25 research outputs found

    Behavioural, Financial, and Health & Medical Economics: A Connection

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    This Opinion article briefly reviews some of the literature in behavioural and financial economics that are related to health & medical economics. We then discuss some of the research on behavioural and financial economics that could be extended to health & medical economics beyond the existing areas in theory, statistics and econometrics

    Robust Estimation and Forecasting of the Capital Asset Pricing Model

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    In this paper, we develop a modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator for the multiple linear regression model with underlying student t distribution. We obtain the closed form of the estimators, derive the asymptotic properties, and demonstrate that the MML estimator is more appropriate for estimating the parameters of the Capital Asset Pricing Model by comparing its performance with least squares estimators (LSE) on the monthly returns of US portfolios. The empirical results reveal that the MML estimators are more efficient than LSE in terms of the relative efficiency of one-step-ahead forecast mean square error in small samples.Maximum likelihood estimators, Modified maximum likelihood estimators, Student t family, Capital asset pricing model, Robustness.

    Robust Estimation and Forecasting of the Capital Asset Pricing Model

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    In this paper, we develop a modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator for the multiple linear regression model with underlying student t distribution. We obtain the closed form of the estimators, derive the asymptotic properties, and demonstrate that the MML estimator is more appropriate for estimating the parameters of the Capital Asset Pricing Model by comparing its performance with least squares estimators (LSE) on the monthly returns of US portfolios. The empirical results reveal that the MML estimators are more efficient than LSE in terms of the relative efficiency of one-step-ahead forecast mean square error in small samples.Maximum likelihood estimators; Modified maximum likelihood estimators; Student t family; Capital asset pricing model; Robustness

    Robust Estimation and Forecasting of the Capital Asset Pricing Model

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    In this paper, we develop a modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator for the multiple linear regression model with underlying student t distribution. We obtain the closed form of the estimators, derive the asymptotic properties, and demonstrate that the MML estimator is more appropriate for estimating the parameters of the Capital Asset Pricing Model by comparing its performance with least squares estimators (LSE) on the monthly returns of US portfolios. The empirical results reveal that the MML estimators are more efficient than LSE in terms of the relative efficiency of one-step-ahead forecast mean square error in small samples

    Time Diversification: Perspectives from the Economic Index of Riskiness

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    Time diversification which is the idea of there being less riskiness over longer investment horizons is examined in this paper. Different from previous studies, this paper contributes to the literature by using the Aumann and Serrano index as a risk measure to examine whether there is any time diversification in stock investment by using the daily return of the S&P 500, the S&P 400, and the NASDAQ with both short and long holding periods and by using the block bootstrapping technique in the simulation. From returns of short (long) holding periods, we conclude that, in general, the riskiness of the shorter (longer) period is statistically greater than that of the longer (shorter) period. Our findings reject the hypothesis of no time diversification effect and reject the geometric Brownie motion process for the returns of different holding periods. The results could be due to short- and medium-term momentum and long-term contrarian. Our findings are useful to academics, investors, and policy makers in their decision making related to time diversification

    Robust Estimation and Forecasting of the Capital Asset Pricing Model

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    In this paper, we develop a modified maximum likelihood (MML) estimator for the multiple linear regression model with underlying student t distribution. We obtain the closed form of the estimators, derive the asymptotic properties, and demonstrate that the MML estimator is more appropriate for estimating the parameters of the Capital Asset Pricing Model by comparing its performance with least squares estimators (LSE) on the monthly returns of US portfolios. The empirical results reveal that the MML estimators are more efficient than LSE in terms of the relative efficiency of one-step-ahead forecast mean square error in small samples

    Empirical Study on Conservative and Representative Heuristics of Hong Kong Small Investors Adopting Momentum and Contrarian Trading Strategies

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    Recently, a new Bayesian approach has been developed to explain some market anomalies. In this paper, we conduct a questionnaire survey to examine whether the theory holds empirically by studying the conservative and representative heuristics by Hong Kong small investors who adopt momentum and/or contrarian trading strategies. In addition, our study provides evidence for the small investors on their time horizon and risk tolerance when facing uncertainty in their investments. Our findings are useful to small investors in their investment decision making and useful to financial advisors in providing service to small investors

    Investor Preferences for Oil Spot and Futures based on Mean-Variance and Stochastic Dominance

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    This paper examines investor preferences for oil spot and futures based on mean-variance (MV) and stochastic dominance (SD). The mean-variance criterion cannot distinct the preferences of spot and market whereas SD tests leads to the conclusion that spot dominates futures in the downside risk while futures dominate spot in the upside profit. It is also found that risk-averse investors prefer investing in the spot index, whereas risk seekers are attracted to the futures index to maximize their expected utilities. In addition, the SD results suggest that there is no arbitrage opportunity between these two markets. Market efficiency and market rationality are likely to hold in the oil spot and futures markets.Stochastic dominance, risk averter, risk seeker, futures market, spot market.

    Stochastic Dominance and Investors’ Behavior towards Risk: The Hong Kong Stocks and Futures Markets

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    This paper applies stochastic dominance (SD) tests to examine the dominance relationships between the futures and spot markets in Hong Kong. We also analyze the preferences for the risk averters, risk seekers, prospect investors, and Markowitz investors with further in dept of their positive and negative domains in these markets. We find that for the risk averters, spot dominates futures while for the risk seekers, futures dominate spot. This implies that the risk averters prefer to buy indexed stocks, while risk seekers are attracted to long index futures to maximize their expected utilities, but not necessary their wealth. We also conclude that in general, the prospect investors prefer spot in the positive domain and prefer futures in the negative domain while the Markowitz investors prefer spot in the negative domain and prefer futures in the positive domain