3 research outputs found

    Quality Scalability Compression on Single-Loop Solution in HEVC

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    This paper proposes a quality scalable extension design for the upcoming high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard. In the proposed design, the single-loop decoder solution is extended into the proposed scalable scenario. A novel interlayer intra/interprediction is added to reduce the amount of bits representation by exploiting the correlation between coding layers. The experimental results indicate that the average Bjøntegaard delta rate decrease of 20.50% can be gained compared with the simulcast encoding. The proposed technique achieved 47.98% Bjøntegaard delta rate reduction compared with the scalable video coding extension of the H.264/AVC. Consequently, significant rate savings confirm that the proposed method achieves better performance

    Subjective quality evaluation via paired comparison: application to scalable video coding

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    Scalable video coding is a powerful solution for content delivery in many interactive multimedia services due to its adaptability to varying terminal and network constraints. In order to successfully exploit such adaptability, it is necessary to understand users' preference among various scalability options and consequently develop an optimal bit rate adaptation strategy. In this paper, we present a study of subjective quality assessment of scalable video coding, which investigates the influence of the combination of scalability options on perceived quality with the goal of providing guidelines for an adaptive strategy that selects the optimal combination for a given bandwidth constraint. In particular, the study is based on paired comparison of stimuli that is suitable for our goal due to its simplicity and easiness. We propose a new method, called Paired Evaluation via Analysis of Reliability (PEAR), which analyzes paired comparison results and produces not only quality scores but also intuitive measures of confidence of the scores for significance analysis. Results and analysis of extensive subjective tests for two different scalable video codecs and high definition contents are described, from which general consistent conclusions are drawn. The video and subjective data used in the paper are publicly available to the research community. (http://mmspg.epfl.ch/svd