466 research outputs found

    Motivic integration and the Grothendieck group of pseudo-finite fields

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    We survey our recent work on an extension of the theory of motivic integration, called arithmetic motivic integration. We developed this theory to understand how p-adic integrals of a very general type depend on p.Comment: 11 page

    Analytic cell decomposition and analytic motivic integration

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    The main results of this paper are a Cell Decomposition Theorem for Henselian valued fields with analytic structure in an analytic Denef-Pas language, and its application to analytic motivic integrals and analytic integrals over \FF_q((t)) of big enough characteristic. To accomplish this, we introduce a general framework for Henselian valued fields KK with analytic structure, and we investigate the structure of analytic functions in one variable, defined on annuli over KK. We also prove that, after parameterization, definable analytic functions are given by terms. The results in this paper pave the way for a theory of \emph{analytic} motivic integration and \emph{analytic} motivic constructible functions in the line of R. Cluckers and F. Loeser [\emph{Fonctions constructible et int\'egration motivic I}, Comptes rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences, {\bf 339} (2004) 411 - 416]

    Model theory of finite-by-Presburger Abelian groups and finite extensions of pp-adic fields

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    We define a class of pre-ordered abelian groups that we call finite-by-Presburger groups, and prove that their theory is model-complete. We show that certain quotients of the multiplicative group of a local field of characteristic zero are finite-by-Presburger and interpret the higher residue rings of the local field. We apply these results to give a new proof of the model completeness in the ring language of a local field of characteristic zero (a result that follows also from work of Prestel-Roquette)
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