521 research outputs found

    Bulk File Download Throughput in a Single Station WLAN with Nonzero Propagation Delay

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    We analyze TCP-controlled bulk file transfers in a single station (STA) WLAN with nonzero propagation delay between the file server and the WLAN. Our approach is to model the flow of packets as a closed queueing network (BCMP network) with 3 service centres, one each for the Access Point (AP) and the STA, and the third for the propagation delay. The service rates of the first two are obtained by analyzing the WLAN MAC. Simulations show a very close match with the theory.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    TCP-controlled Long File Transfer Throughput in Multirate WLANs with Nonzero Round Trip Propagation Delays

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    In a multirate WLAN with a single access point (AP) and several stations (STAs), we obtain analytical expressions for TCP-controlled long file transfer throughputs allowing nonzero propagation delays between the file server and STAs. We extend our earlier work in [3] to obtain AP and STA throughputs in a multirate WLAN, and use these in a closed BCMP queueing network model to obtain TCP throughputs. Simulation show that our approach is able to predict observed throughputs with a high degree of accuracy.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    A Novel Association Policy for Web Browsing in a Multirate WLAN

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    We obtain an association policy for STAs in an IEEE 802.11 WLAN by taking into account explicitly two aspects of practical importance: (a) TCP-controlled short file downloads interspersed with read times (motivated by web browsing), and (b) different STAs associated with an AP at possibly different rates (depending on distance from the AP). Our approach is based on two steps. First, we consider an analytical model to obtain the aggregate AP throughput for long TCP-controlled file downloads when STAs are associated at k different rates r1, r2, : : :, rk; this extends earlier work in the literature. Second, we present a 2-node closed queueing network model to approximate the expected average-sized file download time for a user who shares the AP with other users associated at a multiplicity of rates. These analytical results motivate the proposed association policy, called the Estimated Delay based Association (EDA) policy: Associate with the AP at which the expected file download time is the least. Simulations indicate that for a web-browsing type traffic scenario, EDA outperforms other policies that have been proposed earlier; the extent of improvement ranges from 12.8% to 46.4% for a 9-AP network. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that proposes an association policy tailored specifically for web browsing. Apart from this, our analytical results could be of independent interestComment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Sustainable Throughput of Wireless LANs with Multi-Packet Reception Capability under Bounded Delay-Moment Requirements

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    With the rapid proliferation of broadband wireless services, it is of paramount importance to understand how fast data can be sent through a wireless local area network (WLAN). Thanks to a large body of research following the seminal work of Bianchi, WLAN throughput under saturated traffic condition has been well understood. By contrast, prior investigations on throughput performance under unsaturated traffic condition was largely based on phenomenological observations, which lead to a common misconception that WLAN can support a traffic load as high as saturation throughput, if not higher, under non-saturation condition. In this paper, we show through rigorous analysis that this misconception may result in unacceptable quality of service: mean packet delay and delay jitter may approach infinity even when the traffic load is far below the saturation throughput. Hence, saturation throughput is not a sound measure of WLAN capacity under non-saturation condition. To bridge the gap, we define safe-bounded-mean-delay (SBMD) throughput and safe-bounded-delay-jitter (SBDJ) throughput that reflect the actual network capacity users can enjoy when they require finite mean delay and delay jitter, respectively. Our earlier work proved that in a WLAN with multi-packet reception (MPR) capability, saturation throughput scales super-linearly with the MPR capability of the network. This paper extends the investigation to the non-saturation case and shows that super-linear scaling also holds for SBMD and SBDJ throughputs. Our results here complete the demonstration of MPR as a powerful capacity-enhancement technique for WLAN under both saturation and non-saturation conditions

    Aggregate AP Throughputs for Long File Transfers in a WLAN controlled by Inhomogeneous TCP Connections

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    The performance analysis of long file TCP controlled transfers in a WLAN in infrastructure mode is available in the present literature with one of the main assumptions being equal window size for all TCP connections. In this paper, we extend the analysis to TCP-controlled long file uploads and downloads with different TCP windows. Our approach is based on simple Markov chain given in the paper [1], [2] with arbitrary window sizes. We presented simulation results to show the accuracy of the analytical model.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quick and Plenty: Achieving Low Delay and High Rate in 802.11ac Edge Networks

