4 research outputs found

    A Review of Existing 4-bit Crypto S-box cryptanalysis Techniques and Two New Techniques with 4-bit Boolean Functions for Cryptanalysis of 4-bit Crypto S-boxes.

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    4-bit Linear Relations play an important role in Cryptanalysis of 4-bit Bijective Crypto S-boxes. 4-bit finite differences also a major part of cryptanalysis of 4-bit substitution boxes. Count of existence of all 4-bit linear relations, for all of 16 input and 16 output 4-bit bit patterns of 4-bit bijective crypto S-boxes said as S-boxes has been reported in Linear Cryptanalysis of 4-bit S-boxes. Count of existing finite differences from each element of output S-boxes to distant output S-boxes have been noted in Differential Cryptanalysis of S-boxes. In this paper a brief review of these cryptanalytic methods for 4-bit S-boxes has been introduced in a very lucid and conceptual manner. Two new Analysis Techniques, one to search for the existing Linear Approximations among the input Boolean Functions (BFs) and output BFs of a particular 4-bit S-Box has also been introduced in this paper. The search is limited to find the existing linear relations or approximations in the contrary to count the number existent linear relations among all 16 4-bit input and output bit patterns within all possible linear approximations. Another is to find number of balanced 4-bit BFs in difference output S-boxes. Better the number of Balanced BFs, Better the security

    Bent Boolean functions A better procedure to generate non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes

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    crypto 4-bit substitution boxes or crypto 4-bit S-boxes are used in block ciphers for nonlinear substitution very frequently. If the 16 elements of a 4-bit S-box are unique, distinct and vary between 0 and f in hex then the said 4-bit S-box is called as a crypto 4-bit S-box. There are 16! crypto 4-bit S-boxes available in crypto literature. Other than crypto 4-bit S-boxes there are another type of 4-bit S-boxes exist. In such 4-bit S-boxes 16 elements of the 4-bit S-box are not unique and distinct i.e. at least one element must repeat more than one time. They are called as non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes. There are 16^16-factorial 16 Numbers of non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes can be found in crypto-literature. The non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes can be generated from 4-bit Boolean Functions (BFs) in the same manner as crypto 4-bit S-boxes are generated in [1]. But to generate crypto 4-bit S-boxes the security of the generated 4-bit S-boxes is sacrificed into some extend. Since 12870 4-bit balanced BFs are responsible for factorial 16 crypto 4-bit S-boxes and the nonlinearity of the balanced 4-bit BFs are at most 4. So the 4-bit BFs with highest nonlinearity 6 are left abandoned. These 4-bit BFs are called as 4-bit Bent BFs. Here in this paper we generate non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes from 4-bit Bent BFs. The generated non-crypto 4-bit S-boxes are analyzed with the existing cryptanalysis techniques to prove them much secure 4-bit S-boxes from crypto angle

    4-bit crypto S-boxes: Generation with irreducible polynomials over Galois field GF(24) and cryptanalysis.

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    4-bit crypto S-boxes play a significant role in encryption and decryption of many cipher algorithms from last 4 decades. Generation and cryptanalysis of generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes is one of the major concerns of modern cryptography till now. In this paper 48, 4-bit crypto S-boxes are generated with addition of all possible additive constants to the each element of crypto S-box of corresponding multiplicative inverses of all elemental polynomials (EPs) under the concerned irreducible polynomials (IPs) over Galois field GF(2^4). Cryptanalysis of 48 generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes is done with all relevant cryptanalysis algorithms of 4-bit crypto S-boxes. The result shows the better security of generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes

    4-bit Boolean functions in generation and cryptanalysis of secure 4-bit crypto S-boxes.

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    In modern ciphers of commercial computer cryptography 4-bit crypto substitution boxes or 4-bit crypto S-boxes are of utmost importance since the late sixties. Since then the 4 bit Boolean functions (BFs) are proved to be the best tool to generate the said 4-bit crypto S-boxes. In this paper the crypto related properties of the 4-bit BFs such as the algebraic normal form (ANF) of the 4-bit BFs, the balancedness, the linearity, the nonlinearity, the affinity and the non-affinity of the 4-bit BFs and the strict avalanche criterion (SAC) of 4-bit BFs are studied in detail. An exhaustive study of 4-bit BFs with some new observations and algorithms on SAC of 4-bit BFs is also reported in this paper. A bit later in the end of nineties the Galois field polynomials over Galois field GF(28) are in use to generate the 8-bit crypto S-box of the Advance Encryption Standard (AES). A detailed study on generation of the 4-bit crypto S-boxes with such Galois field polynomials over the binary as well as non-binary extended Galois fields is also given in this paper. The generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes are analyzed with four cryptanalysis techniques and the well-defined SAC algorithms of 4-bit crypto S-boxes to search for the best possible 4-bit crypto S-boxes. Some existing 4-bit crypto S-boxes like the 32 4-bit crypto S-boxes of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the four 4-bit crypto S-boxes of the two variants of the Lucifer are analyzed to report the weakness of such S-boxes. A comparative study of the ancient as well as the modern 4-bit crypto S-boxes with the generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes proves the said generated 4-bit crypto S-boxes to be the best possible one