27,970 research outputs found

    CERN Storage Systems for Large-Scale Wireless

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    The project aims at evaluating the use of CERN computing infrastructure for next generation sensor networks data analysis. The proposed system allows the simulation of a large-scale sensor array for traffic analysis, streaming data to CERN storage systems in an efficient way. The data are made available for offline and quasi-online analysis, enabling both long term planning and fast reaction on the environment

    The DRIVE-SAFE project: signal processing and advanced information technologies for improving driving prudence and accidents

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    In this paper, we will talk about the Drivesafe project whose aim is creating conditions for prudent driving on highways and roadways with the purposes of reducing accidents caused by driver behavior. To achieve these primary goals, critical data is being collected from multimodal sensors (such as cameras, microphones, and other sensors) to build a unique databank on driver behavior. We are developing system and technologies for analyzing the data and automatically determining potentially dangerous situations (such as driver fatigue, distraction, etc.). Based on the findings from these studies, we will propose systems for warning the drivers and taking other precautionary measures to avoid accidents once a dangerous situation is detected. In order to address these issues a national consortium has been formed including Automotive Research Center (OTAM), Koç University, Istanbul Technical University, Sabancı University, Ford A.S., Renault A.S., and Fiat A. Ş

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing


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    In considering the liability principles that apply to sport and recreational activities, it is important to give attention to immunity, since it is often a factor in sport and recreational activity liability cases in the U.S.A. There are several types of immunity : 1)recreational useracts related to land use, 2) legislation relating to volunteers, and 3) statutes related to renderingemergency care. A recent addition to the immunity umbrella is the so-called Recreational Use Statutes. The basic principle is that landowners who allow free recreational use of their property, owe no duty of care to keep their premises in safe condition or warn of dangerousor hazardous conditions. Then, this study aims to grasp influence, role and function of recreational use immunity in sport and recreational activity law through analyzing judicial precedents of sport and recreational activity these days in the U.S.A

    Fully automated urban traffic system

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    The replacement of the driver with an automatic system which could perform the functions of guiding and routing a vehicle with a human's capability of responding to changing traffic demands was discussed. The problem was divided into four technological areas; guidance, routing, computing, and communications. It was determined that the latter three areas being developed independent of any need for fully automated urban traffic. A guidance system that would meet system requirements was not being developed but was technically feasible