26 research outputs found

    A probabilistic data-driven model for planar pushing

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    This paper presents a data-driven approach to model planar pushing interaction to predict both the most likely outcome of a push and its expected variability. The learned models rely on a variation of Gaussian processes with input-dependent noise called Variational Heteroscedastic Gaussian processes (VHGP) that capture the mean and variance of a stochastic function. We show that we can learn accurate models that outperform analytical models after less than 100 samples and saturate in performance with less than 1000 samples. We validate the results against a collected dataset of repeated trajectories, and use the learned models to study questions such as the nature of the variability in pushing, and the validity of the quasi-static assumption.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Reactive Planar Manipulation with Convex Hybrid MPC

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    This paper presents a reactive controller for planar manipulation tasks that leverages machine learning to achieve real-time performance. The approach is based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation, where the goal is to find an optimal sequence of robot motions to achieve a desired object motion. Due to the multiple contact modes associated with frictional interactions, the resulting optimization program suffers from combinatorial complexity when tasked with determining the optimal sequence of modes. To overcome this difficulty, we formulate the search for the optimal mode sequences offline, separately from the search for optimal control inputs online. Using tools from machine learning, this leads to a convex hybrid MPC program that can be solved in real-time. We validate our algorithm on a planar manipulation experimental setup where results show that the convex hybrid MPC formulation with learned modes achieves good closed-loop performance on a trajectory tracking problem

    Friction Variability in Planar Pushing Data: Anisotropic Friction and Data-collection Bias

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    Friction plays a key role in manipulating objects. Most of what we do with our hands, and most of what robots do with their grippers, is based on the ability to control frictional forces. This paper aims to better understand the variability and predictability of planar friction. In particular, we focus on the analysis of a recent dataset on planar pushing by Yu et al. [1] devised to create a data-driven footprint of planar friction. We show in this paper how we can explain a significant fraction of the observed unconventional phenomena, e.g., stochasticity and multi-modality, by combining the effects of material non-homogeneity, anisotropy of friction and biases due to data collection dynamics, hinting that the variability is explainable but inevitable in practice. We introduce an anisotropic friction model and conduct simulation experiments comparing with more standard isotropic friction models. The anisotropic friction between object and supporting surface results in convergence of initial condition during the automated data collection. Numerical results confirm that the anisotropic friction model explains the bias in the dataset and the apparent stochasticity in the outcome of a push. The fact that the data collection process itself can originate biases in the collected datasets, resulting in deterioration of trained models, calls attention to the data collection dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Realtime State Estimation with Tactile and Visual sensing. Application to Planar Manipulation

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    Accurate and robust object state estimation enables successful object manipulation. Visual sensing is widely used to estimate object poses. However, in a cluttered scene or in a tight workspace, the robot's end-effector often occludes the object from the visual sensor. The robot then loses visual feedback and must fall back on open-loop execution. In this paper, we integrate both tactile and visual input using a framework for solving the SLAM problem, incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM), to provide a fast and flexible solution. Visual sensing provides global pose information but is noisy in general, whereas contact sensing is local, but its measurements are more accurate relative to the end-effector. By combining them, we aim to exploit their advantages and overcome their limitations. We explore the technique in the context of a pusher-slider system. We adapt iSAM's measurement cost and motion cost to the pushing scenario, and use an instrumented setup to evaluate the estimation quality with different object shapes, on different surface materials, and under different contact modes

    GP-SUM. Gaussian Processes Filtering of non-Gaussian Beliefs

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    This work studies the problem of stochastic dynamic filtering and state propagation with complex beliefs. The main contribution is GP-SUM, a filtering algorithm tailored to dynamic systems and observation models expressed as Gaussian Processes (GP), and to states represented as a weighted sum of Gaussians. The key attribute of GP-SUM is that it does not rely on linearizations of the dynamic or observation models, or on unimodal Gaussian approximations of the belief, hence enables tracking complex state distributions. The algorithm can be seen as a combination of a sampling-based filter with a probabilistic Bayes filter. On the one hand, GP-SUM operates by sampling the state distribution and propagating each sample through the dynamic system and observation models. On the other hand, it achieves effective sampling and accurate probabilistic propagation by relying on the GP form of the system, and the sum-of-Gaussian form of the belief. We show that GP-SUM outperforms several GP-Bayes and Particle Filters on a standard benchmark. We also demonstrate its use in a pushing task, predicting with experimental accuracy the naturally occurring non-Gaussian distributions.Comment: WAFR 2018, 16 pages, 7 figure

    Learning Synergies between Pushing and Grasping with Self-supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Skilled robotic manipulation benefits from complex synergies between non-prehensile (e.g. pushing) and prehensile (e.g. grasping) actions: pushing can help rearrange cluttered objects to make space for arms and fingers; likewise, grasping can help displace objects to make pushing movements more precise and collision-free. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to discover and learn these synergies from scratch through model-free deep reinforcement learning. Our method involves training two fully convolutional networks that map from visual observations to actions: one infers the utility of pushes for a dense pixel-wise sampling of end effector orientations and locations, while the other does the same for grasping. Both networks are trained jointly in a Q-learning framework and are entirely self-supervised by trial and error, where rewards are provided from successful grasps. In this way, our policy learns pushing motions that enable future grasps, while learning grasps that can leverage past pushes. During picking experiments in both simulation and real-world scenarios, we find that our system quickly learns complex behaviors amid challenging cases of clutter, and achieves better grasping success rates and picking efficiencies than baseline alternatives after only a few hours of training. We further demonstrate that our method is capable of generalizing to novel objects. Qualitative results (videos), code, pre-trained models, and simulation environments are available at http://vpg.cs.princeton.eduComment: To appear at the International Conference On Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2018. Project webpage: http://vpg.cs.princeton.edu Summary video: https://youtu.be/-OkyX7Zlhi