3 research outputs found

    Implementation and Comparison of Mobility Models in NS-2

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    In the performance evaluation of a protocol for an ad hoc network, the protocol should be tested under realistic conditions including, but not limited to, a sensible transmission range, limited buffer space for the storage of messages, representative data traffic models, and realistic movements of the mobile users (i.e., a mobility model). Simulation is universally considered the most effective method of designing and evaluating new network protocols. When developing protocols for mobile networking, the chosen mobility model is one of the key determinants in the success of an accurate simulation. The main role of a mobility model is to mimic the movement behaviors of actual users. Given the critical role of the mobility model in supporting realistic and accurate protocol simulations, its correct design and selection is essential .We have described 3 mobility models that represent mobile nodes whose movements are independent of each other (i.e., entity mobility models). Lastly, we present simulation results that illustrate the importance of choosing a mobility model in the simulation of an ad hoc network protocol. Specifically, we illustrate how the performance results of an ad hoc network protocol drastically change as a result of changing the mobility model simulated

    Managing continuous k-nearest neighbor queries in mobile peer-to-peer networks

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    A continuous k nearest neighbor (CKNN) query retrieves the set of k mobile nodes that are nearest to a query point, and provides real-time updates whenever this set of nodes changes. A CKNN query can be either stationary or mobile, depending on the mobility of its query point. Efficient processing of CKNN queries is essential to many applications, yet most existing techniques assume a centralized system, where one or more central servers are used for query management. In this thesis, we assume a fully distributed mobile peer-to-peer system, where mobile nodes are the only computing devices, and present a unified platform for efficient processing of both stationary and mobile CKNN queries. For each query, our technique computes a set of safe boundaries and lets mobile nodes monitor their movement with respect to these boundaries. We show that the result of a query does not change unless a node crosses over a safe boundary. As such, our technique requires a query to be re-evaluated only when there is a crossing event, thus minimizing the cost of query evaluation. For performance study, we model the communication cost incurred in query processing with a detailed mathematical analysis and verify its accuracy using simulation. Our extensive study shows that the proposed technique is able to provide real-time and accurate query results with a reasonable cost

    Reliable Communication in Wireless Networks

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    Wireless communication systems are increasingly being used in industries and infrastructures since they offer significant advantages such as cost effectiveness and scalability with respect to wired communication system. However, the broadcast feature and the unreliable links in the wireless communication system may cause more communication collisions and redundant transmissions. Consequently, guaranteeing reliable and efficient transmission in wireless communication systems has become a big challenging issue. In particular, analysis and evaluation of reliable transmission protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and radio frequency identification system (RFID) are strongly required. This thesis proposes to model, analyze and evaluate self-configuration algorithms in wireless communication systems. The objective is to propose innovative solutions for communication protocols in WSNs and RFID systems, aiming at optimizing the performance of the algorithms in terms of throughput, reliability and power consumption. The first activity focuses on communication protocols in WSNs, which have been investigated, evaluated and optimized, in order to ensure fast and reliable data transmission between sensor nodes. The second research topic addresses the interference problem in RFID systems. The target is to evaluate and develop precise models for accurately describing the interference among readers. Based on these models, new solutions for reducing collision in RFID systems have been investigated