edges, and the corresponding generating series for rooted locally orientable maps, can be explained by a unified enumerative theory. Both series specialize M(x,y,z;b), a series defined algebraically in terms of Jack symmetric functions, and the unified theory should be based on the existence of an appropriate integer valued invariant of rooted maps with respect to which M(x,y,z;b) is the generating series for locally orientable maps. The conjectured invariant should take the value zero when evaluated on orientable maps, and should take positive values when evaluated on non-orientable maps, but since it must also depend on rooting, it cannot be directly related to genus. A new family of candidate invariants, η, is described recursively in terms of root-edge deletion. Both the generating series for rooted maps with respect to η and an appropriate specialization of M satisfy the same differential equation with a unique solution. This shows that η gives the appropriate enumerative theory when vertex degrees are ignored, which is precisely the setting required by Goulden, Harer, and Jackson for an application to algebraic geometry. A functional equation satisfied by M and the existence of a bijection between rooted maps on the torus and a restricted set of rooted maps on the Klein bottle show that η has additional structural properties that are required of the conjectured invariant. The q-Conjecture, due to Jackson and Visentin, posits a natural combinatorial explanation, for a functional relationship between a generating series for rooted orientable maps and the corresponding generating series for 4-regular rooted orientable maps. The explanation should take the form of a bijection, ϕ, between appropriately decorated rooted orientable maps and 4-regular rooted orientable maps, and its restriction to undecorated maps is expected to be related to the medial construction. Previous attempts to identify ϕ have suffered from the fact that the existing derivations of the functional relationship involve inherently non-combinatorial steps, but the techniques used to analyze η suggest the possibility of a new derivation of the relationship that may be more suitable to combinatorial analysis. An examination of automorphisms that must be induced by ϕ gives evidence for a refinement of the functional relationship, and this leads to a more combinatorially refined conjecture. The refined conjecture is then reformulated algebraically so that its predictions can be tested numerically