8 research outputs found

    A robust error estimator and a residual-free error indicator for reduced basis methods

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    The Reduced Basis Method (RBM) is a rigorous model reduction approach for solving parametrized partial differential equations. It identifies a low-dimensional subspace for approximation of the parametric solution manifold that is embedded in high-dimensional space. A reduced order model is subsequently constructed in this subspace. RBM relies on residual-based error indicators or {\em a posteriori} error bounds to guide construction of the reduced solution subspace, to serve as a stopping criteria, and to certify the resulting surrogate solutions. Unfortunately, it is well-known that the standard algorithm for residual norm computation suffers from premature stagnation at the level of the square root of machine precision. In this paper, we develop two alternatives to the standard offline phase of reduced basis algorithms. First, we design a robust strategy for computation of residual error indicators that allows RBM algorithms to enrich the solution subspace with accuracy beyond root machine precision. Secondly, we propose a new error indicator based on the Lebesgue function in interpolation theory. This error indicator does not require computation of residual norms, and instead only requires the ability to compute the RBM solution. This residual-free indicator is rigorous in that it bounds the error committed by the RBM approximation, but up to an uncomputable multiplicative constant. Because of this, the residual-free indicator is effective in choosing snapshots during the offline RBM phase, but cannot currently be used to certify error that the approximation commits. However, it circumvents the need for \textit{a posteriori} analysis of numerical methods, and therefore can be effective on problems where such a rigorous estimate is hard to derive

    An error indicator-based adaptive reduced order model for nonlinear structural mechanics -- application to high-pressure turbine blades

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    The industrial application motivating this work is the fatigue computation of aircraft engines' high-pressure turbine blades. The material model involves nonlinear elastoviscoplastic behavior laws, for which the parameters depend on the temperature. For this application, the temperature loading is not accurately known and can reach values relatively close to the creep temperature: important nonlinear effects occur and the solution strongly depends on the used thermal loading. We consider a nonlinear reduced order model able to compute, in the exploitation phase, the behavior of the blade for a new temperature field loading. The sensitivity of the solution to the temperature makes {the classical unenriched proper orthogonal decomposition method} fail. In this work, we propose a new error indicator, quantifying the error made by the reduced order model in computational complexity independent of the size of the high-fidelity reference model. In our framework, when the {error indicator} becomes larger than a given tolerance, the reduced order model is updated using one time step solution of the high-fidelity reference model. The approach is illustrated on a series of academic test cases and applied on a setting of industrial complexity involving 5 million degrees of freedom, where the whole procedure is computed in parallel with distributed memory

    The p-AAA algorithm for data driven modeling of parametric dynamical systems

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    The AAA algorithm has become a popular tool for data-driven rational approximation of single variable functions, such as transfer functions of a linear dynamical system. In the setting of parametric dynamical systems appearing in many prominent applications, the underlying (transfer) function to be modeled is a multivariate function. With this in mind, we develop the AAA framework for approximating multivariate functions where the approximant is constructed in the multivariate Barycentric form. The method is data-driven, in the sense that it does not require access to full state-space data and requires only function evaluations. We discuss an extension to the case of matrix-valued functions, i.e., multi-input/multi-output dynamical systems, and provide a connection to the tangential interpolation theory. Several numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach