5 research outputs found

    Smart Memories: A Modular Reconfigurable Architecture

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    A reconfigurable multifunction computing cache architecture

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    A considerable portion of a microprocessor chip is dedicated to cache memory. However, not all applications need all the cache storage all the time, especially the computing bandwidth-limited applications. In addition, some applications have large embedded computations with a regular structure. Such applications may be able to use additional computing resources. If the unused portion of the cache could serve these computation needs, the on-chip resources would be utilized more efficiently. This presents an opportunity to explore the reconfiguration of a part of the cache memory for computing. Thus, we propose adaptive balanced computing (ABC)-dynamic resource configuration on demand from application-between memory and computing resources. In this paper, we present a cache architecture to convert a cache into a computing unit for either of the following two structured computations: finite impulse response and discrete/inverse discrete cosine transform. In order to convert a cache memory to a function unit, we include additional logic to embed multibit output lookup tables into the cache structure. The experimental results show that the reconfigurable module improves the execution time of applications with a large number of data elements by a factor as high as 50 and 60

    The use of a reconfigurable functional cache in a digital signal processor: power and performance

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    Due to the computationally intensive nature of the tasks that digital signal processors (DSP) are required to perform it is desirable to decrease the time required to execute these tasks. Minimizing the execution time required for the various algorithms that are commonly and frequently executed (ex: FIR filters) will improve the overall performance. It is known that hardware is able to execute algorithms faster than software, however, due to the size limitations of embedded DSP, not all of the necessary algorithms can be implemented in hardware. A reconfigurable cache architecture in combination with a DSP is proposed as an alternative to increase algorithm performance by using reconfigurable hardware rather than dedicated hardware. Another important issue to consider for embedded processors is the power consumption of the DSP. Due to the fact that most embedded processors operate by battery power, energy efficiency is a necessity. This study looks at the power requirements of a DSP with reconfigurable cache to determine the viability of such an architecture in an embedded system. Others have shown that reconfigurable cache in conjunction with a general purpose processor improves performance for some DSP benchmarks. This study shows that a DSP/reconfigurable cache combination can achieve kernel performance gains ranging from 10-350 times that of a DSP architecture operating alone and can achieve overall benchmark speedups ranging from 1.02 to 1.91 times that of the existing DSP architecture. Further, relative power consumption results show that the power consumption of the reconfigurable architecture is approximately 85 to 95% of the current architecture (5-15% power savings) and attains energy savings ranging from approximately 14 to 50%

    ABSTRACT A Reconfigurable Multi-function Computing Cache Architecture ∗

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    A considerable portion of a chip is dedicated to a cache memory in a modern microprocessor chip. However, some applications may not actively need all the cache storage, especially the computing bandwidth limited applications. Instead, such applications may be able to use some additional computing resources. If the unused portion of the cache could serve these computation needs, the on-chip resources would be utilized more efficiently. This presents an opportunity to explore the reconfiguration of a part of the cache memory for computing. In this paper, we present a cache architecture to convert a cache into a computing unit for either of the following two structured computations, FIR and DCT/IDCT. In order to convert a cache memory to a function unit, we include additional logic to embed multibit output LUTs into the cache structure. Therefore, the cache can perform computations when it is reconfigured as a function unit. The experimental results show that the reconfigurable module improves the execution time of applications with a large number of data elements by a large factor (as high as 50 and 60). In addition, the area overhead of the reconfigurable cache module for FIR and DCT/IDCT is less than the core area of those functions. Our simulations indicate that a reconfigurable cache does not take a significant delay penalty compared with a dedicated cache memory. The concept of reconfigurable cache modules can be applied at Level-2 caches instead of Level-1 caches to provide an active-Level-2 cache similar to active memories. 1