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    We consider transport layer approaches for achieving high rate, low delay communication over edge paths where the bottleneck is an 802.11ac WLAN. We first show that by regulating send rate so as to maintain a target aggregation level it is possible to realise high rate, low delay communication over 802.11ac WLANs. We then address two important practical issues arising in production networks, namely that (i) many client devices are non-rooted mobile handsets/tablets and (ii) the bottleneck may lie in the backhaul rather than the WLAN, or indeed vary between the two over time. We show that both these issues can be resolved by use of simple and robust machine learning techniques. We present a prototype transport layer implementation of our low delay rate allocation approach and use this to evaluate performance under real radio conditions

    Traffic Differentiation in Dense Collision-free WLANs using CSMA/ECA

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    The ability to perform traffic differentiation is a promising feature of the current Medium Access Control (MAC) in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). The Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol for WLANs proposes up to four Access Categories (AC) that can be mapped to different traffic priorities. High priority ACs are allowed to transmit more often than low priority ACs, providing a way of prioritising delay sensitive traffic like voice calls or video streaming. Further, EDCA also considers the intricacies related to the management of multiple queues, virtual collisions and traffic differentiation. Nevertheless, EDCA falls short in efficiency when performing in dense WLAN scenarios. Its collision-prone contention mechanism degrades the overall throughput to the point of starving low priority ACs, and produce priority inversions at high number of contenders. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Enhanced Collision Avoidance (CSMA/ECA) is a compatible MAC protocol for WLANs which is also capable of providing traffic differentiation. Contrary to EDCA, CSMA/ECA uses a contention mechanism with a deterministic backoff technique which is capable of constructing collision-free schedules for many nodes with multiple active ACs, extending the network capacity without starving low priority ACs, as experienced in EDCA. This work analyses traffic differentiation with CSMA/ECA by describing the mechanisms used to construct collision-free schedules with multiple queues. Additionally, evaluates the performance under different traffic conditions and a growing number of contenders. (arXiv's abstract field is not large enough for the paper's abstract, please download the paper for the complete abstract.)Comment: This work has been submitted to the Computer Communications (COMCOM) journal. A revision is ongoin

    Application Delay Modelling for Variable Length Packets in Single Cell IEEE 802.11 WLANs

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of modelling the average delay experienced by an application packets of variable length in a single cell IEEE 802.11 DCF wireless local area network. The packet arrival process at each node i is assumed to be a stationary and independent increment random process with mean ai and second moment a(2) i . The packet lengths at node i are assumed to be i.i.d random variables Pi with finite mean and second moment. A closed form expression has been derived for the same. We assume the input arrival process across queues to be uncorrelated Poison processes. As the nodes share a single channel, they have to contend with one another for a successful transmission. The mean delay for a packet has been approximated by modelling the system as a 1-limited Random Polling system with zero switchover times. Extensive simulations are conducted to verify the analytical results

    Analysis of the 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Function

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    The IEEE 802.11e standard revises the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of the former IEEE 802.11 standard for Quality-of-Service (QoS) provision in the Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). The Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) function of 802.11e defines multiple Access Categories (AC) with AC-specific Contention Window (CW) sizes, Arbitration Interframe Space (AIFS) values, and Transmit Opportunity (TXOP) limits to support MAC-level QoS and prioritization. We propose an analytical model for the EDCA function which incorporates an accurate CW, AIFS, and TXOP differentiation at any traffic load. The proposed model is also shown to capture the effect of MAC layer buffer size on the performance. Analytical and simulation results are compared to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed approach for varying traffic loads, EDCA parameters, and MAC layer buffer space

    Delay Modelling for Single Cell IEEE 802.11 WLANs Using a Random Polling System

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of modelling the average delay experienced by a packet in a single cell IEEE 802.11 DCF wireless local area network. The packet arrival process at each node i is assumed to be Poisson with rate parameter \lambda_i. Since the nodes are sharing a single channel, they have to contend with one another for a successful transmission. The mean delay for a packet has been approximated by modelling the system as a 1-limited Random Polling system with zero switchover time. We show that even for non-homogeneous packet arrival processes, the mean delay of packets across the queues are same and depends on the system utilization factor and the aggregate throughput of the MAC. Extensive simulations are conducted to verify the analytical results
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