5 research outputs found

    A new semantic similarity join method using diffusion maps and long string table attributes

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    With the rapid increase of the distributed data sources, and in order to make information integration, there is a need to combine the information that refers to the same entity from different sources. However, there are no global conventions that control the format of the data, and it is impractical to impose such global conventions. Also, there could be some spelling errors in the data as it is entered manually in most of the cases. For such reasons, the need to find and join similar records instead of exact records is important in order to integrate the data. Most of the previous work has concentrated on similarity join when the join attribute is a short string attribute, such as person name and address. However, most databases contain long string attributes as well, such as product description and paper abstract, and up to our knowledge, no work has been done in this direction. The use of long string attributes is promising as these attributes contain much more information than short string attributes, which could improve the similarity join performance. On the other hand, most of the literature work did not consider the semantic similarities during the similarity join process. To address these issues, 1) we showed that the use of long attributes outperformed the use of short attributes in the similarity join process in terms of similarity join accuracy with a comparable running time under both supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios; 2) we found the best semantic similarity method to join long attributes in both supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios; 3) we proposed efficient semantic similarity join methods using long attributes under both supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios; 4) we proposed privacy preserving similarity join protocols that supports the use of long attributes to increase the similarity join accuracy under both supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios; 5) we studied the effect of using multi-label supervised learning on the similarity join performance; 6) we found an efficient similarity join method for expandable databases

    A privacy preserving efficient protocol for semantic similarity join using long string attributes

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    SFour: A Protocol for Cryptographically Secure Record Linkage at Scale

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    The prevalence of various (and increasingly large) datasets presents the challenging problem of discovering common entities dispersed across disparate datasets. Solutions to the private record linkage problem (PRL) aim to enable such explorations of datasets in a secure manner. A two-party PRL protocol allows two parties to determine for which entities they each possess a record (either an exact matching record or a fuzzy matching record) in their respective datasets — without revealing to one another information about any entities for which they do not both possess records. Although several solutions have been proposed to solve the PRL problem, no current solution offers a fully cryptographic security guarantee while maintaining both high accuracy of output and subquadratic runtime efficiency. To this end, we propose the first known efficient PRL protocol that runs in subquadratic time, provides high accuracy, and guarantees cryptographic security

    Scalable and approximate privacy-preserving record linkage

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    Record linkage, the task of linking multiple databases with the aim to identify records that refer to the same entity, is occurring increasingly in many application areas. Generally, unique entity identifiers are not available in all the databases to be linked. Therefore, record linkage requires the use of personal identifying attributes, such as names and addresses, to identify matching records that need to be reconciled to the same entity. Often, it is not permissible to exchange personal identifying data across different organizations due to privacy and confidentiality concerns or regulations. This has led to the novel research area of privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL). PPRL addresses the problem of how to link different databases to identify records that correspond to the same real-world entities, without revealing the identities of these entities or any private or confidential information to any party involved in the process, or to any external party, such as a researcher. The three key challenges that a PPRL solution in a real-world context needs to address are (1) scalability to largedatabases by efficiently conducting linkage; (2) achieving high quality of linkage through the use of approximate (string) matching and effective classification of the compared record pairs into matches (i.e. pairs of records that refer to the same entity) and non-matches (i.e. pairs of records that refer to different entities); and (3) provision of sufficient privacy guarantees such that the interested parties only learn the actual values of certain attributes of the records that were classified as matches, and the process is secure with regard to any internal or external adversary. In this thesis, we present extensive research in PPRL, where we have addressed several gaps and problems identified in existing PPRL approaches. First, we begin the thesis with a review of the literature and we propose a taxonomy of PPRL to characterize existing techniques. This allows us to identify gaps and research directions. In the remainder of the thesis, we address several of the identified shortcomings. One main shortcoming we address is a framework for empirical and comparative evaluation of different PPRL solutions, which has not been studied in the literature so far. Second, we propose several novel algorithms for scalable and approximate PPRL by addressing the three main challenges of PPRL. We propose efficient private blocking techniques, for both three-party and two-party scenarios, based on sorted neighborhood clustering to address the scalability challenge. Following, we propose two efficient two-party techniques for private matching and classification to address the linkage quality challenge in terms of approximate matching and effective classification. Privacy is addressed in these approaches using efficient data perturbation techniques including k-anonymous mapping, reference values, and Bloom filters. Finally, the thesis reports on an extensive comparative evaluation of our proposed solutions with several other state-of-the-art techniques on real-world datasets, which shows that our solutions outperform others in terms of all three key challenges

    A Scalable Blocking Framework for Multidatabase Privacy-preserving Record Linkage

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    Today many application domains, such as national statistics, healthcare, business analytic, fraud detection, and national security, require data to be integrated from multiple databases. Record linkage (RL) is a process used in data integration which links multiple databases to identify matching records that belong to the same entity. RL enriches the usefulness of data by removing duplicates, errors, and inconsistencies which improves the effectiveness of decision making in data analytic applications. Often, organisations are not willing or authorised to share the sensitive information in their databases with any other party due to privacy and confidentiality regulations. The linkage of databases of different organisations is an emerging research area known as privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL). PPRL facilitates the linkage of databases by ensuring the privacy of the entities in these databases. In multidatabase (MD) context, PPRL is significantly challenged by the intrinsic exponential growth in the number of potential record pair comparisons. Such linkage often requires significant time and computational resources to produce the resulting matching sets of records. Due to increased risk of collusion, preserving the privacy of the data is more problematic with an increase of number of parties involved in the linkage process. Blocking is commonly used to scale the linkage of large databases. The aim of blocking is to remove those record pairs that correspond to non-matches (refer to different entities). Many techniques have been proposed for RL and PPRL for blocking two databases. However, many of these techniques are not suitable for blocking multiple databases. This creates a need to develop blocking technique for the multidatabase linkage context as real-world applications increasingly require more than two databases. This thesis is the first to conduct extensive research on blocking for multidatabase privacy-preserved record linkage (MD-PPRL). We consider several research problems in blocking of MD-PPRL. First, we start with a broad background literature on PPRL. This allow us to identify the main research gaps that need to be investigated in MD-PPRL. Second, we introduce a blocking framework for MD-PPRL which provides more flexibility and control to database owners in the block generation process. Third, we propose different techniques that are used in our framework for (1) blocking of multiple databases, (2) identifying blocks that need to be compared across subgroups of these databases, and (3) filtering redundant record pair comparisons by the efficient scheduling of block comparisons to improve the scalability of MD-PPRL. Each of these techniques covers an important aspect of blocking in real-world MD-PPRL applications. Finally, this thesis reports on an extensive evaluation of the combined application of these methods with real datasets, which illustrates that they outperform existing approaches in term of scalability, accuracy, and privacy